DX Indy's for certain.
Of the unannounced things that could show up at this thing, I'm hoping they have:
-New Captain Jack Sparrow
-New Rambo
-T2 BD T-800
-T1 Biker/BD T-800
-X-Suit Wolverine
-Keaton Batman
A fair mix of likely and long shots, but given that this isn't just new product unveiling but a celebration, I'm hoping for some of the unlikelies to have a good shot.
I'm thinking something new from T1 or T2 is very likely, being that T1 was the first MMS license, it would be fitting to show off an updated Biker figure to show their evolution as a company from first to second. That's also why I'm hoping for a new Rambo, that was also one of their earliest MMS releases, pretty sure first on that muscle body, and again, it'd be a good demonstration of their evolution as a company, and that Stallone poll from a short while ago.