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I could not disagree more.
Take Civil War for example, in it Tony Stark is written against character just to fit the plot.
There is no way the "rebellious", reckless egomaniac who created Ultron has now become a man who wants to be supervised.
The grieving mother by the elevator, the separation from Pepper Potts or the sad thoughtful stares are not enough to sell it.
The only time Iron Man made sense in this movie was at the end, after learning who killed his folks.

Another example is Spider-Man, take him out of the movie and the story is exactly the same.
His only purpose is to be there.
Then there's Vision, clearly they don't know what to do with a character this powerful, he is written inconsistently throughout the movie.
At times he is omnipotent, other times he is strangely weak depending on what the writers need, not his character.

You did not understand Batman v Superman and you clearly do not apply the same scrutiny to the Marvel flicks.

Great post - and spot on for me....

Stark has been portrayed very clearly as 'anit-establishment' from his first movie, yet in CW he tows the line without question.
Also, he's trying to reign Cap in because they cause too much damage - yet doesn't shy away from blowing the **** out of an international airport!
War Machine is useless... really, Rhodey would have had the armour taken off him and given to someone who could use it... there is zero need for him in the MCU.
Spiderman, while I liked how they played him very much - you're right he was shoe-horned in, and I found the fact that Tony Stark just so happened to know who he was, despite the fact he's never been mentioned in any MCU movie so far... yet people say that Lex knowing Superman's identity was terrible?!?
Also, the CGI of Spidey was truly awful - it's like they took the 80's animated series and spliced it into the movie.
Vision, again you are right - in AoU during the end fight he clearly showed that he was so powerful it rendered the rest of the Avengers pointless... but that is a MCU trait - the power of their heroes fluctuates - non moreso than Cap himself. He's gone toe-to-toe with Iron Man, Thor and Spiderman, in AoU physically threw a Motorbike and rider with ease - yet his fight with Strucker (who had no seeming powers) was an even contest!
Panther was a disappointment for me too... he's superbly fast and agile yet he was so slow to try and save his father (the scene chasing Bucky through the cars was poor... their feet were not moving at the speed they were. It was like the scene of a young Clark running throught the corn-field in Donner's Superman).
Ant-Man, again only added to show he can go giant... yet that made no sense either - his powers make no sense.
The only reason Thor and Hulk weren't in it is because the writers didn't know what to do with them.

Like i've said previously I acutally did enjoy the film, but in the sake of fairness the same level of critique needs to be aimed at this movie... and when it is, it doesn't stand up to the scrutiny.

P.S. Almost forgot - the Super Prision in the sea... Why??? The MCU hasn't produced a decent villain yet, who do they put in it?
Yeah really. I think both CW and BVS were good. But can we all just get back to the figures? For instance, where is Knightmare?

Knightmare seems a bit touch and go at the moment. They might wait and see how well the other Batman figures sell before officially announcing it.
P.S. Almost forgot - the Super Prision in the sea... Why??? The MCU hasn't produced a decent villain yet, who do they put in it?

Best line I've read in a while. :clap:clap:clap
That being said I did like Trevor, best villain Marvel has come up with so far!
I'm torn between knightmare and regular, so I might have to grab both...if we get that option.
Problem reading?
I made specific points about the characters in Civil War to refute ZombieRepublicain's claims.
Nothing personal, it's about the subject.
You offer no insight whatsoever, instead you're the one making it personal by attacking me.
Learn to think and argue coherently. :moon

You keep insulting people by claiming they can't read or they don't comprehend at the same level you do but the truth is that they just don't like the movie like you did. What's wrong with that? I don't know why you take it so personally when people don't like Batman v Superman and you feel the need to tear down anything Marvel makes. What did the people at Marvel do to you?
I'm torn between knightmare and regular, so I might have to grab both...if we get that option.

If I had to pick only one, I'd go with the Knightmare version. It's one of my favorite scenes, plus his getup is really unique compared to other live action Batmans (Or is it Batmen? :lol ) and would definitely "pop" next to other Batman figures.
You keep insulting people by claiming they can't read or they don't comprehend at the same level you do but the truth is that they just don't like the movie like you did. What's wrong with that? I don't know why you take it so personally when people don't like Batman v Superman and you feel the need to tear down anything Marvel makes. What did the people at Marvel do to you?

Nice try dude, but I'm not the one getting personal.
I make specific points about plots and characters and get called names by people like you who find it easier than come up with an actual answer.
Please note that your post does not address the movies or the figures, instead you decided to come after me.
See how that works?
I just read an interview with Neal Adams...about BvS..and it illustrates perfectly the issues I have with large numbers of people bashing this movie. He rattles off all these things he doesn't like and it's 100% clear the idiot didn't even watch it. If you didn't watch it and you slam it your an idiot and a troll. Period. He just regurgitated a bunc of common critiques and thugs he may have seen in a trailer. Like how adapting the frank Miller story didn't work because it's not 20 years in the future and having a 29 year old batman with grey hair is wrong. Stupid. Lol that's what he said. That batman has grey hair and hasn't "earned" it because he is only 29. Asine. If you watched the movie it's clear batman isn't 29.

And I love his art. Great artist. But come on.

I think you may have miss interpreted his view. I didn't care for this movie and had many preconceived notions about it before I saw it, but I did see it. It just made me realize all my preconceived issues based on what I had seen in trailers and read were correct. I had very low expectations going in, and an even lower opinion when coming out. I really wanted to like this, I just couldn't (By the way I did enjoy MOS). This movie isn't about taking the time to establish characterization and motives. It's simply a movie made to make lots of money and catch up to Marvel. I think that's where it failed most.

I've also read the great "Snyder Loves Superman" article from Forbes, and agree with it. I understood the movie and most all points in the article, but that still didn't make it a good movie. This is a comic book movie. The "majority" of viewers and fans don't want a story this deep in subtext. Too much too soon. The problem wasn't the movie itself. It was the execution by Snyder and DC/WB. It just wasn't handled right. If you wanted the average person to understand everything listed in the Forbes article, then there needed to be multiple movies out before this. We should've had a Superman 2, then a Batman movie, then BvS. Make all this subtext much clearer and understandable to the average viewer. They needed to explain the world in which these movies take place. I think this is what Neal Adams meant when talking about Batmans age. The viewer never saw any of his history unfold to lead him to where he is in the movie. Older and broken. The audience is supposed to deduce this from a flashback of mommy and daddy and seeing a Robin suit in his Batcave. That's an awful lot to expect from audience going to see the big slugfest and showdown of BvS. This is 1st and foremost a comic book movie made for the masses, not die hard DC, Superman and Batman fans. A movie for all. It's too deep a story for most people. Deep doesn't translate to fun on the big screen. Leave that to books where people like to think... Just my opinion, not trying to call anyone out or force my reasoning on anyone..
I'm not sure how a misunderstand this...

. They brought it in the past so the first thing you see is Bruce Wayne with Gray in his temples. First thing, you don't want to see Bruce Wayne with gray in his temples. I can have gray in my temples cuz I've earned it, but he is supposed to be 29 years old. so suddenly we don't know how old he is.

You can't think that if you actual saw the movie. It's not specific but he's been batman for at least 20 years. So he started when he was 9? Everything Neal wrote as critiques was just crap from reviews or second hand or trailers.

My post had nothing to do with people who saw the film and disliked it. There are large amounts of people who slammed this movie that didn't see it. Or that where happy when the reviews where bad before they saw it. That type of negativity breeds more, and when you are basically making Crap up its trolling. Neal is a well respected DC artist and his views carry weight. He slammed a movie for things that it didn't actually do. It's like saying I hate captain America because he's so skinny and puny because all I saw was the first Cap movie trailer and based my opinion on that. Or I hadn't even seen it and just heard third hand from someone else with an agenda.

And the idea that he's "earned" grey hair is again stupid. People get grey hair at 29. I did. I started going grey at 24. I just dyed it. But I'm pretty sure I "earned" the right to have grey hair by actually being human.
I'm not sure how a misunderstand this...

. They brought it in the past so the first thing you see is Bruce Wayne with Gray in his temples. First thing, you don't want to see Bruce Wayne with gray in his temples. I can have gray in my temples cuz I've earned it, but he is supposed to be 29 years old. so suddenly we don't know how old he is.

You can't think that if you actual saw the movie. It's not specific but he's been batman for at least 20 years. So he started when he was 9? Everything Neal wrote as critiques was just crap from reviews or second hand or trailers.

My post had nothing to do with people who saw the film and disliked it. There are large amounts of people who slammed this movie that didn't see it. Or that where happy when the reviews where bad before they saw it. That type of negativity breeds more, and when you are basically making Crap up its trolling. Neal is a well respected DC artist and his views carry weight. He slammed a movie for things that it didn't actually do. It's like saying I hate captain America because he's so skinny and puny because all I saw was the first Cap movie trailer and based my opinion on that. Or I hadn't even seen it and just heard third hand from someone else with an agenda.

And the idea that he's "earned" grey hair is again stupid. People get grey hair at 29. I did. I started going grey at 24. I just dyed it. But I'm pretty sure I "earned" the right to have grey hair by actually being human.

Neal Adams knows more about comic history and these characters than you or I could ever say we do. He's been a part of it internally for decades, and a well respected part of it. It is possible he was misquoted and taken out of context. He didn't write the article, it was an interview. People hear what they want to. That happens way too often now a days. Someone purposely puts a spin on a quote or headline to create controversy. How many times have you clicked on an article based on the headline, and not once is anything even remotely revealed that the headline conveys. I just feel he's trying to convey that audiences weren't ready for or expecting this older Bruce Wayne without any backstory 1st. So to some it may be confusing. You can't Imagine people / young kids trying to follow this story are confused? If this was done and planned correctly, Batman would've been referred to immediately in MOS from someone in the Daily Planet when Superman appeared. Then people wouldv'e known Batman has been around for a while in this universe.
Hm. I'm noticing a poster in here who just seems to be incapable of making a post without feeling the urge to personally attack someone. Interesting. It seems more like a bait tactic to me.

There's more Civil War discussion in this thread than the actual Civil War thread :lol

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

True. :lol

That's cos Marvel fans don't discuss - they're always right :cuckoo:

Also true. However, while I seem to observe this behavior being more prevalent on the Marvel side, in all fairness, there are a lot of DC fans also who are homers for DC just as much and disparage anything Marvel does just simply out of spite. Which is fine, nothing wrong with preferring one over the other.

Personally for me, I don't think it's a case that CW needs to be denigrated in the same way that BvS unfairly was; CW is a great film in my opinion and does deserve the praise. I think it's more a case that BvS should be lauded in the same way CW is because I think it was equally just as great of a film.

Both should be praised, not bashed.
Hm. I'm noticing a poster in here who just seems to be incapable of making a post without feeling the urge to personally attack someone. Interesting. It seems more like a bait tactic to me.

That particular poster seems to go out of their way to be rude and unpleasant. Probably just best to ignore.
I think you may have miss interpreted his view. I didn't care for this movie and had many preconceived notions about it before I saw it, but I did see it. It just made me realize all my preconceived issues based on what I had seen in trailers and read were correct. I had very low expectations going in, and an even lower opinion when coming out. I really wanted to like this, I just couldn't (By the way I did enjoy MOS). This movie isn't about taking the time to establish characterization and motives. It's simply a movie made to make lots of money and catch up to Marvel. I think that's where it failed most.

I've also read the great "Snyder Loves Superman" article from Forbes, and agree with it. I understood the movie and most all points in the article, but that still didn't make it a good movie. This is a comic book movie. The "majority" of viewers and fans don't want a story this deep in subtext. Too much too soon. The problem wasn't the movie itself. It was the execution by Snyder and DC/WB. It just wasn't handled right. If you wanted the average person to understand everything listed in the Forbes article, then there needed to be multiple movies out before this. We should've had a Superman 2, then a Batman movie, then BvS. Make all this subtext much clearer and understandable to the average viewer. They needed to explain the world in which these movies take place. I think this is what Neal Adams meant when talking about Batmans age. The viewer never saw any of his history unfold to lead him to where he is in the movie. Older and broken. The audience is supposed to deduce this from a flashback of mommy and daddy and seeing a Robin suit in his Batcave. That's an awful lot to expect from audience going to see the big slugfest and showdown of BvS. This is 1st and foremost a comic book movie made for the masses, not die hard DC, Superman and Batman fans. A movie for all. It's too deep a story for most people. Deep doesn't translate to fun on the big screen. Leave that to books where people like to think... Just my opinion, not trying to call anyone out or force my reasoning on anyone..

Neal Adams knows more about comic history and these characters than you or I could ever say we do. He's been a part of it internally for decades, and a well respected part of it. It is possible he was misquoted and taken out of context. He didn't write the article, it was an interview. People hear what they want to. That happens way too often now a days. Someone purposely puts a spin on a quote or headline to create controversy. How many times have you clicked on an article based on the headline, and not once is anything even remotely revealed that the headline conveys. I just feel he's trying to convey that audiences weren't ready for or expecting this older Bruce Wayne without any backstory 1st. So to some it may be confusing. You can't Imagine people / young kids trying to follow this story are confused? If this was done and planned correctly, Batman would've been referred to immediately in MOS from someone in the Daily Planet when Superman appeared. Then people wouldv'e known Batman has been around for a while in this universe.

Even though I disagree with it, I respect your opinion because it sounds like you gave it a lot of thought on your own and came to that conclusion. The only thing I don't respect is when others just form their opinions based on the opinions of others, without giving it any thought themselves. They just go with what everyone else is doing, saying or thinking as if they need to be told what to do, say or think.

I do agree with Motux though that negativity tends to beget more negativity. This seems to be a society that thrives in taking delight in kicking someone/something while they're/it's down and dragging it down as much as we can. Which I find ironic in a society that is supposedly so anti-bullying, but that's irrelevant. :lol As I've mentioned before though, I feel that more people are naturally followers than leaders because it's easier, since that whatever you're essentially being told to think requires much less explanation than the opinion that dissents. If you disagree with what the "majority" are saying, then you have much more explaining to do in justifying to them why you feel the way you do as opposed to them having to justify why they feel the way they do because well, "everyone" feels that way.

That particular poster seems to go out of their way to be rude and unpleasant. Probably just best to ignore.
