Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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I tryed watching the DVD and fell asleep. Honest to god, I have never ever fallen asleep watching a movie before. Tryed again the next day, couldn't have cared less about anything happening. Decided the next day to burn the DVD, haven't looked back.
I was hoping for more DX pics, but i felt compelled to chime in on KotCS.

Yes, we all know Lucas has leapt off a creative deep end years ago, but i think Spielberg is as equally to blame for KotCS. The directing in that flick was just LAZY. It breaks my heart to say it, but the flick was a big polished mess w/ CG and sets where there should have been stunts and world travel. I think everyone involved has become comfortable in the hollywood system. They're not the rough and tumble crew w/something to prove that they once were back in 1980. We have to face the horrible truth: Lucas and Spielberg are getting old.

Plus the script was ____. Even the good scenes are tainted by ____e dialogue.

P.S Jumping in a fridge to avoid a nuclear blast.... pure Indiana Jones!
It breaks my heart to say it, but the flick was a big polished mess w/ CG and sets where there should have been stunts and world travel.

The sad part is I remember reading early on that Speilberg wanted to stay true to the "quick and dirty" techniques used in the first films, REAL stunts, REAL sets. I find it hard to believe he would come out and say that and then do a complete 180 of his own free will...I blame Lucas.

Sorry for derailing this thread.
I was hoping for more DX pics, but i felt compelled to chime in on KotCS.

Yes, we all know Lucas has leapt off a creative deep end years ago, but i think Spielberg is as equally to blame for KotCS. The directing in that flick was just LAZY. It breaks my heart to say it, but the flick was a big polished mess w/ CG and sets where there should have been stunts and world travel. I think everyone involved has become comfortable in the hollywood system. They're not the rough and tumble crew w/something to prove that they once were back in 1980. We have to face the horrible truth: Lucas and Spielberg are getting old.

Plus the script was ____. Even the good scenes are tainted by ____e dialogue.

P.S Jumping in a fridge to avoid a nuclear blast.... pure Indiana Jones!
This HT Indy will be the BEST 1/6 scale Indy. Ever.

Well, fact is... you're probably right.

The problem is that it is perhaps one of - if not THE - worst Hot Toys offerings in recent years, at least in terms of likeness. :(
The sad part is I remember reading early on that Speilberg wanted to stay true to the "quick and dirty" techniques used in the first films, REAL stunts, REAL sets. I find it hard to believe he would come out and say that and then do a complete 180 of his own free will...I blame Lucas.

Sorry for derailing this thread.

Oh I totally agree. In Raiders you really got involved with the stunts in them because you knew they were 'real' If you know what I mean. There was a real bloke being dragged along under that truck, rather then some cgi actor.

The last Indie movie felt so artifical to me. :(
You and me both. Dear god, when he climbs out of that fridge...:slap

And the list goes on...

I tell you...never had I been as emotionally crushed by a film's quality (or lack thereof). I was in a stupor for the rest of the day after I saw it, and was haunted by cringe-inducing flashbacks of bits and pieces of the film (I kid you not) for days after. Personally my biggest cinematic travesty.

I felt exactly the same when I watched Last Crusade when I was in HS in 1989.

Yes, we all know Lucas has leapt off a creative deep end years ago, but i think Spielberg is as equally to blame for KotCS. The directing in that flick was just LAZY. It breaks my heart to say it, but the flick was a big polished mess w/ CG and sets where there should have been stunts and world travel. I think everyone involved has become comfortable in the hollywood system. They're not the rough and tumble crew w/something to prove that they once were back in 1980. We have to face the horrible truth: Lucas and Spielberg are getting old.

Plus the script was ____. Even the good scenes are tainted by ____e dialogue.

P.S Jumping in a fridge to avoid a nuclear blast.... pure Indiana Jones!

The sad part is I remember reading early on that Speilberg wanted to stay true to the "quick and dirty" techniques used in the first films, REAL stunts, REAL sets. I find it hard to believe he would come out and say that and then do a complete 180 of his own free will...I blame Lucas.

Oh I totally agree. In Raiders you really got involved with the stunts in them because you knew they were 'real' If you know what I mean. There was a real bloke being dragged along under that truck, rather then some cgi actor.

The last Indie movie felt so artifical to me. :(

I still feel that Raiders is the odd man out, and that Last Crusade and Crystal Skull are brothers, with Temple somewhere in the middle.

I feel Spielberg was totally lazy with LC too, but I can't blame him too much with not standing against Lucas for Crystal Skull. Everything I've read seems like George is a stubborn old fool that would not budge an inch, no matter how much Spielberg and Ford protested and challenged him.

That all said, I enjoyed Crystal Skull, and prefer it over LC. I can barely bring myself to watch LC nowadays.
Raiders the odd man out? I couldn't disagree with that comparison more, LC is by your own admission a cheap knock off, but because of that they fit togeather fine.

The way I see it is you have CS and TOD, which are more Jungle focused and over the top bookends and dealing with occult sort of themes, with a young sidekick etc. Both also find Indy at his most skeptical, TOD being a young brash gimme the fortune and glory guy, and then old Indy questioning if its all even worth it anymore.

Then Raiders and LC sandwhiched in there, which take place during WW2, are heavily desert themed, and have a in his prime, detirmined to make a differance Indy race against the nazis for the religious based prize.
Raiders the odd man out? I couldn't disagree with that comparison more, LC is by your own admission a cheap knock off, but because of that they fit togeather fine.

The way I see it is you have CS and TOD, which are more Jungle focused and over the top bookends and dealing with occult sort of themes, with a young sidekick etc. Both also find Indy at his most skeptical, TOD being a young brash gimme the fortune and glory guy, and then old Indy questioning if its all even worth it anymore.

Then Raiders and LC sandwhiched in there, which take place during WW2, are heavily desert themed, and have a detirmined to make a differance Indy race against the nazis for the religious based prize.

Odd man out in terms of quality, not thematic relations. I like how you've tied them together, though!

To me, Raiders is gritty, hard, sweaty, violent, gruesome, fast, and feels like it's more than just an Indiana Jones adventure.

LC and Crystal Skull are more fun, lighthearted adventures with no real dangers and poor effects.

TOD is in the middle. It's violent and dark, but there's also a lot of humor in it (Willie and Shorty) that takes away from the gravity of the film. The ending is way too much of a happy ending too, especially after the brilliant closing shot of Raiders.
That i'll agree with, Raiders feels like a classic film, where as all the rest feel like part of a franchise. Which obviously they are, but it feels like Raiders was made to really make an impression in the industry where as the others were just for entertainment.
That i'll agree with, Raiders feels like a classic film, where as all the rest feel like part of a franchise. Which obviously they are, but it feels like Raiders was made to really make an impression in the industry where as the others were just for entertainment.

:lecture Exactly!
That i'll agree with, Raiders feels like a classic film, where as all the rest feel like part of a franchise. Which obviously they are, but it feels like Raiders was made to really make an impression in the industry where as the others were just for entertainment.

:goodpost: I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking this. Raiders is one of those movies I wish I could go back and watch afresh all over again.
That i'll agree with, Raiders feels like a classic film, where as all the rest feel like part of a franchise. Which obviously they are, but it feels like Raiders was made to really make an impression in the industry where as the others were just for entertainment.

Oh I don't even know If It's that exactly. It felt to me more like they wanted to make the whole film feel very much like the kind of jolly romp classic adventure yarns of old, and that was reflected in how the movie was presented/shot.

Also CGI effects weren't around back then and so certain things had to be done 'live' and a director didn't quite have the ability to keep reaching into the digital depts 'dressing up box' to get the kind of OTT scenes that are run of the mill now.

Strangely enough the only bit of Crystal Skull that felt like It had overtones of the first movie was the motorbike sequence early on in the movie and the sequence in the warehouse at the beginning.

The rest rapidly seemed to deteriorate into a mindless combination of too many OTT chases and CGI effects.

In a weird way I quite liked that shot towards the end of Indiana framed against the sky witnessing the flying saucer lifting off as It once again made a point that times were a changing and that a new era was emerging. The atomic age, with all It's new dangers, but hell I think they could have gone a vastly different route to make that point.
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The first 3 were a hark back to films of old. KOTCS was an attempt to keep up with the films of today. Back in their heyday, Spielberg and Lucas did what they wanted, now they do what Hollywood wants.

I think Lucas was doing that for some time now really. From what I've heard he adores CGI and really doesn't think much of live action work.
Not much of a director then. I tend to shy away from big budget movies these days, particularly when the budget has gone on showy effects and gimmicks and not hiring screenwriters and decent actors.

I know a few people who worked on the last lot of Star Wars films and from what they've said of their experiences of working for him I have to say no, when It comes to dealing with actors and makers I don't think he's is all that wonderful.
Hmm, maybe he didn't cut them as good a deal as he did with the first 3. They made the fortunes of many connected with them.

I only hope HT do something better with their SW license than they have with Indy. Neatly back on topic there!

I wouldn't trust Lucas with anything now. I still rate Spielberg though even despite films like The Lost World and KOTCS. Personally I really enjoyed War of the Worlds.

The Last Crusade is my favourite Indy film :dunno ROTLA knock off maybe but a tad more enjoyable IMO.
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