Hot Toys Avengers Speculation

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My two most wanted Avengers figures has just changed by seeing these pictures.


Me want NOW!!!!
I love the way Cap looks. So cartoony, which is awesome.
I want them both from Hot Toys! Especially ScarJo!

We need this Black Widow with sculpted hair to make up for the last one!

Definitely! The hair in combination with the weird body and suit of the 1st BW kept me from buying her. Here HT has the chance to improve the figure without it being a simple rerelease so I really hope they will!

I hope we get a Loki too because he looks better than the Thor version.

Loki looks freaking awesome! We really need a figure from him! :rock
I hope HT doesn't skip him again!

Great picture too, btw! :lol

Wow... All I can say right now is thank God for the WWII version. This looks a bit weird IMO. Although it might have to do with the expression and walking movement...
I'm willing to bet that isn't the actual suit, we know from shots they've been filming running scenes so it's probably a suit which is thin and allows for easy movement, it'll look fine in motion and once it's been filtered.

If you look at the middle of the mid-section the crease on the red looks like that cheap foam that creases when bent.
This is the best of the on-set pics to me. He's not pulling a funny face. I really really like the Cap costume a lot. It doesn't pull any punches, it's a very comic booky Cap costume. It also has a lot of really cool details that don't distract from the overall simplicity of it, which I think is it's strength.


This picture is pretty awesome too. RDJ ftw.

They definitely seem to be going with a bright more cartoon palette with this which I am all for.
This is the best of the on-set pics to me. He's not pulling a funny face. I really really like the Cap costume a lot. It doesn't pull any punches, it's a very comic booky Cap costume. It also has a lot of really cool details that don't distract from the overall simplicity of it, which I think is it's strength.


i like this Cap suit but not as much as the ww2 suit which is all kinds of epic.

Man, Hot Toys is gonna be making a killing next year. That's 7 characters. And one of them is the Hulk (huge!!!). But of course Hot Toys can just do 2 or 3 of them then stop, for some 'strange' reason.
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I love the WWII costume… as a figure. I don't so much like it on screen. As a figure it's really impressive because of the layering and the detailing but on screen it just comes off as too modern and also too strappy. Unmotivated detail is one of my pet peeves with design and a lot of the straps on the WWII cap costume server no purpose.
Hopefully Hulk is destroying the world, and Tony has to build the Hulkbuster suit to whoop his ass.

Hulkbuster + Iron Monger + Hulk in 1/6 = :drool :yess:
But of course Hot Toys can just do 2 or 3 of them then stop, for some 'strange' reason.

It's because they like to get us all excited about a line and then watch us cry when they don't announce any more... we then stand adamant that we won't purchase any more and then they announce something else which we buy.

They laugh at us.

Who would be down for the box art to be similar to that we saw at SDCC?
Thor's new duds look much improved from his debut. I'm digging the blue pants.

And Starky's got a phat suitcase! :yess:


Cap's shield looks huge here! (not a fanboy rant)


Loki looks great. I'm sure HT will do a figure, but I haven't heard anything solid. Supposedly Red Skull is in the works, although I kinda doubt he'll make another screen appearance until the Cap sequel. :dunno

I love the WWII costume… as a figure. I don't so much like it on screen. Unmotivated detail is one of my pet peeves with design and a lot of the straps on the WWII cap costume server no purpose.

I found the strappy look of his WW2 costume to seem logical and motivated, as the red vertical stripes look like extensions of a parachute harness and the padded shoulders & fabric evoked an early Howard Stark version of ballistic nylon perfectly.

In fact, I consider all of Marvel's films thus far to be well thought-out in motivated design.
I realize Nolan's method is credited as the pinnacle of this approach, but Marvel's done well so far in my book.
(But I'm admittedly biased towards Marvel, so . . . :wink1:)
She is a fine figure, but i agree the hair destroys it, especially if you are like me and are crap with doll hair.

Guilty, I suck at hair too! :wave

I cannot wait for the Avengers either, I hope we get a Loki too because he looks better than the Thor version.

I hate the argument that S.H.I.E.L.D. ate up too much time in Iron Man 2. No matter what anybody says these are the comics in motion format so i'm expecting to see these characters show up and if i don't then what's the point of these characters being in a connected universe?

IMO, SHIELD didn't take up too much time and I enjoyed seeing them in all the Marvel movies so far.
Over / under on the # of people who make custom Tony Stark's wearing that grey suit = 500
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