No need to be sorry.
I'm talking about the very expensive, 1:1 scale replica helmets, and the unlicensed replicas often made by the guys on the RPF.
They all do breathtaking work, but none of them are completely accurate, and many are idealized.
One example of what I'm talking about is the small backwards "7" scratch on Vader's neck, I haven't seen one replica that has that mark, not one, and it's in literally every scene in the film. Another example are the little black freckles down the edge of his silver cheek, none of the replicas licensed or unlicensed have that either. The rest of the details are a mixed bag, some reproductions have them, and some don't. Some give him red lenses, which is inaccurate, they are amber with a touch of red. I could go on and on, but I think you see where I'm coming from.
The main issue is that the Vader helmet in it's original on screen form no longer exists, and there isn't a lot of photo reference of the helmet from production, the best reference we have is the film itself, but that is subject to film quality, focus, lighting, color timing etc.
I'm not an "expert" but I've been studying Star Wars props and costumes, and every frame of film since I saw ANH in the theater when it first came out, so I know a thing or two myself. [emoji6]
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