Unless there is something terribly wrong going on with this figure, it's almost guaranteed she will be out before the movie. Then they will put the new one up for PO about a week before the movie releases and have it out by Christmas. The kinks will all be worked out and the solo version will just be a repaint.They really need to improve this especially regarding figures from current movies. The WW solo movie will be out in around six weeks and in every territory outside Hong Kong we still won't have the figure from the previous movie. The WW solo figure likely won't be out until after JL releases and the JL version is anyone's guess. 2020 if we are lucky at this rate.
This is the only figure I'm waiting on to complete my collection for a while, unless they make Power Rangers from the 2017 film (which seems unlikely, but fingers crossed) Hope she turns out good, the Barbie version looks pretty cool and she comes with the cape so there's always plan b i guess
Off-topic, but I'm hoping ThreeZero will get the 2017 PR license. They seem like the perfect fit, plus they probably wouldn't abandon the license after two rangers.Heck, they might even make Rita.
They're pretty cool, from what I've seen. I don't personally own any of their figures, but judging from their Commander Lin I bet they could nail the new Rangers' "alien" armor.
View attachment 338437
She looks like a sex doll among the other Hot Toys figures LMAO
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Did you just go grab a photo of that for us personally?!
Hahaha.. Nope.Jon Deak posted it on OneSixthSociety on fb..
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Malaysia to Hong Kong is a 4 hour flight. Kuala Lumpur to Hong Kong.
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Humble brag with unecesarrily putting S8 in there?
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