It's never really explained, the last we see of him he's hanging upside down laughing maniacally. I heard it was originally supposed to be Joker as the judge in the "death or exile" scene instead of Dr. Crane.Nice pics.
Yeah I think Heath would of reprised his role after TDK, he wasn't killed like Nicholson's Joker was. Wasn't he just sent to Arkham at the end of TDK?
Mine just arrived last week unboxed it today. Awesome Batman , one of HT's most poseable, No Futzing or barely any futzing required. however can anyone point me to a more in depth tutorial on the eye replacement I'm paranoid i'm going to break something it's very stiff within the headpiece. Instructions say turn counter-clockwise to lock , is that right ?
Mine just arrived last week unboxed it today. Awesome Batman , one of HT's most poseable, No Futzing or barely any futzing required. however can anyone point me to a more in depth tutorial on the eye replacement I'm paranoid i'm going to break something it's very stiff within the headpiece. Instructions say turn counter-clockwise to lock , is that right ?
The cowl is kinda soft, also helps if you squeeze the cowl a little between the front and back of his head, it widens the sides a little and makes the eyes pop off easier.
He's available again for Pre-Order on BBTS right now.