Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mando" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi" + "The Book of Boba Fett"

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Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

I never claimed to be an expert in combat sports like you, but please take a few minutes to watch this. Hopefully it proves my point that size and muscle mass does not equate to dominance in combat sports.

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That entire video was nonsense. There is no one way that guy is weighing 150. He is taller than the short bodybuilder so I am sure there is not a 100 pound difference between them. If you follow any combat sport you would know there are weight divisions for a reason. That video is irrelevant to the physical differences between women and men.

If someone weighing 250 hits a 98 pound weakling that weakling is getting knocked out. If that 98 pound weakling lands a punch against the 250 pound person he is fighting the punch would certainly have minimal effect. For some reason lazy directors throw common sense out the window when it comes to females fighting men and expect the audience to do the same. There are some women who are as strong as men and can fight with men but they look nothing like the super skinny white females Hollywood prefers to hire.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

It didn't take long for Star Wars fans to turn on this, did it? Sometimes I totally despair of this so-called fanbase!
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Well now you know how I feel about what passes for writing these days with Star Wars. They don't even try any more, it's insulting and depressing... and truly astonishing that people gobble it up - I'm a fan of Star Wars, but not to the point of willingly turning my brain off to enjoy what should be a good movie or show - when it's that bad, I believe in calling a spade a spade.

Contemporary Star Wars overrunneth with bad writing.

I'm not sure you could ever accuse Favreau and Filoni of ''not trying''. Those guys care about Star Wars as much as any of us. What exactly do you consider bad and lazy writing in Rogue One and The Mandalorian?
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

And this is subjective. You are allowed to like or hate ?as you wish? (Boba Fett line haha). In my opinion Star Wars was never amazingly written to begin with. But I love this fun, expands the Star Wars universe in a way we?ve never seen before. I think it is going off the beaten path enough that makes it worthwhile and not just riding off the backs of the OT films or characters. We?ve never had a live action SW bounty hunter series that expands on the relatively unknown race of Mandalorians....think about that for a second. I don?t know what people expect but I for one think this is a great achievement for the franchise and fanbase. New worlds, characters, and an era (post ROTJ) never explored before all through the lens of a brand new perspective (not jedi or a military faction).

I can?t wait for more content like this whether it?s more seasons of this show, the Obi Wan show or more. I don?t want to bash the new trilogy too much, but the Mandalorian, Rogue One is the type of content I?ve been waiting for since I first watched the OT.

Like is said, we all have our opinions and I respect yours. I just wanted to give my counterpoint.

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Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

...Rogue One...

The one thing I didn't like about Rogue One (apart from killing off Jyn) was that they took the ending from These Final Hours (2013), only it looked better in the earlier film:

Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

...y'know, I hate that Kardashians show. [Bear with me here] I really despise all of them, kids and all. I have only ever seen about 10 minutes of it, which consisted of Kim insulting and denigrating one of the other sisters over a restaurant lunch for sister's inability to get instantly pregnant: obviously, non-instant pregnancies are indicative of failure on the part of any woman. Ok.

Vile. Disgusting behavior. Trashy, ugliness. And yet I never go on forums devoted to the show and try to ruin it for those who hang on every Kardashian word.

If one does not like something, why go there? In all seriousness. If one hates every single thing about something, I don't know what's solved by trying to ruin the enjoyment of other people. Everyone certainly has the right to their own opinion, that's fine. I hate the Kardashians and I never go near anything to do with them.

I would do the same for this show, if I hated it too.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

...y'know, I hate that Kardashians show. [Bear with me here] I really despise all of them, kids and all. I have only ever seen about 10 minutes of it, which consisted of Kim insulting and denigrating one of the other sisters over a restaurant lunch for sister's inability to get instantly pregnant: obviously, non-instant pregnancies are indicative of failure on the part of any woman. Ok.

Vile. Disgusting behavior. Trashy, ugliness. And yet I never go on forums devoted to the show and try to ruin it for those who hang on every Kardashian word.

If one does not like something, why go there? In all seriousness. If one hates every single thing about something, I don't know what's solved by trying to ruin the enjoyment of other people. Everyone certainly has the right to their own opinion, that's fine. I hate the Kardashians and I never go near anything to do with them.

I would do the same for this show, if I hated it too.

Well said.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

It didn't take long for Star Wars fans to turn on this, did it? Sometimes I totally despair of this so-called fanbase!

Eh, looks to me like it's only a couple people here. Most of us are enjoying the hell out of it.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Eh, looks to me like it's only a couple people here. Most of us are enjoying the hell out of it.

I wasn't just meaning here. I've seen a lot of comments on Reddit and other places.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

I guess it's the dreamer in me. I guess because part of me hopes someone somewhere who actually gives a damn AND can and will do something about it will read my comments, scratch their head, and say "You know, this guy makes some valid points. Lets do better people."

It's not that I hate Star Wars. Its that I love it and hate seeing it taking a long slow dive, and I don't understand how people can like the same crap I'm seeing.


Is everyone's tolerance for crap really that high? If it is, then Star Wars truly is lost... but in all honesty it probably is anyway, I guess it's time I shut up and move on...

I know I myself could do better writing, and I'm not a professional writer. For one, I'd listen to the fans - there are some GREAT ideas out there.

I truly don't understand how people get into these writing jobs and KEEP them with the low level of quality here (must be who they're sleeping with?), but hey, if you guys really do love it and don't think there's room for significant improvement, okay. I don't understand and it boggles my mind, but understanding isn't needed, time I move on. Not like anyone who's in a position to change things and is willing to will ever see my comments here anyway.

There really is no hope for you ever enjoying Star Wars again if you consider Rogue One and The Mandalorian as Star Wars ''taking a long slow dive''. It sounds like your issue is they're not writing Star Wars that you, specifically, like. However, the majority of SW fans seem to love both. I guess that makes us all dumb and easy to please.

Go ahead and submit some of your ideas here then. Afterall our tolerance of ''crap'' is high, so no-one will judge you too harshly.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

And this is subjective. You are allowed to like or hate ?as you wish? (Boba Fett line haha). In my opinion Star Wars was never amazingly written to begin with. But I love this fun, expands the Star Wars universe in a way we?ve never seen before. I think it is going off the beaten path enough that makes it worthwhile and not just riding off the backs of the OT films or characters. We?ve never had a live action SW bounty hunter series that expands on the relatively unknown race of Mandalorians....think about that for a second. I don?t know what people expect but I for one think this is a great achievement for the franchise and fanbase. New worlds, characters, and an era (post ROTJ) never explored before all through the lens of a brand new perspective (not jedi or a military faction).

I can?t wait for more content like this whether it?s more seasons of this show, the Obi Wan show or more. I don?t want to bash the new trilogy too much, but the Mandalorian, Rogue One is the type of content I?ve been waiting for since I first watched the OT.

Like is said, we all have our opinions and I respect yours. I just wanted to give my counterpoint.

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I'll add that until Mandalorian I was only ever a mild SW fan. Always loved fantasy NOT sci-fi, per se, tho both genres often follow narratives with similar archetypes. But I liked the organic/magic/"historical"/mystery bent of fantasy.

But yah know - Star Wars. How can u not luv Star Wars?

Some of the interpretations of the show I've read, remind my of my own response to the much loved Infinity War. Because that wasn't I wanted or expected, sure wasn't the screen time or tone I was expecting to see, and by End Game was pretty fed up:pfft: (I like EG better tho but still wasn't what I wanted). IMO IW had a lot of issues and I don't get it.

A lot of the more negative? things mentioned about the Mandalorian either don't register with me, or are actually stuff that to me are a positive joy:blissy.

Like the fact he can be beat. He's a badass but it's REALISTIC. He's not Gary Sue. He gets hurt. (Possibly I can thank Favreau for something so refreshing, since Tony Stark could also get hurt, and fail). He's also not a jerk. Heck, it's vaguely like Aragorn in a way, who could be just plain civil as well as badass (and talk in Tolkien faux Shakespeare:cool:).

True enough, the loner western has been seen before, the desperate seeking a slim chance, and so on. Universal global myths and stories. IMO always can be old and re-told, but it's the execution. IMO Mandalorian is incredibly amazing as central figure is cool badass, has a code, is on both a journey myth and a hero journey AND it's all set with "ordinary folks" in the Outer Rim territories, at least to start with. Where all the "mighty Skywalker blood" probably didn't register as much as the local governing *&&^% who took bribes (and low-end Stormtroopers were a regular pain in the ^ss to the locals, judging by all the heads on stakes:cool:.)

Not saying Mandalorian and Rogue One couldn't be tweaked; but IMO so could the iconic first trilogy and well - the prequels. Er. (And I pretty well enjoyed TFA - at least the first part tho found the amount of re-hash pretty staggering:lol. And there's stuff I like about TLJ and stuff I find pretty questionable.)

LOL personally I could write a lot about everything I luv about the Mandalorian - even the end credit art:love - but guess I'll go check the budget and see what Mandalorian HTs I can afford (gotta be cautious 'coz Iron Studios might slip in and do something amazing $$$$ if they have license).

But I totally respect other folks having other opinions. I don't even get the Boba fetish - had to go read about that. Even so I don't want a Boba fig unless he plays some huge pivotal point in the show. (Except for fan service I dunno why he would, anyway). For now tho - can't wait for more Mandalorian content:impatient:. Is there an art book? I need the art book.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Bunch of keyboard warriors in here with rose tinted glasses and outdated opinions on the world; society is moving along and it's leaving things behind as it always has. And just as it always has, it's not a perfect science. The amount of insecurity and entitlement is so GOT DAM high with some of the folks here is unbelievable, especially when they profess to know it all. You'd think that would introduce a little modicum of humbleness in the process.

When you go into the sandbox thread, folks are STILL photoshopping pictures of Rose or making fun of Rian Johnson. Is it that bad? Is there nothing more pressing in life then this fixation on a character in a film you didn't like? I just do not get it how obsessively focused folks are on it. Don't like it? Don't pay attention to it. It's not hard.

It's not like the OT is some mastercraft in penmenship, it's clunky, it's tacky, and it's endearing because of it.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

I wasn't just meaning here. I've seen a lot of comments on Reddit and other places.

But tho, one of my newest guilty pleasures is watching YT tube vids where folks are raving about TROS. The amount of energy and brain twisting to make the point that TROS sux and killed SW (even tho no-one has seen it yet) has all the energy of a brawl at the Stanley Cup playoffs:cool:.

Meanwhile I've got the warm fuzzies knowing Favreau is busy on Season 2 of the Mandalorian, so I can kick back and watch the fuss like a tennis match, and LOL that Disney is scrambling to deal:

Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

There really is no hope for you ever enjoying Star Wars again if you consider Rogue One and The Mandalorian as Star Wars ''taking a long slow dive''. It sounds like your issue is they're not writing Star Wars that you, specifically, like. However, the majority of SW fans seem to love both. I guess that makes us all dumb and easy to please.

Go ahead and submit some of your ideas here then. Afterall our tolerance of ''crap'' is high, so no-one will judge you too harshly.

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Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

But tho, one of my newest guilty pleasures is watching YT tube vids where folks are raving about TROS. The amount of energy and brain twisting to make the point that TROS sux and killed SW (even tho no-one has seen it yet) has all the energy of a brawl at the Stanley Cup playoffs:cool:.

Meanwhile I've got the warm fuzzies knowing Favreau is busy on Season 2 of the Mandalorian, so I can kick back and watch the fuss like a tennis match, and LOL that Disney is scrambling to deal:

It's official, Baby Yoda is a phenomenon. I'd certainly buy a full-size Baby Yoda if Hot Toys were to make one. Is there any case of Hot Toys making a 1:1 scale of something small?
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

I certainly wouldn't call the show "high art" or anything as rich and complex as the new Watchmen, and on the surface the stories can seem a bit basic. But it's got a great sort of minimalist western style that I love, with a lead character who is always interesting to watch as he's constantly trying to figure out his next step while also somehow taking care of a child.

And yeah he makes mistakes, but he's pretty much winging it every step of the way now. We've seen him be ruthlessly efficient when it came to storming that base to rescue Baby Yoda, so he's clearly capable of it. But it's also a lot more fun to watch him think on his feet and figure his way out of a problem, instead of having him always be on top of everything and never mess up or get the rug pulled out from him.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

Just stop and consider all of the wailing and complaining that has been done about the SW franchise [and every other one!] on the internet. The raging, the whining, the insulting, the flamewars that lasted for weeks.

Has that ever changed a single thing that the owners were going to do? Doubtful. All for nothing, every bit of it. [Well, it might have stopped any further Halle Berry Catwoman movies, I will grant you that.]

With that said: WHERE IS OUR ART BOOK

Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

A lot of the more negative? things mentioned about the Mandalorian either don't register with me, or are actually stuff that to me are a positive joy.

Like the fact he can be beat. He's a badass but it's REALISTIC. He's not Gary Sue. He gets hurt. (Possibly I can thank Favreau for something so refreshing, since Tony Stark could also get hurt, and fail). He's also not a jerk. Heck, it's vaguely like Aragorn in a way, who could be just plain civil as well as badass (and talk in Tolkien faux Shakespeare

This is a major source of enjoyment for me, the fact that he has limits and vulnerabilities. Its very relatable.

That ship needs a security system tho. As well as a lock on the weapons locker, just sayin.
Re: Speculation : Hot Toys Disney+ Figures "The Mandalorian" + "Cassian" + "Kenobi"

There really is no hope for you ever enjoying Star Wars again if you consider Rogue One and The Mandalorian as Star Wars ''taking a long slow dive''. It sounds like your issue is they're not writing Star Wars that you, specifically, like. However, the majority of SW fans seem to love both. I guess that makes us all dumb and easy to please.

Go ahead and submit some of your ideas here then. Afterall our tolerance of ''crap'' is high, so no-one will judge you too harshly.

This is the way brother :D.

Even though so far I've gained a tremendous sense of gratification through The Mandalorian, but I haven't completely hooked enough, yet, to buy Hot Toys figures from this show.
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