I have a pretty odd question. My bats has some peeling happening, is there some sort of solution I can use to remove the entire dull coat?
Well, I got my replcement boots today. I had to buy them, but it was worth it. Love this figure.
How on Earth did it get like this?
Moral of the story, don't touch your figures with greasy fingers.Sorry, I don't feel moved to tell the story again.
Crazy thing is, I think you're right toylion. Well not KFC greasy fingersbut rather just natural oils.
Still, I suspect I know why Maglors Batman arse is worn.
What did you end up paying for them?
Moral of the story, don't touch your figures with greasy fingers.
I would think this would be a given. I never touch any of my figures until I've washed my hands.
It wasn't because of oily hands. The finish just rubs off on some of these. Simple as that.
In this case oily hands would actually make less friction and less of the finish would rub off. Of course the oil would do damage of its own kind.