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Well let me tell you a little story about that abomidable picture. At the time I wasn't really collecting DC, but I looked at that pic and thought Nope !

Then he went off my radar totally. Too busy looking at Star Wars and probably Marvel. Even missed the update pictures.

Once I finally found how awesome he had turned out he had sold out. So I needed to spend a couple of months looking for a decent deal which I managed to find in the end. Wouldn't sell him at all now, especially with custom wired cape ! Have WW and am just patiently waiting for JL Supes for my Trifecta.

This is the best brawler Batman out there. Don't like the body armour and hard nipple types :lol

My first figure two years ago was BvS Battle Damaged Armored Batman and I foolishly thought that would be enough to satisfy the itch. Then I figured, hmm, damn these HT figures are great... I love MoS and BvS so maybe I'll just get the DC trinity, with JL Deluxe WW, next, and I put JL Superman on preorder.

But as I eagerly waited for JL WW to release I started watching related YT videos from Dean Knight, Keyboard Warriors, Justin's Collection featuring BvS Batman and realized what an absolutely gorgeous figure it was. I resolved to get it and found a reputable seller on eBay who listed a high price for a new one. I messaged him and we agreed upon $300 with him covering shipping and tax. I felt that was actually a fair deal. This was just the basic figure, not the special edition ones I've seen with sniper rifle and/or tech cowl.

And it is actually my favorite figure now. Like you, I have a custom wired cape on him and did the chest mod. This figure is to me basically perfection.

I'm gambling on preordering the JL Supes, i.e., that I'll like it more than what I've seen of BvS Superman on YT. And I love what I've seen of the latter.

But then again, if JL Supes is more popular that might drive the price down for BvS Superman a bit? But if it's the other way around I'll pay more for the BvS version eventually.

I might eventually want to get the regular Armored BvS Batman. I'll have to see. But that'll be pricey, no doubt. As would be Knightmare Bats. Might one day want to get Jor-El as well, but that'll be a more reasonable price I'd wager.
Yeah they sure are great figures. BvS Batman is way up there on my favourite figure list too.

I think we'll be fine with Supes. Worst case (and I think this is still the way they are doing it) they will re-use the BvS sculpt and re-paint. Paint aps are HT speciality and probably what improves the most over the last few years.

I love the BvS Supes Sculpt, so with better/improved paint aps it should be a winner. The laser eyes sculpt is pure bonus at this point.

Add to this the brighter / shinier cooler suit and he should be an awesome piece.
Too bad Hot Toys never produced the BvS Bat Signal…

Just got 2 capes from unrealtoys he made them pretty quick only had to wait 3 or 4 weeks.
I?ve got a custom one and stock Batman and they really bring out the figure, they drape around the shoulders perfectly
Batman BvS

Mod list:
- Fully repainted the suit to lighter grey. For some reason my bat suit turned to really dark color.
- custom cape
- painted the eyes white
- mod the tab under the cowl
- slightly added muscles on his tricep muscle

BATMAN BVS (130) ed2a SR UC.jpg
What paint do you guys recommend to get the grey on the suit? Is it a basic job or needs washes and drybrushing?
Yes sort of dry brushing, I used a really small amount of grey paint then diluted it in of water, damped it nearly dry
then painted it.
Same again this time user a different shade of grey then repeat again