HOT TOYS "AVP" FIGURES - Give Some Love to the Classics!

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ok this is a bootleg for sure a nice one none the less but a bootleg at the end , it should cost only $150 tops

Yeah well cost me double that and looks alright anyway, the mask is good, the lens are see through dark orange, the hair has wires in it and the fishnet is brand new. Well I picked it straight away so happy about that, the decision to keep it was mine in the end, so will take more care before buying next time. Should have a sticky about fakes and what to look out for.
still very nice ^_^ , the pain color on the armor is different too , well at least you are happy with it and that is the important part
Yeah as this is public forum don't want to name the seller as might cause legal issues which I can't be bothered dealing with. It's funny 'cause before I started buying the AVP's I was looking online for any scams or HT fakes, couldn't find anything.... Now we have something buyer beware, just in time for xmas.

I think it's not wrong to post the seller here. It would give potential buyers warning on who and what to look out for. Keeping quiet just protects the bad guys more than their future victims.
Now we just have to be very carefull while buying items , and ask for several pictures to avoid buying a bootleg
I believe it's much better to understand what makes it a fake and work through the 8 items I listed so that you can identify the fake before you buy.

The seller may just been scammed as well, plus I believe what they've told me.

Anyway I'm actively looking for the other AVPs so if I see any that don't add up I'll be posting it online. Who ever put this together went to a lot of effort, even the slight dents in the helmet are accurate and yes the fingers have wires in them.

When I received the item, it looked like it had been in the box for a while so this may have been done a while ago.

If indeed there is a Hot Toys AVP syndicate of fraudsters operating in our time..... I will find them...... and they will pay..... :mad:
That celtic still looks nice displayed with the bio on, i think if the price is low enough its worth the buy since these things are so dam expensive.
Yea with the crazy prices these things are going for, I can see why people are willing to go for fakes just to satisfy their urge to own one. Doesn't look bad displayed. But don't count on too much resale value on these. Should have asked for 70% back. :D
Here you go, closer pictures of the body and head for inspection, could this be the first ever imitation AVP Celtic Predator? now that's probably worth more than the ani-com Scar.

Well, the paint apps aren't that bad. That last pic you posted of the head just seems to have different lighting, but in the box it looks decent. I will say that the body netting weave is too tight and it looks more brown. The AVP's are known for having black nets with larger spaces between the strings. So yours is either a bootleg or a bash.
The last thing you can do to make sure at least part of it is authentic is to examine the helmet. Does the helmet have some slight copper highlights here and there (pic below)? Most recasts don't add these in. Also, the helmet should be pitted, but not too obviously-pitted. Lastly, hold the helmet up to the light. The lens should shine brown, even though it looks black.

I have a question , has anyone try to use mcfarlane preds cannon on the Hot toys AVP? will it fit??
I have a question , has anyone try to use mcfarlane preds cannon on the Hot toys AVP? will it fit??

Don't think it would. The HT cannon is actually incredibly different compared to the McFarlane version. Looks to be more accurate IMO.
I think the box is fake or a very early issue but the figure isn't, there are some slight colour differences but overall looks exaclty the same.
last shots of him...for now. relocation relocation relocation.:gah:

with mechanized pred.haha



...would love to try mechanizing an AVP pred, if i have some more parts to fiddle with.:monkey3
*would like to thank endlessrain for the friendly gesture of sending me some predator underpants which got lost in the post system. :gah:
Ok, I looked over it again, it does have copper marks on the helmet like slightly purple in color, you can probably see in in the photo below.

The eyes are black from the front but when you hold it up to the light they are brown/orange color.

The armour looks different to the pic you've posted, the one I have looks abit more like the anicom version which I believe is a lighter silver.

Alright, found something interesting. If you visit the sideshow website under Celtic and click the Sideshow 360 link under the main picture

This is exactly the same as the Celtic I've got, even the blades and helmet are the same, interesting....
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