I do have ONE question... when my friend repacked the figure, the cape got a little kink in it, near the edges where it feels like there's some kind of thicker support material there. Is there a good way to get this crease out?
Yup. Get your iron out, the settings are gonna be subjective on the kink...
the kink though refers to which shirt you are wearing, so, set your settings to whichever shirt you're wearing.
Iron your shirt.
Go to work.
Log on to FB and look for Unrealtoys.
Order the particular cape you like. I suggest the ultimate version.
Its a long wait, but worth it.
Once you receive the cape, Pop the old cape...literally only takes 10 seconds.
Look at the old cape...look at not just the kink, but the whole cape. You can laugh if you want.
Place the new Unrealtoys cape. Also takes just a couple of seconds.
Now your cape is fine.
Oh, you're welcome.
Kidding aside. If you're perfectly happy with the stock cape, that's perfectly fine of course.
But after having my custom cape, its a high recommendation cause I believe this is such an awesome figure,
that would elevate even more with a custom cape.
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