I'm really tempted to send HT some super glue. Third figure in a row that requires me to glue something on because it just kind of fell off. In this case, part of the hip sheath (which doesn't work anyway) feel off. An easy enough fix, but still, I feel like I shouldn't have to glue anything back on to a $200+ figure. Also, that red armor stains. The little white cover thing that was thankfully packed for protection had a fair bit of red on it, but after just a couple of minutes of getting her gear on and posing her, I was surprised to see that my finger tips were red. I was a little worried I would have accidentally transferred some too the body, but thankfully not.
Overall, this figure is pretty great. From the neck down, it is an A. The body looks amazing and feels very sturdy. The armor is just great. The sword and shield are both nice, detailed, and well weathered. I take issue with the harness. It kind of kills me that it isn't set up to be drawn from her right shoulder or from her hip. That's a detail that HT should have gotten.