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In the spiderman movies aunt may didn't know Peter was spiderman, so why would she care if spiderman was being persecuted. Also Peter used his powers for the wrong reasons when he first got them. Fighting in illegal events to make money, and then let a criminal steal the dudes money which led to the death of his uncle.

Martha felt all of his pain since his face wasn't hidden under a mask... hell in the original superman movie pa Kent never told him to save anyone he just said he shouldn't show off and use his powers to play football and get girls. Then he had a heart attack & died. Clark learned everything from his kryptonian father including his purpose, and compassion for the human race

True, Spider-man did learn the hard way but he had a tougher childhood than Superman did, depending on which version of Superman we're talking. Actually, this version of Superman learned his purpose and compassion for others from Jor-el as well. He was just wandering and undecided on what to do until then. Although he did the occasional good deed.
Looks like it's meant to be about me.
It's the second time you come after me unprovoked, you are the one making the personal attack here not me.
I was about to let it slide the fist time but that's enough.
Frankly the banalities you write are cringe inducing.
You clearly believe you make well-thought-out arguments but you never actually produce an original thought.
All the same you seem to think that everyone is interested in everything that goes through your mind, writing endless posts filled with tedious platitudes, agreeing with everything and occasionally poorly rephrasing others' opinions (mine included).
You claim to be a nuanced person who considers all sides of an argument but your posts show instead an unoriginal mind hiding in the safety of group think.
That's why you take such a long time to say very little, that's also why you didn't directly address this attack to me.
Hopefully you're just young, the alternative is sad.
You clearly like the sound of your own voice so by all means continue, type away.
Just leave me out of it.

Hi. :wave

I'm doing quite well, thanks for asking. How are you?

I never singled you out and directly came after you specifically. I spoke in general that I think there's some posters on here/people in general who unfortunately feel the need to resort to needless personal attacks to feel like they're in control; if you felt that this applied to you, then perhaps a better and more healthy alternative would be to ask yourself why as opposed to lashing out. You're the one who singled yourself out.

It's like the guy who fervently and frenetically asserts he didn't commit a crime that he was never directly accused of committing in the first place.
Wow, you can't even own up to it.

What in your mind am I supposed to be owning up to, exactly?

Like I stated, if you felt a general statement applied to you directly as a person, that's not mine nor anyone else's fault.

Can't we all just get along and talk about toys? :lol

If only it were that easy for many people, apparently. :lol
I'm just going to leave this here.


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I'm just going to leave this here.


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I thought this was a really well done spin on the character. I only wish people could've seen it that way instead of "OUR MOMS HAVE THE SAME NAME?!" :lol
I see that you keep editing your answers too.
Trying to sound better after the fact?

Tourist, just because you perhaps personally don't care about anyone's opinion except your own doesn't mean everyone else is like you. This is a place for exactly that: Exchanging opinions. I take others' opinions into consideration as I'm sure there's some people who take mine into consideration as well. Just because you don't care about anyone else's opinion other than your own as I said, doesn't mean this applies to everyone else also. Perhaps some people are just a bit more respectful than you are.

I certainly hope you're not this aggressive with people in person; you seem to be finding a way to cause rifts with several people on here in the past few days and finding a way to paint yourself as the "victim" in each one, so it seems like there's a common denominator here. I like to think that how a person chooses to carry themselves in anonymity is a true testament to their true character and what kind of person they truly are. Kind of like the person who will steal when they feel that nobody is looking if they feel they can get away with it.

You never answered my query by the way, but that's ok. No worries.

I'm just going to leave this here.


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Spot on assessment. :clap
Although I do prefer BvS (a lot) over CW, I did enjoyed it quite a lot.

The main problem, IMO, is that with all the scrutiny over BvS, it was hard not to do the same with CW. My wife (which is also a geek and loved BvS) and I were even talking about how CW was a fun and cool movie (with some problems, story wise), but BvS was on another level of experience to us (and I hope DC keeps doing what they are doing, I love it).

But I see a fatal flaw in CW that no one can justify (joking, but it is a funny plot hole), follow my reasoning:
- Every Avengers need to sign the accord (it even become a kind of registration act in Agents of Shield);
- Spider-Man asks Tony not to tell his aunt about his "activities";
- Peter Parker is a teenager, hence, he is not legally responsible yet;
- Aunt May is probably his legal guardian;
- how can he be a "legal" Tony's Avenger ?

Anyway. I did dislike Iron Man in this movie, he was inconsistent with his previous positions and a jerk, IMO. I though Vision was annoying.
I loved Cap, Falcon, Ant-Man and Black Panther. Enjoyed Scarlet Witch, Black Widow and Spider-Man a lot. Hawkeye and War Machine were ok.

Had a lot of fun with the movie, not the best of MCU, IMO (maybe the 5th, to me. Winter Soldier, 1st Avenger, Ant-Man and GotG are my favorites).
To the guys who preordered the 2 pack (Batman + superman), do you guys know how we'll be getting the figures? Are we going to get Supes first, since he's already out, or are we going to have to wait until Batman is out for them to ship both at once to us?
Although I do prefer BvS (a lot) over CW, I did enjoyed it quite a lot.

The main problem, IMO, is that with all the scrutiny over BvS, it was hard not to do the same with CW. My wife (which is also a geek and loved BvS) and I were even talking about how CW was a fun and cool movie (with some problems, story wise), but BvS was on another level of experience to us (and I hope DC keeps doing what they are doing, I love it).

But I see a fatal flaw in CW that no one can justify (joking, but it is a funny plot hole), follow my reasoning:
- Every Avengers need to sign the accord (it even become a kind of registration act in Agents of Shield);
- Spider-Man asks Tony not to tell his aunt about his "activities";
- Peter Parker is a teenager, hence, he is not legally responsible yet;
- Aunt May is probably his legal guardian;
- how can he be a "legal" Tony's Avenger ?

Anyway. I did dislike Iron Man in this movie, he was inconsistent with his previous positions and a jerk, IMO. I though Vision was annoying.
I loved Cap, Falcon, Ant-Man and Black Panther. Enjoyed Scarlet Witch, Black Widow and Spider-Man a lot. Hawkeye and War Machine were ok.

Had a lot of fun with the movie, not the best of MCU, IMO (maybe the 5th, to me. Winter Soldier, 1st Avenger, Ant-Man and GotG are my favorites).

Vision annoyed me in CW also. I couldn't stand the rhetoric he was using.
To the guys who preordered the 2 pack (Batman + superman), do you guys know how we'll be getting the figures? Are we going to get Supes first, since he's already out, or are we going to have to wait until Batman is out for them to ship both at once to us?

I don't have the two pack ordered, but I've heard through here that even with the two-pack, the figures will be shipped separately. So you'll be getting Supes first, then Bats.
I'm just going to leave this here.


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That's not a bad take on what Snyder did with Batman. But if that was Snyder's plan, then didn't the criminals win? They broke him and made him a killer. Even if he was redeemed by killing Supes he turned right around and killed a bunch of those henchmen when he rescued ma Kent. Is he back to being a villain? For the record, I can understand cinema Batman killing in the middle of a life or death struggle and I don't think Snyder has a problem with it either. He might have been less ruthless before Robin's death in this version but I figure he never had a no kill policy.
... I like to think that how a person chooses to carry themselves in anonymity is a true testament to their true character and what kind of person they truly are. Kind of like the person who will steal when they feel that nobody is looking if they feel they can get away with it.

You never answered my query by the way, but that's ok. No worries.

LOL, you post sanctimonious banalities about people's "true character" but you refuse to own up to your own posts. :nono:nono:nono
Since you keep pretending you don't know what it's about go read post #2910 again.
You wrote that last part about me, in context it cannot be anyone else.
LOL, you post sanctimonious banalities about people's "true character" but you refuse to own up to your own posts. :nono:nono:nono
Since you keep pretending you don't know what it's about go read post #2910 again.
You wrote that last part about me, in context it cannot be anyone else.


Again, I cannot control your thoughts and feelings. If you feel that general statements made about a particular behavior in which you aren't directly singled out apply directly to you as a person, that is your own doing. As I mentioned, if that's the case, then a better course of action would be ask yourself why you feel it applies to you instead of lashing out at others when they don't tell you what you want to hear.

I read the post again, and nowhere in it does it single you or anyone else out directly. It's a general sentiment towards some people in general. Why are you under the impression that it can't possibly be about anyone else but you?

But for what it's worth, I do indeed feel that you do have the propensity to unnecessarily be a bit brash, antagonizing, insulting and condescending with your posts whenever someone doesn't agree with your opinion.