Hot Toys Bespin Han speculation thread

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:lol I deserved that, or far worse. How you coping with your Jawa purchase? Haven't seen you much over there.

For the record I thought the joke was funny given the context of the argument/discussion, but that gif just came to mind after I had a chuckle.

As for the HT Jawa I'm trying decide what to do. I'll definitely keep the set I already have but haven't decided if I want to put the single Jawa in my Jabba display or pick up a second set and display a pair of them together. I am leaning towards the latter as I have kinda come to like the Jawa after adding the rhinestone eyes. But then i would have two Gonks. To be honest I'm kinda holding out hoping for a slight discount on a second set.
I know it's pretty much over, but as regards the likeness rights, it's probably a bit fanciful to assume that Ford has some kind of different character likeness rights than everyone else considering how many Han Solo figures, statues and other products we have seen over the years.
I have no knowledge greater than anyone else's here, so i don't claim any insider information, but if Ford didn't sign away his likeness, it's hard to explain some of the aforementioned rubbish collectables that have sailed onto the market.
I reckon if we follow Sherlock Holmes logic, either Han is a low-seller, and not worth the hassle for HT, they are upset at fans moaning about previous figures' of good likeness, or they simply have other products they want to put out. We have seen loads of Lukes' and Leias'. They must be big sellers. Han might not be. Just a thought.
Some kind of esoteric "He must have a different deal because x" isn't productive as it's only pure speculation and can never be proven either way.
They might make Bespin Han or they might not. But it won't be because Harrison Ford doesn't want them to.
Personally I just think it's probably as simple as HT just having too much other new stuff going on in development.

Mando S1
Clone Wars
Mando S2
PT figures
DC ( ok not so much)

OT Star Wars will always sell, no matter when. Well at least until us older guys die. But I at least have a few more years left in me !!

Hot Toys needs to hire more people and increase production somewhat if they are going to expand into all these Franchises and sub franchises imo.

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It's just going to be because Harrison Solo is an evergreen figure in that they can sell it at any point and people will buy it.

They have loads of other hot at the moment garbage licences (Disney Star Wars, DCEU and MCU) that they have to pump out now whilst the going is good. Take the extreme example of their ultimate cash cow Ironman, right now you can sell any variation of it (even if it had one second of screen time, a concept suit or a weird Tron lights mash-up suit) and it will sell like hot cakes ... but MCU Iron Man is not going to be appearing in as many films now so in the future his draw power is likely to fade over time (until the MCU generation kids grow up, have disposable income and want to buy themselves some nostalgia) and so too will Hot Toys' ability to sell as many units of these lame figures. They are beholden to what ever their cash cows right now (Spider-man is the replacement Iron Man).

On a more focused level they have to sell MCU / DCEU figures as soon as the latest movie comes out because soon a newer shinier version of the same character only in a different costume will appear in the next movie and suddenly that's the one everyone wants. They have no room to delay these figures like they can with Harrison Solo.

In between that release schedule they slip in some OT or PT Star Wars figure (PT likely to keep ramping up because those kids are grown up now and have credits) to preserve the licence and keep us all interested. They've covered A New Hope and some of ROTJ and are only now really getting into ESB. Unfortunately or fortunately for us the Mandalorian is a massive hit so now that and Clone Wars are going to be using up release slots that might have otherwise gone to OT figures.

There is no hidden agenda here, just good business sense on Hot Toys' part (but yeh obviously frustrating for us). Ford will not have a separate licences for his likeness, all the OT actors signed that away. I very much doubt they had low unit sales of Han figures (for Ford) and Hot Toys don't care one iota about feedback on their sculpts... literally not at all (people keep buying the figures so why should they change anything or care).
So basically what I said [emoji23][emoji1303]

Anyway, wonder what they will release this week. Certainly not Han [emoji2]

From all reports it'll be Qui-Gon no doubt. And maybe Gamora.

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I agree that they?re engaging in production line triage.

Luke is the hero of the franchise and Leia is arguably more iconic than Solo; plus with Carrie Fisher?s death her figure sales may have increased.

Han will sell whenever they drop him, but they have their hands full with new and hot properties; or even (slowly) cooling properties like MCU.

I do think he?s next in line, short of getting bumped by Bespin Luke which may have re-use.

And there remains the opportunity for a killer DX thanks to Han-in-Carbonite.

Although in the Wild, Unwarranted Speculation department, they could do a Bespin Han and Chewbacca 2-Pack and sell Carbonite Han in a Bespin Escape Leia 2-Pack to sell yet another Leia in a similar outfit to Hoth and convenient sculpt re-use...

Before all of that come ESB stormtroopers.

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OT Star Wars will always sell, no matter when. Well at least until us older guys die. But I at least have a few more years left in me !!

I dunno 23 is quite old these days, Andrew. Especially once the Devastator is finished with you ;-)
We all want the same thing, so let?s keep this thread towards the top of the page. Maybe it will help. It did wonders for the Death Star trooper and cassian....

Seriously, I do think it is a good idea to keep the thread going. This sculpt needs to be good, as it will be used for Endor and all future Han Solo releases.

May the force be with us
So basically what I said [emoji23][emoji1303]

Anyway, wonder what will hey this week. Certainly not Han [emoji2]

From all reports it'll be Qui-Gon no doubt. And maybe Gamora.

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HAHA yeh what Hoody999 said!
So basically what I said [emoji23][emoji1303]

Anyway, wonder what they will release this week. Certainly not Han [emoji2]

From all reports it'll be Qui-Gon no doubt. And maybe Gamora.

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Don't tease me with your Qui-Gon and Gamora talk! Would be a lovely pairing of Star Lord and Gamora back to back weeks. But, the only thing that Hot Toys is less aware of than sentimental value is anniversaries. Bespin Han announced during the 40th anniversary of Empire...nah. :)
We all want the same thing, so let?s keep this thread towards the top of the page. Maybe it will help. It did wonders for the Death Star trooper and cassian....

Seriously, I do think it is a good idea to keep the thread going. This sculpt needs to be good, as it will be used for Endor and all future Han Solo releases.

May the force be with us

Honestly I'm not hopeful that the sculpt will be any good on this, but it'll still be nice to see it finally go up just to relieve the suspense.

My guess about what's holding this up is that they're still working on perfecting ESB Chewie to have in the deluxe combo pack.
Who wants to make a bet, even after all this time/waiting - the sculpt for this will the smirky ANH face with a new ESB hairpiece.:lol

That's what it seemed to be in the Leia Bespin preview pics, and HT used the Jedi Luke facesculpt for the Snowspeeder show protos then it shows up on the PO figure too.
Who wants to make a bet, even after all this time/waiting - the sculpt for this will the smirky ANH face with a new ESB hairpiece.:lol

That's what it seemed to be in the Leia Bespin preview pics, and HT used the Jedi Luke facesculpt for the Snowspeeder show protos then it shows up on the PO figure too.

2 weeks ban
Who wants to make a bet, even after all this time/waiting - the sculpt for this will the smirky ANH face with a new ESB hairpiece.:lol

That's what it seemed to be in the Leia Bespin preview pics, and HT used the Jedi Luke facesculpt for the Snowspeeder show protos then it shows up on the PO figure too.

That's absurd, we all know HT doesn't just repaint previous stuff and market it as "new and exciting"!
2 weeks ban

Ban is my middle name.

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