I'm digging the look of the MkVII. It will definitely be my first and only IM figure when HT gets around to releasing it. It would be great if the HT figure comes out as glossy as the Koto statue
who woulda thought Fury would be first...
It makes the most sense. Whiplash was first for Iron Man 2. HT just wants to give us something new to pump us up and to prove they aren't just making more Iron Man. Had we gotten the core 4 Avengers (Iron Man, Thor, Cap, and Hulk) we would have wondered if BW, HE, and Fury were coming or not. With Fury being first, its pretty much a given we'll get all 7 of them now.
I did! Let me see if I can find my post.
In response to who we'd like/think to see first.
Here's my predicted release/announcement order
1. Nick Fury
2. Hulk
3. Iron Man mVII
4. Thor
5. Hawkeye
6. Captain America
7. Black Widow
8. Loki
9. Iron Man mVIII
10. Mystery Villain
It makes the most sense. Whiplash was first for Iron Man 2. HT just wants to give us something new to pump us up and to prove they aren't just making more Iron Man. Had we gotten the core 4 Avengers (Iron Man, Thor, Cap, and Hulk) we would have wondered if BW, HE, and Fury were coming or not. With Fury being first, its pretty much a given we'll get all 7 of them now.
It makes the most sense. Whiplash was first for Iron Man 2. HT just wants to give us something new to pump us up and to prove they aren't just making more Iron Man. Had we gotten the core 4 Avengers (Iron Man, Thor, Cap, and Hulk) we would have wondered if BW, HE, and Fury were coming or not. With Fury being first, its pretty much a given we'll get all 7 of them now.
Just because something gets a 2.0 treatment doesnt mean both arent collectibles...
I just dont see why collectors care about re-releases unless they are just in it to resell later
Yep, only bad news for people trying to profit from selling toys instead of those who get them because they like them
And worrying HT will create a "bubble" is silly. Collectibles always go in cycles, what's big now, likely will not be in 5 years.
Buy toys/collectibles only because you ENJOY them, if you want to invest, I suggest stocks, precious metals or real estate...
I've noticed with this hobby is that collectibles will always gain value some faster than others and some more than others