Hot Toys DX Indiana Jones announced + Star Wars teaser

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Sure hope you are right.


Probably wrong on a lot of that, but those are pretty much the last few figures HT could offer that I'd be really excited about, and because of the things I've mentioned, I feel like there's a shot for all of that. POTC4 and the giveaway favor seeing a new Jack, plus he'd be a great figure to start the new POTC line with to build interest in the figures they'll announce leading up to theatrical release. The stuff I mentioned about Terminator and Rambo gives those a shot. Wolverine's hopeful because of HT continuing to roll out the Marvel franchises they announced in 2009, we've got Spidey and Blade, X-Men was the other specified series. Keaton Batman is just hopeful because of DC Direct doing products based on him this year, and since Reeves Supes is being done by DCD first and now HT, would be awesome if the same pattern followed for Batman.
For sure one of the new licences is the new pirates of the caribbean movie. Cant wait to see indy and reeve. Ill _____ my pants if we see a keaton batman being shown in the event:Flush
Well we already know POTC is a license, but whether there's a figure ready to show off at this show is a question mark. Since Captain Sparrow's hardly changed from his previous appearance, he's a good one to start with and could be started ahead of time, could have been in the works since summer or even later.
I really love seeing HT bringing us 70's/80's icons after the other,2010 was a good year,but 2011 will be crazy with Superman,Indy,Bruce Lee and im sure there will be more.I can hope we will finally see a John McClane and Jack Nicholson.
Blade Runner would be nice too.
John McClaine is probably the most recognizable character in film, worthy of being made into a figure, that has not had and offical figure made of it. We've got Rocky, we've got Rambo, we have the Terminator, Indy, Jack Sparrow, Bruce Lee, McClaine is a big void that needs to finally be filled.
John McClaine is probably the most recognizable character in film, worthy of being made into a figure, that has not had and offical figure made of it. We've got Rocky, we've got Rambo, we have the Terminator, Indy, Jack Sparrow, Bruce Lee, McClaine is a big void that needs to finally be filled.

Yes it does. I could go for some Hanz Gruber too. :)
Depends, sounds like an SDCC type format, SDCC has special access for the first night but often we get photos out of it. I'd say it's a matter of whether they allow cameras of any kind or not.
John McClaine is probably the most recognizable character in film, worthy of being made into a figure, that has not had and offical figure made of it. We've got Rocky, we've got Rambo, we have the Terminator, Indy, Jack Sparrow, Bruce Lee, McClaine is a big void that needs to finally be filled.

I have a feeling we'll see John McClane from Hot Toys eventually. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but that license is too HOT for Hot Toys not to get. This is why I have largely ignored the Die Hard custom figures, haven't bought any and have mostly stayed away from temptation in the threads.
Come on....where's INDY already?


You all know I'm making a McClane, been in development for 7 long years...I expect HT to announce him soon, soon as I'm done. But hey, I'll take two McClanes -- clean and dirty.
Hasn't HT stated that they only take on characters with interesting costume designs (when asked about inception)? Not saying that I don't find McClane's costume (or lack thereof) interesting, but not sure if Hot Toys would.
I think it was more they needed an iconic, recognizable character and look if they didn't have something that looked intrinsically interesting. Willis as McClane is that, IMO. You know the character based on the look alone, even though he isn't colorful or weird looking. Their example of DiCaprio is that him in a suit could be 15 or 20 different characters.

On the other hand, you know exactly who Don Corleone is even though he is just a guy in a suit.
Hasn't HT stated that they only take on characters with interesting costume designs (when asked about inception)? Not saying that I don't find McClane's costume (or lack thereof) interesting, but not sure if Hot Toys would.

It wasn't that they only do visually interesting costume designs, it was that Inception's characters weren't that visually interesting. Leo in a suit is not that cool. Same reason why Two-Face is far and away the lamest of their TDK figures.
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