Also, I finally got my BL. First thing was the gorgeous box and artwork. My wife hates this stuff but even she wanted to keep the box. Then the figure looks like a mini version of the real guy. Some folks think the whole DX line is a waste, but here you see where your money went.
^^ nice collection of martial arts figure dude!
^^Where did you find the outfit IP Man has on? Is that the original attire? Looks of great quality, so im assuming its an original
Would look great on Bruce
I ordered AFTER the figure was released.
Congrats Chrono, what a score!
Thanks mate! I'm going to re-sell this
I'm going to re-sell this
Thanks mate! I'm going to re-sell this
Thanks mate! I'm going to re-sell this
Thanks mate! I'm going to re-sell this
Thanks mate! I'm going to re-sell this
Buying loose parts separately to build this figure was stupid of me I think I've already spent over the $200US it would have cost me to buy it brand spanking new, & I still don't have any of the diorama's, weapons, feet, or all the hands
Plus I ripped off the button on the pants when trying to put it on the body
Buying loose parts separately to build this figure was stupid of me I think I've already spent over the $200US it would have cost me to buy it brand spanking new, & I still don't have any of the diorama's, weapons, feet, or all the hands
Plus I ripped off the button on the pants when trying to put it on the body