Negative. The toy liscensing dosn't work that way.
HASBRO has EXCLUSIVE Liscensing Rights to All toys of any flavor Regarding Star Wars ( and several other properties bundled togethor now that Disney owns LFL) Untill AT LEAST 2020.
It's also worth noting that just to be safe, this past July When hasbro extended their Liscense to 2020, they put in specific options to include the new, pending trilogy.
Hasbro Sub-let's the 1/6th Liscense to Sideshow for a cut of their profits ( this is partly why SW figures are as expensive as they are. Sideshow is paying Lucasfilm/Disney AND hasbro) For the "Western Market"
Hasbro has Sub-let the 1/6th lease to Medicom as an "Asian Market" Liscense. Treating the "Asian Market" as a Different Liscense.
Sideshow, in turn, Has a partnership with Hot toys where they "Sub Let" a "Deluxe Figure Line" to Hot toys, with some restrictions placed on what HT can make.
Super short Version, is Hot toys can only make figures that Sideshow either
A) HAs Already made
B) Has NO intention of EVER making
C) Will not make any time soon
As much Star Wars Merch as Sideshow Makes, there is NO REASON that Hasbro would revoke that liscense From Sideshow, as It's Basicly FREE MONEY for hasbro.
They do Virtualy NO work, and collect a check on Every piece Sideshow produces.
ADDITIONALY Becuase of HT Geographical location, they're limited by the "asian Market" thingy Hasbro Created.
Hot toys Would need to go after the Liscense held by Medicom.
NOW THAT SAID, it IS worth noting that Hot toys HAS been cozying up to Hasbro lately. within the past Year, they have become the Official importer and distributor of Hasbro Products in Asia.
The expectation of this is that it's building to hot toys trying to take that Medicom Liscense for themselves.
IF THAT HAPPENS, THEN they can move out from under the Sideshow restrictions.