Thank s for the pics creasy! I'm seriously considering canceling my PO for the regular and getting this one instead! Wish I could do both but funds will not allow it.
I'm selling my regular after getting this-it's amazing. Honestly bud pictures don't do it justice, it literally looks like it's straight from the movie and there ain't that many hot toys I can say that about and Iv been collecting since mms 67 came out! Cancel that regular & get this!
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Glad to hear it. Was considering getting the regular version also, but now will pass or wait to get a great deal on eBay or something. This looks like it's right out of the movie.
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Thanks-he's an absolute weapon, really blown away by him.Really enjoying all your pics, he looks amazing! Can't wait to get this figure in hand myself, the wait is getting harder by the day
I assume you bought from Hong Kong. Don't you get hit with big import taxes?
Nice! Any comparison pictures with this and the regular version. Now I wanna get this version too! Thanks to you lol
The regular one looks so dull...glad I decided on the BC one, it looks great
Thanks-he's an absolute weapon, really blown away by him.
He looks awesome in my detolf.
I bought him directly in Hong Kong so no import taxes, I did have to lug his box about as carry on luggage tho [emoji39] wasn't risking him
With baggage handlers. Iv sent other figures ems ahead of me with ems shipping and it's normally within 4/5days to get to the U.K. But I do that myself and mark as a low value birthday gift. Customs seem to have a heart about birthdays and gifts [emoji5] it was 2190hkd so cheaper than getting it at home and a whole lot faster
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Sorry mate, I didn't even think of doin a comparison shot.
As soon as I got him I knew I was gettin rid of my regular so I sold him to a buddy that was wanting one.
I thought I'd keep the Reg to go along with the chrome version but there is no reason-the chrome is the version to get
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Wish I'd known that before I pre-ordered mine, might have asked you to ems me one
At least I know how awesome he'll look when I do eventually get him, the wait will be worth it!
Since you've had all the Batman figures from this line now which is your favourite overall?
Honestly this one
& I was sure I'd love the knightmare version the most as its pretty iconic but the regular batman is too.
Then you throw this in the mix & it stands out, it's beastly.
Looks it stepped straight out of the screen and straight from frank millers tdk.
I'm a massive batman fan & this is without a doubt one of my favourite pieces.
You know it's good when your wife notices it [emoji846] bad side
She knows you bought another batman
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Glad this one has made such an impression on you and your wife I'm getting this and the regular Batman. Not sure which one will show up first.
Does it look better with the lights on or off or cool either way?
Awesome either way.
Still dumb that you have to remove the head to turn the light on and off tho.
But it's a great feature that accentuates both figures chrome or Reg
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