Super Freak
is there any video review anywhere ?
Not that I'm privy of. I can't wait to watch some though once they start coming out.
is there any video review anywhere ?
from fb
This thing looks fantastic to me. This is a definite buy for me, especially considering I don't have the MOS version. I wonder how much longer it will be before these start shipping out now.
Does anyone think this will sell out fast?
I said that costume is lighter . so I was right . depends the lighting
Wow this figure looks amazing! Why is so many bitching... neck is fine compared to some real pictures of him in the suit on set, height is more accurate this time, thighs are accurate too.
I'm going off this picture to point out that I think the figure is right. Even his head looks small compared to the rest of his proportions in the[/img]
It's just not that great a difference from mos superman. Add in the price tag being higher, the pea head and long neck syndrome/on whichever you prefer to describe it, it has one & the ridiculous nose.
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Well said [emoji1360] It is a good buy only to those without the MoS version.
Lets put it this way, I wouldn't show Hot Toys a picture of Henry Cavill as Supes in which his neck looks awkwardly stiff and giraffe-like and say ''make his neck look like that''. Sure, you can find pics which happen to look like what Hot Toys have done but he wouldn't look like that most of the time. I would instead show them reference material of him looking more natural, his neck uncraned.
Holy crap! Did hot toys actually mimicked the actual technical makings of the real Suit?
For those who don't know, the real suit is a thin fabric which underneath has a silver muscle suit.
You can see this better in this picture, look at the abs.
Now look at these pics, I think it's the same, I think it's a clear mesh fabric, and the body underneath is silver.
Compare it to the mos figure, where the muscles are highlighted by the lighting, but the suit doesn't look transparent compared to the BvS which looks Transparant.
I think hot toys utilized the same suit as the sideshow man of steel premium format where the suit is transparent and there's a silver body underneath.
This is more evident on the last picture, compare the mos and BvS, particularly paying attention to the quads and abs section.
If this is true, this rocks!!!
His chin shpuld be near his throat apple.
He indeed look a tiny Weeny girafe necked.
Very easy to fix, shorter neck peg or cut a bit of the inner head plug.
The body has actually the same proportions as MOS body.
He is not smaller at all, hes actually beefier.
But he has short feet pegs, so no need to use the stand just give him longer MOS feet pegs.
Look at the gap between the top of the boots and the knees, bigger gap in mos, longer pegs.
The MOS and BVS lines still are bigger than the regular hot toys.
Using the MOS head on this body showed that the proportions were the same.