When I get home I will check the adapter and let people know.
I fried the Hosa adapter I picked up from Amazon trying to guess at the polarity; I suppose I choose poorly. After trying to plug it into the DeLorean and turning it on, the green light on the adapter stopped lighting up, so I likely fried it. Thankfully the lights still came on with batteries. I had Amazon exchange the adapter, and I have yet to plug it in because nobody seems to know if it's positive or negative, heh. Emailed Hot Toys, but never expected an answer. Curious what you have yours set to.
I was about to spend my hard earned cash on the DeLorean and then I saw this video. I don't really know the guy in it but he seems to know his stuff, plus I've made some research and comparisons to images of the actual car myself.
For an $800+ investment, Hot Toys really seemed to have skimped on a lot of things. If this was on a smaller scale, the inaccuracies would have been forgivable, but on a bigger scale, I'll just go crazy noticing them every time I'll look at this piece.
Okay, okay, you can say I'm really nitpicking like the guy on the video, but this is me and unfortunately, the scale is tipping over the 'no buy' side for me. Here's hoping the 'hover conversion' version is bit more accurate...if that thing is indeed coming out.
Congrats to all who have it though. It's truly an epic looking piece (when viewed with more forgiving eyes), especially with the Marty figure leaning on it.
Can any kind souls enlighten us all over this mystery adapter situation please.
If anyone in the UK as got this working OK with a adaptor could they advise which one and where purchased from please.
wow this is the best ive ever seen!!!
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It is gutting I am not going to finish off the BTTF lineup, but seeing the problems people have been having with the delorean, I am selling my Marty. If anyone is interested in this piece its a surpise how difficult it is too move on despite its gone to waitlist. I may look into the part 2 lineup when ever it is released
It's still available through Sideshow, not on waitlist. I've gone back and forth on getting it. I really want it but I have no place for it currently. I just worry that when it does sell out there may not be another and I'll never get one unless it's second-hand. I'm glad to at least have Marty though but I wish we could get Doc too.