Super Freak
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Finally got my Stoney's Stand for Batman accessories. Very cool way to display his arsenal. Now I just need the tech cowl. Hope someone makes a KO.

Well here it is. And it's ace. So many options. I don't quite know what I want to stick with for now! I love it!![]()
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Looks awesome buddy, congrats!
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Short reviews of all the Batman V Superman HT figures that I own.
Regular Batman: arguably the best standard suit Batman figure of all time. I have a ****load of Batman figures, even kept all the ones I had as a child. So far, the Mezco 1/12 TDKR was my favorite Batman figure, but this new Bat V Supes line by Hot Toys brought things to a new dimension.
It really looks like they shrunk down the actor for real. Not the first time I'm feeling this with a Hot Toy figure, but I had to go back and compare it with my 89 Batman Hot Toys, which 4 years back, I felt couldn't be topped. And at the time I was telling myself: "damn it looks like they shrunk the actor for real!" But over time, it has aged a bit and doesn't feel as perfect.
When you compare both, the 89 Keaton looks outdated. The suit, the headsculpts, the articulations, everything is miles better on this newest Batman.
On the design department, I still hold have a personal preference for the 89 suit and the Returns suit (and I'm gonna buy the Returns HT next year, it's really an improvement over 89 version, it looks perfect), or even the Dark Knight Returns suit and overall look. BUT, this Hot Toys figure is so well made that it made me almost prefer the design of this new suit (and god knows I'm not a huge fan of the Bat V Supes movie). It just feels so real. It's massive, it's mean and it's badass.
Knightmare Batman: it really is my favorite look of the new film. Out of all 3 costumes he wears, it's the most original, unique and badass.
I'm not 100% sold on the figure though. The way the coat falls on the shoulders is disappointing, it makes his shoulder look less massive than they are. Also, it lacks weathering.
And the thing is: the coat is what really makes the difference. I wish they had done it a bit better, but it still looks badass overall.
The lack of hands is also disappointing, and the fact it doesn't come with interchangeable eyes and batarangs is a mystery to me. Hopefully I have the regular release to make up for it, but even so, I can't display both figures with the variant eyes
Still it's a very solid figure overall, one of the best Hot Toys figures in the recent years thanks to the great original design, but it could've been better, which isn't what I'm thinking of Hot Toys normally. On the regular suit, you can't change a thing (maybe the cape as I see some people complain about it, but personally it's not a problem for me), but on this one.. damn I wish they make a 2.0 version someday.
Armored Batman: the most badass figure of this year. I love it, even if the articulation is a problem. Like I stated in the dedicated threads, I prefer the regular over the Black Chrome, but both look fantastic. When you have all those Batman side to side, the armored ones are really the first you look at, it's impossible not to look![]()
Thanks for answering my question about the two armoured versions in the Joker thread, I will have almost certainly read what you wrote on the dedicated thread but sadly I have the memory of a sieveI hope I can still find the regular armour for close to retail if I really don't like the BC.
After looking at my regular bats for a couple of hours my only nitpick outside the cape is the grey should have been a shade or two lighter to be even more screen accurate and make the black bat symbol pop more. Neither of those things is making me love it any less, truly incredible figure. I can't imagine doing any mods at all, just futzing. Had to put it away or i'll just sit staring at him all night![]()
I agree with you on the quality of this line. In my small collection the BVS Superman and Batman really stand out, Hot Toys are upping their game to new levels. I love my Reeve Superman but the detail and overall quality just doesn't compare to these. Only my DX13 Terminator and diecast Robocop I would say are of similar quality but I don't have a lot of figures to compare them against like many here do.
The BVS Supes gets little love compared to the Batman threads but that to is an amazing figure. I resisted getting him for so long but so glad I did now, standing Batman next to him makes him look even better now. Love them both equally. I can't wait to get my BC bats, WW and then bring on the Justice League figures!!
Awesome pictures Rog, mine's sat next to me unopened as I have to go out tonight. If I open it I won't be going anywhere!![]()
Ahah no worries about the other thread
Yes the Superman from what I've seen is phenomenal... totally on par with the regular Batman one, the costume is outstanding, the material they used looks wicked. Very sad I passed on him, because I didn't have much love for him in the movie as much as I loved his costume... but now with this line, you've got to have a Superman to make it shine properly. AH SO UNFORTUNATE! I'm so jealous you have it! I think a lot of people will be getting him now that they have a Batman. Batsy feels alone without his Supes.
I don't know what else you have in Hot Toys but you went for top quality figures. Better have a few great than an army of mediocre ones ; ) The DX13 Terminator is arguably, still, one the very best Hot Toys ever produced, it's in my top 5. It's just so insane, the level of details, the two coats, the two awesome headsculpts, the T-1000 in liquid form. It's definitely on par with this Bat v Supes line even if it's a figure from 2013.
And the diecast Robocop is phenomenal. I'm still on the fence of getting the Battle Damaged version with Murphy, but I don't know, it's mostly for the head without helmet, I'm not a huge fan of the totally damaged Robocop, I prefer him looking shiny as new (as opposed to T-800 from T2 which I like half destroyed don't know why, maybe because I love the ending of T2 so much).
Anyway yeah this Bat V Supes line is without a doubt my favorite line as a whole from Hot Toys because they nailed every single figure. And they look fantastic as a whole.. One thing the movie didn't fail was in the design department, they went all out. Can't wait for Wonder Woman, and as much as I hate the movie, I want all 3 Jokers from SS and Harley QuinnOh and I need a Superman, definitely.
You seem to have great tastes in figures anyway (or same as mine which is a proof of great tastes! : p)
rogers985 said:Thanks mate! Haha yep! I was sat for a good hour and a half
It is very hard to capture how huge the upper chest is. For anyone wanting to adjust their pose - I found that using the ab crunch to stick his stomach out helps capture the stance that Affleck had - push the shoulders up as high as they will go and twist the arms inwards at the bicep. The most unique aspect I have found is the cowl - it is rubber and flexible meaning you can move his head without moving the whole cowl and therefore avoiding covering the top of the symbol. If you hold the cowl in place and then put his head forward without letting the whole cowl move, you can get some neck crunch.