Toys2 still has this available. Looks like one per customer so I can't tell how many are left.
Love that sig pic...Who is it?
I can see what he means by cartoony, and I think that's because the whites of the eyes look much brighter relative to the fabric on the darker version (since the original's mask is painted much lighter). So the contrast makes the eyes look unnaturally bright.
It's weird that the head is narrower, though. The fabric wrinkles and all look exactly the same, so it's clearly just molded from the original - but why would it then be narrower than the original?
Ebay always has things like that, but if you want to get as close as you can to movie accuracy....DC Direct put out a figure for Rorschach from The Watchmen, and one of the accessories was a 1/6th scale lighter. You might want to take a look at that. =]
Toy Anxiety has them for $1.99 a piece. They have two currently in stock.
Also, since I just stumbled upon this myself here is a link to a seller on eBay who currectly has both the Demon Bats and Scarecrow parts avaialble for sale for decent prices. I just bought the straight jacket and an original Scarecrow head w/noose. Still cheaper than buying the full figure, lol.
I don't know why you would cal the recast's eye's "cartoony".
It's weird that the head is narrower, though. The fabric wrinkles and all look exactly the same, so it's clearly just molded from the original - but why would it then be narrower than the original?
There's no dimension or life to them, they look like dead eyes. Maybe I'm spoiled by the blood vessels and gloss on most of my 1/6 figures' eyes, I don't know.
It's definitely the same sculpt, no doubt about that. I think it was probably just stretched and mishapen after the casting process, that's all.
Also, since I just stumbled upon this myself here is a link to a seller on eBay who currectly has both the Demon Bats and Scarecrow parts avaialble for sale for decent prices. I just bought the straight jacket and an original Scarecrow head w/noose. Still cheaper than buying the full figure, lol.
In this last one, you can see the problem with the TTL suit pretty clearly. The length from the crotch to the waist line is pretty obsurd.