Nah.The way it sits and folds looks just like the Arkham Batman to me.
Because that character was a walking statue.Keaton bats didn't have neck articulation.
Totally bought. Pretty sure the suit/body will be sorted out by production. Head sculpt is fantastic but looks like he can't turn his head which is unfortunate. love the "eye plate" idea though instead of PERS.
Guess we're not getting deadpool since this movie comes out after that and this is the first to get figures
I also think there are people on here who would slag this figure off even if it was the greatest figure Hot Toys ever produce... think there's different agendas at work!
I agree- it looks fantastic to me. Agendas rule these boards- just a minor thing you have to deal with. Instant buy on the two pack with Supes!
Agreed. Fix the body somehow. . .and maybe reign in that neck a bit, and this could be a very nice figure.Right. I think just padding out and rounding out the shoulders, filling out the lower waist and thighs would improve his looks greatly. Right now he looks undefined and sloppy. Really awkward looking. I think if they tighten up those areas, and I'm sure they will, he'll look fantastic.
These are my favorite shots. Looks just like him. The cowl is really well done and they knocked the first two faces out of the park.
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The HS and faces are Afleck- no doubt hesitation..just remarkable
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Can I just say that this stunt guy looks like the perfect Batman? Much better than Affleck. This guy just has the perfect jawline, chin and mouth to be Batman. If only he could act.
Maybe Hot Toys can give us a Stunt Guy Batman special edition.