Dude, I would have ripped into him. Ps, it finally moved around 2pm after 3 days sitting an hour away. Now it usually goes to one more stop before Out for delivery status. Sad part is that I'll be so close to it tomorrow. My comic shop is in Scranton, Pa and that's the last hub UPS stops at before delivering. Only a 25 min drive. We'll see what happens. I havent been this excited for a new Hot Toy since BvS bat.I had ordered a statue that weighed maybe 50lbs. I was home the day of the delivery, pre-signed for the package online with note to leave it at the front door. Sitting in my home office getting some work done, when my security cam goes off. Check the video and see that it's the UPS guy, with no package in hand. I go to the front door, open it up, and see a "sorry, we missed you" sticker on the door. So I hop in my car and catch the UPS guy at his next stop to get my statue. Guess he just didn't want to deal with lifting a heavy package that day.
I had ordered a statue that weighed maybe 50lbs. I was home the day of the delivery, pre-signed for the package online with note to leave it at the front door. Sitting in my home office getting some work done, when my security cam goes off. Check the video and see that it's the UPS guy, with no package in hand. I go to the front door, open it up, and see a "sorry, we missed you" sticker on the door. So I hop in my car and catch the UPS guy at his next stop to get my statue. Guess he just didn't want to deal with lifting a heavy package that day.
Does this Thanos have the same soft rubbery arms as the IW version?
I can't decide whether to get this one or the battle damaged version
Gah they both look so good
I ordered both and already had IW version and eventually decided couldn?t afford all three, so the second this one came in I sold him in the same packaging and am now waiting for the damaged version. For me anyway, they are too similar to have both.
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.... am now waiting for the damaged version.
Maybe the owner told him to toss it over.. who knows. Cant trust videosI'm sure the Australia Post guy could have fixed you up with a damaged version to save you the wait Choombaz.
I'm sure the Australia Post guy could have fixed you up with a damaged version to save you the wait Choombaz.
Yeah I think I might go for the damaged one, feels like he has the best look, just feel the armour here is too shiny & once battered in the final battle it looks much better
Only downside is this one comes with the Infinity Gauntlet but BD doesn't but then the BD one comes with the NANO Gauntlet so it's swings & roundabouts lol
I can get this one for a good price though so I am massively conflicted lol
Ha ha stop please stop you are making me reconsider
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Wasn’t planning on picking up any endgame figures, but this Thanos is a bit of a bargain from the HK retailers. The reviews all look good, what are the thoughts from those that have it in hand, worth getting?
Wasn’t planning on picking up any endgame figures, but this Thanos is a bit of a bargain from the HK retailers. The reviews all look good, what are the thoughts from those that have it in hand, worth getting?
Super excited for this figure to arrive some time next week! ***However, this will probably be the last time I ever purchase from SS, if not the last Hot Toys figure I buy as well. I've been so dissatisfied with the lack of communication from SS' customer service over the last few months and completely disgusted with the exploitative business model Hot Toys has adopted.
I just unboxed him this afternoon and noticed that he seems pretty loose from the waist up. It doesn't feel like it's going to come apart, but it does kind of wobble around like a bobblehead.
Is that normal for this figure?