Hot Toys DX Iron Man Mark III

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Looks like either a Battle damaged Mark III or a Mark IV. Either way, I'm happy and I'll buy it. If it is the BD Mark III, then a "DX" of that isn't a probably with me since there was no way the original could also double as battle damaged. So that is an acceptable variant.

Its all of those T-600 variants people should be complaining more about! :google
Looks like either a Battle damaged Mark III or a Mark IV. Either way, I'm happy and I'll buy it. If it is the BD Mark III, then a "DX" of that isn't a probably with me since there was no way the original could also double as battle damaged. So that is an acceptable variant.

Its all of those T-600 variants people should be complaining more about! :google

dont worry, im sure they will have a couple rehashes of the P1 as well :lol
Hot Toys: The best 1/6th figure maker in the world and........
the biggest bunch of jerk offs in the world.
(If the rumor is true)

Really HT?
You couldnt just offer this in the first place?

Hey HT you guys are #1, guess which finger Im holding up?
If this versions damage is well done and comes with a beat up head, I'm all for it. it's not the same figure done better but an entirely different version of the Mark III. rock on HT...keep em comming...:rock
I'll be sort of irritated if this is another version of the Mark III, but if its the Mark IV I'm on board. I would hope that with Iron Man II just around the corner that they would just wait for the Mark IV to do a DX.
By the time I really got interested in an IM figure, opportunity to pick up Mark 3 passed and at this point I figured I'd just wait for a Mark 4 from the new movie, but if this is a clean Mark 3 with neat enough features I might get this, be curious to see how this pans out, but I also feel for those that got the first one.
The next Iron Man I want, is the MK V
I'm looking forward to War Machine too, so this figure does bother me too much, they already brought out a great MK III already.
The only DX out of the two already announced that showed up it's predecessor was the Joker. I'm sure it will be the case with this as well
I'm pretty sure this is a Mark II it looks like it has an interchangeable BD chest piece and head. and it has a ungloved hand like in the movie
Man, this would have a release date pretty close to IM2 so we should be seeing pleanty of IM2 HT prototypes that are available for preorder by then.... makes for a tough choice. Buy this? Or wait for IM2 figs?...

Or buy it all?
Pisses others off, but makes me happy. Missed out on the first so yaaaay.
If this is the case, it looks like I'll be holding out for this Mark III.
I already have a mark 3 and this doesnt bother me.It would be sweet if they do the IM though.
Dlx Batman is not due until Jan 10 this guy won't hit retail until IM 2 is in theaters next summer (assumption). What is the point :confused:
The only thing that would made me buy one (since I have the original MK3) is if it's made of iron...
Now I don't know if I buy the original Predator or not...
Damn HT!:mad:
Dlx Batman is not due until Jan 10 this guy won't hit retail until IM 2 is in theaters next summer (assumption). What is the point :confused:

Cash in on folks who missed the first Mark 3 or are willing to get this one in addtion and would be psyched to have a new IM figure ship to them right as the movie comes out.

I don't know what sort of secrecy is being kept on the Mark 4, but if they want to keep it quiet, then figures from the first film are all HT can really do and sell to have shipping at the time of the movie.
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