Hot Toys Classic Predator in the works?

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:nono It wasn't an "announcement." It was a bunch of "wishlist" paragraphs in MILK discussing license potential. The same type of article that's had people expecting a DX T2 T800 w/ 1:6 Harley Fatboy and John Connor from T2 and another Endoskeleton, more Rocky figures, etc. Unfortunately, some people see the names in English surrounded by Chinese, or blurry pics which could be anything, and get all stoked over nothing. Hence this thread. :lol

Nope, there was an announcement by HT. I'm telling ya, call me crazy or whatever, but they themselves announced doing everything I mentioned. Whether it was on their site, facebook or whatever, they announced it. But like I mentioned above, no one can seem to find a link to that anywhere now. Think what you want, I don't care, but I know what I saw (as well as others that have posted the same thing) and no little jabs with smilies you post are going to convince me I didn't.

I thought it was happening in a few days?? 23rd I think :dunno

no, lol, they say the 23rd ( I think is the 21st) is the Rapture, so God takes good people to heaven and leave the rest here, then they say in october is the "real" end,

the Mayans said that in 2012 the gods would come from the skies and visit us or something, could mean meteors, could mean aliens...

This is totally off topic, lol :lol
A part of me feels that if Classic was going to be made, it would have been announced already. The Predators line was announced over a year ago with Tracker announced over 3 months ago.
:exactly: I agree with all of that, but this thread is based on the picture of a possible wip classic predator and not that milk "wishlist".

Nope, there was an announcement by HT. I'm telling ya, call me crazy or whatever, but they themselves announced doing everything I mentioned. Whether it was on their site, facebook or whatever, they announced it. But like I mentioned above, no one can seem to find a link to that anywhere now. Think what you want, I don't care, but I know what I saw (as well as others that have posted the same thing) and no little jabs with smilies you post are going to convince me I didn't.

"I tink I tawt I taw a puttytat!" Talk is cheap, boys. SHOW me. The pics used here are inconclusive and I only saw the whole "license potential" articles in MILK. No speculative BS. I want to see factual, irrefutable evidence that this is being worked on. :lol
no, lol, they say the 23rd ( I think is the 21st) is the Rapture, so God takes good people to heaven and leave the rest here, then they say in october is the "real" end,

the Mayans said that in 2012 the gods would come from the skies and visit us or something, could mean meteors, could mean aliens...

This is totally off topic, lol :lol

Trust me, this is a post that starts a conversation, that starts a war of words and then the mods get involved, and then this thread closes. I know what you're saying, and have a totally smart-alec reply for it, but then someone takes offense to some good, harmless fun, and we're closed :monkey2

But yeah, I did see billboards ...... yes, billboards ...... about the impending 23rd :lol
"I tink I tawt I taw a puttytat!" Talk is cheap, boys. SHOW me. The pics used here are inconclusive and I only saw the whole "license potential" articles in MILK. No speculative BS. I want to see factual, irrefutable evidence that this is being worked on. :lol

Do you honestly have to get on here and take cheap jabs at people?? Exactly, your talk is cheap, and this is a thread with a question mark at the end. We get on and speculate and talk about what we'd like to see, or if anyone has seen anything solid yet. Big deal. So why start posting in here all of a sudden and start demanding someone post something solid or pretty much shut-up.

I guess we should feel privileged because one of the self-proclaimed "elite" members and his sidekick have decided to all of the sudden grace us with their presence. I'll tell you what, boys, show everyone that posts in here regularly some factual, irrefutable evidence, and we'll ask to have the word "is" put in between the words "Predator" and "in" in the thread title, and have the "?" removed from the end. Until then, stop taking cheap shots at people for making a simple post in a thread that ponders a question.
It stands to reason that they would make a classic.I am glad they have'nt due to money and i am ready now that there's been a wait.A whole thread on a " if they are " has been a good read!!!
Do you honestly have to get on here and take cheap jabs at people?? Exactly, your talk is cheap, and this is a thread with a question mark at the end. We get on and speculate and talk about what we'd like to see, or if anyone has seen anything solid yet. Big deal. So why start posting in here all of a sudden and start demanding someone post something solid or pretty much shut-up.

I guess we should feel privileged because one of the self-proclaimed "elite" members and his sidekick have decided to all of the sudden grace us with their presence. I'll tell you what, boys, show everyone that posts in here regularly some factual, irrefutable evidence, and we'll ask to have the word "is" put in between the words "Predator" and "in" in the thread title, and have the "?" removed from the end. Until then, stop taking cheap shots at people for making a simple post in a thread that ponders a question.

:nono Nice try, but not falling for these diversionary tactics. You said you read an "official" announcement. Cough it up or post a retraction! :nana::lol
It stands to reason that they would make a classic.I am glad they have'nt due to money and i am ready now that there's been a wait.A whole thread on a " if they are " has been a good read!!!
It's giving my wallet a nice break, as well.
I really wish there was a guarantee, but to this point it's been nothing but True Lies with their return policy. :D
I just wish they'd give us the Rundown on what they're doing :)
Whatever helps you lay down in bed and feel superior at night.

Why are you so touchy about it? All I'm asking is where you read this "official announcement." It's not like I'm insulting your mother or anything. I think you're taking this way more serious than was intended, unless you made it up and don't like getting called on fictional bull____. :huh
Why are you so touchy about it? All I'm asking is where you read this "official announcement." It's not like I'm insulting your mother or anything. I think you're taking this way more serious than was intended, unless you made it up and don't like getting called on fictional bull____. :huh

And I clarified where I'd read it, and that no one who has so far (myself included) can find it now. Believe it or not, that's your call, but your trying to make others who say they have out to be lying fools is uncalled for. This is one if the few civil Pred threads because no one, for the most part, gets on here smack/trash talking about HT being better than NECA, or vice-versa. And honestly, whether you're intending to or not, your recent replies to some comments have been pretty classless in their wording. Especially pretty much demanding to see solid proof on it. So what, I saw it, others said to have seen it, that's been fine enough. And more often than not, we just go off on some goofy discussion about something else anyway. Now a day or two ago you get on poking fun at everyone for still posting in here when it's not even official that's it's being made yet. So what, were having fun and not stirring anything up.

Heaven forbid anyone has fun on a thread without permission from the high council.
And I clarified where I'd read it, and that no one who has so far (myself included) can find it now. Believe it or not, that's your call, but your trying to make others who say they have out to be lying fools is uncalled for. This is one if the few civil Pred threads because no one, for the most part, gets on here smack/trash talking about HT being better than NECA, or vice-versa. And honestly, whether you're intending to or not, your recent replies to some comments have been pretty classless in their wording. Especially pretty much demanding to see solid proof on it. So what, I saw it, others said to have seen it, that's been fine enough. And more often than not, we just go off on some goofy discussion about something else anyway. Now a day or two ago you get on poking fun at everyone for still posting in here when it's not even official that's it's being made yet. So what, were having fun and not stirring anything up.

This is wrong. I never said that. You're putting words into my post that aren't there and weren't implied. I genuinely want to know. And want to make sure it's actually a real deal and not a "wishlist" MILK article. You're the one who's turned this into something more than it is. This was meant to be a fun post with a legitimate question:

"I tink I tawt I taw a puttytat!" Talk is cheap, boys. SHOW me. The pics used here are inconclusive and I only saw the whole "license potential" articles in MILK. No speculative BS. I want to see factual, irrefutable evidence that this is being worked on. :lol

Followed up by your overly defensive, rude, snarling chihuahua post:

Do you honestly have to get on here and take cheap jabs at people?? Exactly, your talk is cheap, and this is a thread with a question mark at the end. We get on and speculate and talk about what we'd like to see, or if anyone has seen anything solid yet. Big deal. So why start posting in here all of a sudden and start demanding someone post something solid or pretty much shut-up.

I guess we should feel privileged because one of the self-proclaimed "elite" members and his sidekick have decided to all of the sudden grace us with their presence. I'll tell you what, boys, show everyone that posts in here regularly some factual, irrefutable evidence, and we'll ask to have the word "is" put in between the words "Predator" and "in" in the thread title, and have the "?" removed from the end. Until then, stop taking cheap shots at people for making a simple post in a thread that ponders a question.

See what I mean? :huh
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