Hot Toys Bruce Wayne/Batman (2011 Toy Con Ex) review + pics

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i was certainly down when sideshow informed me of their policy when i tried to place an order for the hot toys superman , but after repeatedly having a chat with them on their live chat help, and explaining them the problem of trying to send money from india, they finally accepted and send me a verification form to fill out , which i promptly did, and got my cc verifiied.
i was happy it got sorted out before the exclusives were announced by sideshow and not having to pay scalper prices on ebay and going through the thrill of PPO day ! and had settled back waiting to get this figure in my hand
if they cancel my order for these exclusives reasoning the same factor again , i think ill be a little more than upset, im not going to contact and ask them, but will wait out and see if they cancel my order, if they do cancel, then .. ____ happens and life will go on for me as usual..:dunno

Why wouldn't you contact them and ask? Or am I misunderstanding? I would be on the phone right now with them if they'd already approved me for previous purchases.
well my first purchase was hot toys classic pred ex for which i havent been charged yet..and i have got 4 items on pre order including the 2 ex and boba fett.
wats the point in contacting them if they cancel my cc at this point when they had already made me go through the procedure of confirming my CC. im just 2 nervous to contact them now and get a reply that they cant help, just brace myself instead and wait to get a mail from them if they do cancel, ill leave it then there, thats all and if they dont , lucky me..!
A person cancels for various reasons, one could be that to them its not worth the $225 price.

I guess you're saying it'll cost more to pick it up later, but if you're only buying cos its expensive afterwords then whats the point, other than flipping (and there'll be plenty of them which will drive the cost down)

Do you think so? I mean they made a crap load of Joker and Batman DX's and they are a pretty penny now. I dunno, what was those things going for 6 months after release or so? Does anyone remember?

Yea this thing is going to tank, if you are worried about the value you might as well sell while the heat is on.

Is this a joke? This figure is going to double in value in a couple months, people are already buying off eBay for 350 to 400.

So do you think this will drop below retail or stay the same?

My opinion is that there will be lots and lots of these on eBay for high prices, then after a year with people sitting there with stock of these that aren't selling due to the high price tag and many others also selling it, a few collectors will lower the price, then more will do the same in order to sell it and soon enough the price will drop to retail or just above. At least untill most have gone and they are a handful left.

The reason figures like Blade or the Iron Man MK 1 sell at $400-$800 is that there are few of them available, thus being rare the seller can set the price.

But with this there will not be a small amount to find on eBay as everyone already views it as a flippable investment, with so many available it can't sell for such a high price and will have to be lowered just to shift it as the market will be flooded with them.

Just My 2 pence :wave
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well my first purchase was hot toys classic pred ex for which i havent been charged yet..and i have got 4 items on pre order including the 2 ex and boba fett.
wats the point in contacting them if they cancel my cc at this point when they had already made me go through the procedure of confirming my CC. im just 2 nervous to contact them now and get a reply that they cant help, just brace myself instead and wait to get a mail from them if they do cancel, ill leave it then there, thats all and if they dont , lucky me..!

The point would be to explain that they have approved you already, no? I mean, why take a chance when you could straighten it out now? Obviously if they had you fill out a form and verified your card they are willing to help. Chances are it's just some confusion on their end.
I'd call them and explain. They are extremely friendly and helpful and the bottom line is they want your money. :) :peace
No joke, this will be all hype and then fall, trust in veterans that have watch this game of the HT market. :lecture

No batman figure released by HT has lost value, this is a limited release, there is no way there is enough to go around.
Is the Waitlist thing actually happening for people on this one? BB was showing on one of channels and then all this conversation with Axe and Dino is pushing me towards getting on the WL. Hope it'll work...
Is the Waitlist thing actually happening for people on this one? BB was showing on one of channels and then all this conversation with Axe and Dino is pushing me towards getting on the WL. Hope it'll work...

You have an Indian CC... get a money order ready then
No batman figure released by HT has lost value, this is a limited release, there is no way there is enough to go around.

Sorry but you're wrong.

This WAS a limited release just like the Shadow Predator, and the interest led HT to make alot more of them.

In the next few months the amount to be found on eBay will triple as alot of people want to make money out of its value.
You have an Indian CC... get a money order ready then

MO! C'mon, fer cryin' out loud! Never done something like that in my entire life, not ever in India, leave alone sending it overseas! Nevertheless, will go ahead and get on the WL. In the meantime, do keep us fellow brown-b**tards posted 'bout whether you were able to somehow get through the gruesome SS financial underwriting...
MO! C'mon, fer cryin' out loud! Never done something like that in my entire life, not ever in India, leave alone sending it overseas! Nevertheless, will go ahead and get on the WL. In the meantime, do keep us fellow brown-b**tards posted 'bout whether you were able to somehow get through the gruesome SS financial underwriting...

Nothing bro, they again mailed me said. Once I complete 3,4 transactions with money order. They can 'MAYBE' consider my credit card with their company...

Whats funny is my credit card is an INTERNATIONAL one! VISA, works fine with BBTS (which is also based in the US), is verified in Paypal. I agree my cousin does transactions on it too, but how many of us havent lent our card out to our family? Also I am always transparent about which is mine and which is his... Im not cheating anyone. Even sent them scans of the cc like they wanted for verfication and even cc statement etc etc, and STILL they cant accept it? What kind of a backward Credit Card Company do they use? Specific policies for different countries?
You are in US? VISA? Ok fine
You in UK? VISA? Ok Fine
You are in India? VISA? Oh Im sorry

If ONLY they knew what hardship it takes for Foreign Money Orders to be made let alone sent... so my fellow 'brown ********' as you said, we are doomed by 'company policy' which considers us 3rd world fellows as a pretty 'de-frauding' 'unscruplous' bunch!

Thank You Sideshow for reminding me where I live in...
Sorry but you're wrong.

This WAS a limited release just like the Shadow Predator, and the interest led HT to make alot more of them.

In the next few months the amount to be found on eBay will triple as alot of people want to make money out of its value.

You do not know this for sure, it is speculation. If this was true wouldn't this still be up for PO instead of being sold out or does SS have a secret stash :lol
Is the Waitlist thing actually happening for people on this one? BB was showing on one of channels and then all this conversation with Axe and Dino is pushing me towards getting on the WL. Hope it'll work...

Yes. Mine just converted yesterday so its still happening
No batman figure released by HT has lost value, this is a limited release, there is no way there is enough to go around.

I agree- it will be a strong seller in secondary market- it AMAZES me what people pay after it is out awhile and you wonder why didn't you just PO it a few months ago if you wanted it this bad???
I agree- it will be a strong seller in secondary market- it AMAZES me what people pay after it is out awhile and you wonder why didn't you just PO it a few months ago if you wanted it this bad???

some ppl like new collectors just don't know about these things. and some just don't have the money at the time. Like me, I was a pretty young when the HT 2-in-1 superman set came out and couldn't get it then. but laster winter, I paid $300 for it b/c I missed it when it originally came out, but I could afford then so it wasn't that big of a deal. you don't really ever know what's going on in ppls personal life that causes the hobby to take a back seat.

now on the other hand, if your one of the guys canceling b/c of "bad pics" then come back b___ing about having to pay the high price b/c you want it it again, then that's your own fault
Sorry but you're wrong.

This WAS a limited release just like the Shadow Predator, and the interest led HT to make alot more of them.

In the next few months the amount to be found on eBay will triple as alot of people want to make money out of its value.

No, I think he's right :lol. Remember, this figure was pre-order sold out in one week after first being available on Sideshow. Now, compare that to the many Hot Toys releases that take months to sell out, or don't even sell out at all (eg. Christopher Reeve Superman and Capt. America that are still up for pre-order).

All of this, added to the fact that the people who pre-ordered from Sideshow with the intention of "flipping" their Batman figures for profit, have already been doing so on Ebay, with auctions closing well past the $400 mark.

Sure, the Batman Begins figure might not be the most limited Hot Toys release. But, even if you include all of the figures that were sold at the Asian conventions, its production size still markedly less than that of a regular Hot Toys release.
now on the other hand, if your one of the guys canceling b/c of "bad pics" then come back b___ing about having to pay the high price b/c you want it it again, then that's your own fault


I was thinking the same thing. If there's any doubt about a figure like this might as well get it and see it in person, they can always sell it off in the future if their not satisfied. But to judge this off a few bad pics is :cuckoo:.