He's shall we say, rather not a fan of the Chadwick Boseman sculpt too..
And he's now on ignore. Thank you for sharing this.
He's shall we say, rather not a fan of the Chadwick Boseman sculpt too..
And he's now on ignore. Thank you for sharing this.
And he's now on ignore. Thank you for sharing this.
I am really torn about this figure.
I can see why many on the forum don’t like the colors but I like it a lot and think that his size and colors would add a lot of visual interest to my collection.
Problem is I have a firm one version of each character policy (self imposed) and I am wondering if I get this Endgame Iron Patriot would I be somehow breaking my rule because I already have a War Machine (Civil War)? I realize that they are very different armors but it eats at me bk the same guy is inside both suits.
What do you guys think?
I am really torn about this figure.
I can see why many on the forum don’t like the colors but I like it a lot and think that his size and colors would add a lot of visual interest to my collection.
Problem is I have a firm one version of each character policy (self imposed) and I am wondering if I get this Endgame Iron Patriot would I be somehow breaking my rule because I already have a War Machine (Civil War)? I realize that they are very different armors but it eats at me bk the same guy is inside both suits.
What do you guys think?
He's shall we say, rather not a fan of the Chadwick Boseman sculpt too..
And he's now on ignore. Thank you for sharing this.
Relax big fella... I wasn't insinuating anything nefarious, bigoted, or reprehensible or disgraceful at all..only that it's not the first time the song has been on repeat over a number of threads...
FWIW, now that I finally have it, (finally, finally, finally, after a long wait..) the sculpt isn't that bad in hand... it's far from perfect, but I could probably count less than 10 sixth scale heads that have been that fantastic from Hot Toys...
Argh $693 AUS to buy
Yeah think I will hope there will be a war machine in a future movie to get. I have been sitting here for half hour trying to decide. It's just too much.
Yes you are breaking your rule, but if you really like it enough to buy, then just do it.. Technically it is Iron Patriot, so display wise it's as different as having Iron Man and War Machine side by side (would be even more so if you had a more "Iron Man variant looking" War Machine, like the Mark II)