Insufferable S.O.B.
I heard HT is give BvS Superman the same fists are MOS Superman. This is uncalled for.
I heard HT is give BvS Superman the same fists are MOS Superman. This is uncalled for.
Order cancelled.I heard HT is give BvS Superman the same fists are MOS Superman. This is uncalled for.
I heard HT is give BvS Superman the same fists are MOS Superman. This is uncalled for.
A day later after the backlash, J.C. Hong himself stated on FB that his newly developed sculpt did indeed get approved and confirmed that BvS Supes will feature a newly developed sculpt (presumably the same one shown at Toy Soul in December and occasionally at the HT Secret Base), like the specs for the figure specifically state and have stated since day one.
I heard HT is give BvS Superman the same fists are MOS Superman. This is uncalled for.
What if the image above IS the new sculpt, and is a slightly more in scale version of the MOS head???
Makes sense, because I think Cavill was a little bigger in BvS than he was in MoS (already thought he was a beast there though). I like how both figures seem to accurately capture his body shape in both respective films.
I saw an interview were he said that he didn't stop the exercise routine he stared for MoS, that's why he is so much bigger in BvS.
Superman out tomorrow. Be on the lookout kidult toy shop posted the usual teaser before a figure release.
But why would they change our flex plans?
There's no drama. It will be the new head!
... But just because of the backlash. Otherwise, they would have gone with the MOS head. Showing the MOS head at conventions and even on the shipping soon picture proves they had that intent. Fortunately, we and other fans worldwide were vocal!
"Newly Developed Headsculpt"
What? That's stupid. For one, half the people here can't tell the difference anyway. I posted an old pic of a head and half the fools saying the old head looked bad where praising this new "improved one". When all it was was a closest pic of the exact same head.
The "proof" that they where going to use a new head was when they said hey where. NEVER in 15 years have they said they had a new head and then not include it. It's silly. People come up with this random crap and there's just nothing to back it up. If a head sculpt is out for tool or approval of just not at the same location when an event or photo op is done they use what they have on hand. They try to use the newest stuff but it doesn't always happen. Those coming soon pics are just a marketing thing. They do not mean those are the only figures that are coming "soon". They don't give an order. It doesn't include everything.
The more people randomly make Crap up or freak out about stuff the less and less interactions they will have. They stopped the multiple interviews due to this stuff. And if people start freaking out about the coming soon pics that will go away too.
It's crazy the amount of BS people come up with. The new black widow figure had an old Hs at two shows this last week. Thor had the old DW head at shows and pictures. And on and on. People keep this stuff up they won't do shows, they will talk less, no promo pics and you will only ever know about a figure when it goes up for order.