The point is,
they don't know it will sell enough to warrant the amount they have to put into developing and making it.
All they can do is judge how much a project with more application for figures and equal production costs sells.
In addition, the cost for it will be huge, meaning that will be out of scope for many people saying they'll buy Hulk, so they also can't judge how many potential customers will still buy when the price goes up.
That's why i think they'll judge the profits on Jake Sully to gauge the costs

rofit ratio to see if it's worth making the Hulk.
You also have to take into account that Hot Toys develop very few new moulds each year ATM, Batman, Iron Man and Predator are developed using the same moulds tweaked slightly for each release, a Hulk figure can only be used once, until a sequel comes along which will be too far off to make profit from again.
HT is currently making thier most profit by doing as little original moulding as possible, what makes you think they'll mould a Hulk TT for a one-time-use.