Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

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Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

This is the way brother :D.

Even though so far I've gained a tremendous sense of gratification through The Mandalorian, but I haven't completely hooked enough, yet, to buy Hot Toys figures from this show.

I got so hooked I impulse bought a Hot Toys Deluxe ESB Boba Fett last week. Got it in the mail today, and so far there?s no sign of buyer?s remorse.

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Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

ESB Boba ???
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

It's not like the OT is some mastercraft in penmenship, it's clunky, it's tacky, and it's endearing because of it.

That's the biggest problem I have with the old people who hate everything that came after the OT. We even had one of them saying the OT had zero problems and another delusional one several months ago said the OT was "utter perfection". I love the OT but I am forced to stand up for the later movies in the face of the rose tinted glasses wearing delusionals.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

That's the biggest problem I have with the old people who hate everything that came after the OT. We even had one of them saying the OT had zero problems and another delusional one several months ago said the OT was "utter perfection". I love the OT but I am forced to stand up for the later movies in the face of the rose tinted glasses wearing delusionals.

I?m one of those so called old people.
I was 7 when I saw A New Hope in the theater back in 77. I?ve enjoyed everything since, just not in the same way. It?s almost simpler to explain, using the 1966 Batman tv show:
I loved it as a kid, took it seriously, thinking our heroes where in mortal danger. As an adult, I enjoy it for completely different reasons (the camp and innuendo), but I enjoy it nonetheless.
When the new movies started, I left all expectations at the door, grabbed the popcorn and just had a good time. It?s even more enjoyable sharing the new content with my time.
It?s a great time to be a SW fan. Plenty of content. PLENTY of figures! And enough that (hopefully) everyone will find something they can enthusiastically geek out about.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

I didn't know Maul was in TROS. Wait, how could he be? Wasn't he killed by Obi-Wan on Tatooine?

I'm looking forward to TROS myself. My expectations are pretty low so there's not much chance of disappointment, just fun fun fun!

100% agreed, Malgus.

Star Wars is meant to be fun. This makes it even more bizarre you can't find an ounce of fun in The Mandalorian, which is possibly the most fun Star Wars has been since 1983.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

I am really looking forward to TROS despite not really being into either TFA or TLJ. I still enjoy the franchise and will watch anything with that Star Wars logo attached to it.

I just hope they do the Emperor justice. I didn?t like prequel Emperor, loved the Empire Strikes Back hologram and of course the ROTJ version. That?s what I?m most excited for.

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Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Star Wars is meant to be fun. This makes it even more bizarre you can't find an ounce of fun in The Mandalorian, which is possibly the most fun Star Wars has been since 1983.

Solo was fun, like an old EU adventure. (I didn't like that they erased his family history and made 'Solo' an invented surname. That hangs as a cloud over the film, and the only way to redeem that would be for 'Solo' to be a common Corellian name and the Imperial having made an unsuspecting correctg guess).

Rogue One was very good, but not too much actual 'fun' due to the darker subject matter.

The Mandalorian started out as a darker, more serious story, and it seemed it would be focused on that narrative. Instead, the main story is taking a backseat due to the episodic nature of his journey. It plays a little like the Odyssey. Odysseus just wanted to get home to his family, but events kept getting in the way.

I presume the Mandalorian's aim is to find out what the baby is and what the Remnant want with him, but at the moment he's just running from one problem to the next. That's a great way to give us a whistle stop tour through the galaxy though. Plus it's putting classic creatures and droids back into the public consciousness, and therefore maybe into sixth scale.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Trips, I think you have me confused with someone else (No Malgus here)?

i never said I never found an ounce of fun in the Mandalorian, personally. Despite my issues with it, I quite enjoy aspects of it, and when I made the comment about the curve of decline starting with ROTJ, I didn't actually mean EVERYTHING since then, just in general. I quite enjoyed Revenge of the Sith - and even moreso the Clone Wars series. It's true that the first two Sequel movies didn't feel fun at all (and I'm not alone - I saw the faces of others coming out fo the theater - they didn't look like people who'd had a good time). But Rogue One was interesting - Krennic was the high point for me, and Vader of course.

I think that the child makes the Mandalorian for me, and honestly none of the characters rub me the wrong way too badly - Mondo is likeable enough, I was simply stating my case about the writing and my issues with it because I was asked. I worded things too strongly (I've been told I'm intense sometimes... and honestly the negativity on this site colors my reactions sometimes as well - it seems some people can't say anything nice and are tryin to out-cynicize everyone else as if it makes them superior somehow. I'm burned out on these attitude people, and that alone is good reason for me to take nice long breaks), but that's just my passion coming out BECAUSE I care... maybe it's the same case for those who come across as cynics - or maybe some of them are bored and want to see what they can stir up just to amuse themselves - who knows?

In fairness, I think my opening (hyperspace heist of a mark from a spacefaring "stage coach") would have been better than what they did with their beginning (more action, more spectacle, more "space") - I don't say this to be proud, only because heck it's something that would be cool to see. But maybe it's just me, if it is I'm okay with that too, but they likely wouldn't have had the budget for much of what I wrote anyway and so even if I were in some far-flung alternate reality where I had been involved, money would likely have vetoed it. I can still enjoy the good though.

I stand by my comments about people being easily pleased - not becuase they're stupid - I NEVER said that. But because there's so much crap out there, a starving person will eat whatever they have to in order to stay alive... I think that is the same on many levels - including entertainment... so it's more a comment on how far Hollywood has fallen, but we all know Hollywood has always had issues, it's not like it's all run by the most stable people, is it?

Personally, I wouldnt' be surprised if Hot Toys makes a 1:1 child figure. I think I'd like to see that.

It was a Freudian slip. I'm so used to ''debating'' with Malgus.

Everyone has a right to an opinion. However, I feel your criticism of The Mandalorian's writing and story a little harsh considering we're only just halfway through the first season. At least give it until the end of the season before judging it so harshly. At this stage, none of us know exactly where the story is leading, or why they're making certain story decisions. It could all become relevant in the end. Personally I believe the previous 2 episodes are adding to the story, as they're showing the Mando struggling to survive on his own/making ends meet, having being evicted from the guild, and adapting to the role of guardian/father. We're in for the long-haul with this show, it's all about building his character at this stage.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Solo was fun, like an old EU adventure. (I didn't like that they erased his family history and made 'Solo' an invented surname. That hangs as a cloud over the film, and the only way to redeem that would be for 'Solo' to be a common Corellian name and the Imperial having made an unsuspecting correctg guess).

Rogue One was very good, but not too much actual 'fun' due to the darker subject matter.

The Mandalorian started out as a darker, more serious story, and it seemed it would be focused on that narrative. Instead, the main story is taking a backseat due to the episodic nature of his journey. It plays a little like the Odyssey. Odysseus just wanted to get home to his family, but events kept getting in the way.

I presume the Mandalorian's aim is to find out what the baby is and what the Remnant want with him, but at the moment he's just running from one problem to the next. That's a great way to give us a whistle stop tour through the galaxy though. Plus it's putting classic creatures and droids back into the public consciousness, and therefore maybe into sixth scale.

Solo is bags of fun, I agree. Nice that it's starting to build a bit of a cult following now.

Rogue One is a masterpiece. I also agree fun is probably the wrong word to use for that film.

I defy anyone to watch Chapter 2 of The Mandalorian and not find it fun. It perfectly encapsulates the first hour of A New Hope, which will forever be (for me at least), the most fun Star Wars has ever been.

Comparing to The Odyssey is a fantastic catch btw. That never even occurred to me.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

If this show leads to a HT Tusken Raider release it will all be worth it.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Solo was fun, like an old EU adventure. (I didn't like that they erased his family history and made 'Solo' an invented surname. That hangs as a cloud over the film, and the only way to redeem that would be for 'Solo' to be a common Corellian name and the Imperial having made an unsuspecting correctg guess).

Rogue One was very good, but not too much actual 'fun' due to the darker subject matter.

The Mandalorian started out as a darker, more serious story, and it seemed it would be focused on that narrative. Instead, the main story is taking a backseat due to the episodic nature of his journey. It plays a little like the Odyssey. Odysseus just wanted to get home to his family, but events kept getting in the way.

I presume the Mandalorian's aim is to find out what the baby is and what the Remnant want with him, but at the moment he's just running from one problem to the next. That's a great way to give us a whistle stop tour through the galaxy though. Plus it's putting classic creatures and droids back into the public consciousness, and therefore maybe into sixth scale.


Nice re the Odyssey. And it could be tropey but I wouldn't mind, years from now, if the end walk into the sunset was Mando heading back to the farm to nice widow woman - IMO one of the more intelligent *possible* pairings I've seen.:clap Cara drops him off smirking coz he's holding his helmet this time:cool:. Which, in the Odyssey (had big section in class on the Odyssey) would nicely mirror Penelope finally getting her husband back (e.g. she is very intelligent and spent a lot of time fending off unwanted slimy guys etc.)

After re-watching all episodes last night and looking harder at IG-11 pretty much decided I need him too - at least on screen there's some interesting use of color as well as the droid bein' amazing; am sure (hope:pray:) based on the astound work with Ultron Mark 1 that my second 1/6 "robot" will be just as good (hope:pray:). I've got TFA BB-8 but he was kinda disappointing as the plastic to me feels cheesy and lightweight.

Poor Hawkeye - thinkin' I'll probably/maybe switch see if I'll switch my EG PO to something Mandalorian. Maybe. Swore I would ratchet back:lol and stuff adds up fast $$$$$:horror

But haven't been so fired up over characters and series since the MCU kicked off:love. Ditto where is the art book?:drool
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Solo is bags of fun, I agree. Nice that it's starting to build a bit of a cult following now.

There seemed to be so much hate for it at the time. I loved it from the start as the sound effects cut in over the text back story, and Han fires the speeder into life.

Captain_Trips said:
Rogue One is a masterpiece. I also agree fun is probably the wrong word to use for that film.

Rogue One felt like the shot in the arm that Star Wars has been waiting for since 1983.

Captain_Trips said:
I defy anyone to watch Chapter 2 of The Mandalorian and not find it fun. It perfectly encapsulates the first hour of A New Hope, which will forever be (for me at least), the most fun Star Wars has ever been.

Comparing to The Odyssey is a fantastic catch btw. That never even occurred to me.

I quite like the fact that you don't know where the series is going next, that it's subverting expectations. Because a film or a series is a journey for the viewer to take, you're following someone else's ideas and it's not always going to go the way you want. Otherwise what's the point of going on the journey?

I was thinking about the literally 'episodic' nature, and thinking is this going to be like The A-Team or the Bixby/Ferrigno Incredible Hulk, where each week the Mandalorian solves a stranger's problem? But then I thought of the Odyssey, that these problems are unwanted diversions that he has to solve. As he progresses we learn a little more about him and the galaxy, just as he as a character is changing.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

100% agreed, Malgus.

Star Wars is meant to be fun. This makes it even more bizarre you can't find an ounce of fun in The Mandalorian, which is possibly the most fun Star Wars has been since 1983.

What? Like the Mandalorian. I prefer the movies because they felt more star wars to me but this series could easily grow on me. For example I liked the Stargate movie and was not really interested in the TV series but when I eventually watched it years later I eventually loved it more than I ever did the movie. We will see.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"


Nice re the Odyssey. And it could be tropey but I wouldn't mind, years from now, if the end walk into the sunset was Mando heading back to the farm to nice widow woman - IMO one of the more intelligent *possible* pairings I've seen.:clap Cara drops him off smirking coz he's holding his helmet this time:cool:. Which, in the Odyssey (had big section in class on the Odyssey) would nicely mirror Penelope finally getting her husband back (e.g. she is very intelligent and spent a lot of time fending off unwanted slimy guys etc.)

I could see that happening, at the end of a long series of adventures.

At 'A' Level I took Classical Civilization, which was a lot of fun. We read Iliad, Odyssey and Aeneid. Odyssey was by far my favourite.

When you're reading something so old, that feels so modern, you get a direct connection to the past. And you understand that people don't really change, we just accumulate more knowledge. For thousands of years writers have been retelling the same stories with contemporary twists.

I wrote recently in one of the threads about the 'relentless repetition' that's been present in Star Wars since the beginning - with repeated dialogue and events. It's what the series does, and it was the repetition of the things that Lucas saw in the old cliffhanger serials that inspired the film in the first place. (There was even much closer repetition in the Indiana Jones series with scene for scene grabs from the 1930s and 1940s).

Rogue One took quite a different route and tone.

When The Mandalorian began it looked like it could be following the darker path of Rogue One, with a taciturn, cold-blooded killer for the main protagonist. But he's changing. The moment his voice starts to crack when talking to the Widow was a defining moment. The effect the Child is having on him makes him a more interesting character.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Sassafras: And it could be tropey but I wouldn't mind, years from now, if the end walk into the sunset was Mando heading back to the farm to nice widow woman

Ugh. No. Too syrupy.

Think back to the mists of pre-history and the original Conan movie. Conan met up with Valeria, who was extremely suited to him. They were both warriors who had lived similar lives and were worthy of each other. They fitted.

Mating Mando with the widow would be like trying to mate an eagle with one of those white barnyard ducks. He's going to need someone with more oomph than that. I have spoken, dammit. :lecture

conan sandahl.jpg
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Ugh. No. Too syrupy.

Think back to the mists of pre-history and the original Conan movie. Conan met up with Valeria, who was extremely suited to him. They were both warriors who had lived similar lives and were worthy of each other. They fitted.

Mating Mando with the widow would be like trying to mate an eagle with one of those white barnyard ducks. He's going to need someone with more oomph than that. I have spoken, dammit. :lecture

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Speaking of Conan, there are some definite 80s fantasy vibes to this series. The scenes in the Mandalorian Armory remind me of Conan the Barbarian. Then there were definite Gremlins/Gizmo vibes to Chapter 5's docking bay scene, especially the choice of music in that scene.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

I could see that happening, at the end of a long series of adventures.

At 'A' Level I took Classical Civilization, which was a lot of fun. We read Iliad, Odyssey and Aeneid. Odyssey was by far my favourite.

When you're reading something so old, that feels so modern, you get a direct connection to the past. And you understand that people don't really change, we just accumulate more knowledge. For thousands of years writers have been retelling the same stories with contemporary twists.

I wrote recently in one of the threads about the 'relentless repetition' that's been present in Star Wars since the beginning - with repeated dialogue and events. It's what the series does, and it was the repetition of the things that Lucas saw in the old cliffhanger serials that inspired the film in the first place. (There was even much closer repetition in the Indiana Jones series with scene for scene grabs from the 1930s and 1940s).

Rogue One took quite a different route and tone.

When The Mandalorian began it looked like it could be following the darker path of Rogue One, with a taciturn, cold-blooded killer for the main protagonist. But he's changing. The moment his voice starts to crack when talking to the Widow was a defining moment. The effect the Child is having on him makes him a more interesting character.

Really true! I was lucky enough to have a very good teacher for the Odyssey and some classic Greek plays; really brought some of the classical Greek stuff alive. Like he pointed out that Penelope waited for Odysseus for so long, she tests him over and over when he returns. Because she's at the point where one more break will empty her, forever, leaving nothing but a shell, unable to come back. IMO the ancient Greeks had a better handle on humanity than anyone, and nothing has changed in centuries.

I'm unfazed by what some have called "repetition" thanks to those classes and learning worldwide archetypes. At least in this class, the thesis was that Odysseus - and others - are on the "journey myth" where there is a visit to the land of the dead, or other, to gain knowledge. But you return, always, changed (paralleling real life). Universal archetypes. IMO the Mandelorian also has the hero myth combined with protection of a "sacred" child/savior.

IMO execution is key; at least this series has captured my imagination (most likely thanks most to picking a good cast - like you can hear emotion in Pacal's voice as masked as he is...and Favreau's abilities.)

For me this has rapidly morphed into a fascinating character - Russell Crowe's Gladiator comes to mind. E.g. he's a badass and takes out Stormtroopers, etc. but he has a sense of dry humor (at the end with Greef, others), has a strong code and compassion - I EXPECTED ruthless coldness - which can be fun - what I got was something far more complex, which for me is even better.:clap

Ugh. No. Too syrupy.

Think back to the mists of pre-history and the original Conan movie. Conan met up with Valeria, who was extremely suited to him. They were both warriors who had lived similar lives and were worthy of each other. They fitted.

Mating Mando with the widow would be like trying to mate an eagle with one of those white barnyard ducks. He's going to need someone with more oomph than that. I have spoken, dammit.

LOL. I see what u are saying:cool:. But, if u watch the widow's face in the beginning, as she looks around, her face sets. She's no slouch. IMO nothing wrong with the warrior, last battle fought, finally going home "to be a child for a while". I mean, to me, the widow inherently gets it with the Mandalorian. That war is &%ll. She'll pick up a rifle and kill if she has to. She reminds me of the queen in 13th Warrior who brings the knives to the younger woman before the last battle. - Re the women and children "don't let them be taken".

Love Valeria and Cara Dune. But there's another kind of woman who will kill if needed. I think that's worthy of this Mandalorian, ultimately. Or - she's almost like the Mandalorian clan leader; doesn't routinely fight. But bet the Mandalorian tribe leader is fearsome opponent.

Anyway Mando says "he doesn't belong there". And he doesn't, not yet. Fight's not over.
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