Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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Looks perfect to me :huh

The grand irony of all this, is that if this figure was posted in the customs forum, and being sold for $700, people would be foaming at the mouth for it.

But because it's Hot Toys, people are nit-picking it to death.
The grand irony of all this, is that if this figure was posted in the customs forum, and being sold for $700, people would be foaming at the mouth for it.

But because it's Hot Toys, people are nit-picking it to death.

If the custom was being produced by AKim or ArnieK there might be some nitpicking :)

Arnie Kim has a truckload of experience and has all the resources to hand that come with being on the HT team. People rightly expect a decent HS of Indy from him, but they haven't seen this yet.

Customs are always going to be more kindly received as they're most often produced by a one-man-show, and nobody wants to diss some artist who's doing the best they can and no doubt seeking to improve their craft. But yeh, I kind of agree that some of the customs I have seen are nowhere near worthy of their price tag, yet folks'll pay the money for even a mediocre rendition of a character they dig but has been ignored by the companies.

I wish I'd never discovered customs. Serang is bringing out what looks like a kickass W. Churchill and I just picked up one of Feng's Einstein sculpts. I didn't have the coin for Rainman's Dude or Xeno's 'Dexter' (uh, sorry, 'Miami Serial Killer').

Indy will blow everyone away. We'll see the revised HS and it'll be like the second coming. There'll be trumpets, cherubs, archangels, the whole bit :)
'Figure will be improved' is what I'm holding onto right now :) I'm not saying HT should necessarily be putting more effort into a DX release over their regular releases, but it does seem to me that where HT might get away with releasing a sub-par Wolvie and Dastan, they'd be very concerned that DX Indy turn out a winner.

Not only is this an iconic character and a DX to boot, it's also Arnie's Big Debut. They'll be giving him every chance to hit this out of the park, not just for his fans, but for their investment in securing his services in the first place. I hope.

Arnie has since proved his worth by doing for HT what he's always been good at, which is Bruce Lee. We don't know what has been going on behind the scenes, but, maybe Arnie was given Indy as a side project while they negotiated with Enterbay over him doing Bruce Lee.

Indy falls by the wayside and two immaculate Bruces turn up, makes you think.....

Arnie has since proved his worth by doing for HT what he's always been good at, which is Bruce Lee. We don't know what has been going on behind the scenes, but, maybe Arnie was given Indy as a side project while they negotiated with Enterbay over him doing Bruce Lee.

Indy falls by the wayside and two immaculate Bruces turn up, makes you think.....


Nah, Arnie's only Bruce Lee sculpt with HT to date is the single MIS one HT will be flogging off as two figures. Indy could never be considered a 'side project' surely! :horror Kim did his thing for EB, but he's still on probation as far as HT goes :)
I meant 2 figures as opposed to heads. Still, HT seem much more keen on shouting about future releases than they do Indy. Maybe we'll see something at the SDCC (or has that been and gone), you never know. If the original prototype is shown there then that's what is coming out.

I meant 2 figures as opposed to heads. Still, HT seem much more keen on shouting about future releases than they do Indy. Maybe we'll see something at the SDCC (or has that been and gone), you never know. If the original prototype is shown there then that's what is coming out.


Maybe this'll give HT some ideas for future releases, ie make one head sculpt plus two costumes and sell them separately :lol
The grand irony of all this, is that if this figure was posted in the customs forum, and being sold for $700, people would be foaming at the mouth for it.

But because it's Hot Toys, people are nit-picking it to death.

If the custom was being produced by AKim or ArnieK there might be some nitpicking :)

Arnie Kim has a truckload of experience and has all the resources to hand that come with being on the HT team. People rightly expect a decent HS of Indy from him, but they haven't seen this yet.

Customs are always going to be more kindly received as they're most often produced by a one-man-show, and nobody wants to diss some artist who's doing the best they can and no doubt seeking to improve their craft. But yeh, I kind of agree that some of the customs I have seen are nowhere near worthy of their price tag, yet folks'll pay the money for even a mediocre rendition of a character they dig but has been ignored by the companies.

I wish I'd never discovered customs. Serang is bringing out what looks like a kickass W. Churchill and I just picked up one of Feng's Einstein sculpts. I didn't have the coin for Rainman's Dude or Xeno's 'Dexter' (uh, sorry, 'Miami Serial Killer').

Indy will blow everyone away. We'll see the revised HS and it'll be like the second coming. There'll be trumpets, cherubs, archangels, the whole bit :)

That is exactly right, and rightly so. HT is the gold standard of 1:6 figures and 99% of their output has been perfection. But Indy's been a disappointment from the first reveal. Just compare the Depps HT has announced since Indy. Those are exactly what one would expect from HT. There is nothing wrong with expecting perfection from HT--they themselves set the bar THAT high.

People are a little more forgiving with customs, like Lejuan said. We recognize that it's not a professional creating it, and we expect a bit of the artist's hand to show through. And usually the customs are of figures that are not available through any other means. So it's either that or nothing.

And I wouldn't worry about not getting your money back in the aftermarket. I'm sure this Indy won't ever drop below retail. It's extremely rare for any HT to drop below retail. And even if it does, it's usually only 10% or 20% lower. Nothing too drastic. Also, don't forget that a lot of HT figures' interest drop slightly soon after they've been released, only to bounce back up in prices. I was able to get the Iron Man MkI for $125 about a year after it was released, and now look at the prices! Same with Wolvie. I saw the prices hover right around its retail price for a good long time after it was out.

Chances are the initial disappointment in Indy won't last forever.

However, I'm still not buying it. It costs waaaay too much for all the faults it has, even beyond the headsculpt. I love my Sideshow Indy with the minor alterations I did and am perfectly happy with it.
People are a little more forgiving with customs, like Lejuan said. We recognize that it's not a professional creating it, and we expect a bit of the artist's hand to show through. And usually the customs are of figures that are not available through any other means. So it's either that or nothing.

This is what I don't understand. Customizers are able to PERFECT a figure, they have no limitations. Hot Toys has to deal with the limitations of mass production. What happens if you find the absolute perfect leather for Indy's jacket, but there's only enough to make 50 pieces?? I'd wager part of the reason Hot Toys' cost is so high is that they have to mass produce fabrics when an existing fabric doesn't exist in 1/6 scale.

A customizer has access to all the resources Hot Toys has, but none of the limitations. Hot Toys is limited by production factors and the licensor. What happens if Arnie Kim sculpted a bad-ass Ford, but Lucasfilm said "Eh, change the eyes a little bit, make the hat higher, we can't see his face". . . and now everyone says Kim sucks, but the truth is, he's just doing his job. The licensor has all the power. We've seen how a licensor makes things worse, i.e. the original Legolas and Mace Windu sculpts, the rejected Bespin Luke sculpt. A customizer has none of those restrictions.

A prototype IS a custom. The lines between professional and amateur are EXTREMELY blurred in this field. All the former 'amateur' customizers, Arnie Kim, Kojun, etc. are now Hot Toys employees, Silent Surfer and Small Studios, former custom re-painters are now Sideshow employees.

Rainman could take any of his figures to a factory and mass produce them. Kato could take any one of his outfits to a factory and say "Duplicate this". Spenser could send any of his sculpts to a factory and say "Make 500 of these". They'd just need $30,000 to start production.

Why be more forgiving for a customizer?? I saw that Kato glues magnets into his Joker vests and there's black marks where the glue dries, and it's an eyesore. For $200 or however much that vest is, it better be absolutely flawless. . . but if Hot Toys charges $200 for the whole damn Joker figure, and there's a black mark on the vest it's all pitchforks and torches.

Makes no sense. The argument is that people should be MORE forgiving for Hot Toys and harder on customizers. . . but, they're not because nobody wants to hurt an individual's feelings, but if it's a 'faceless' company, it's okay to tar and feather them. A customizer is 'making a living' doing this, but Hot Toys is doing it to make a profit, and 'profit=evil'
No offense to some customizers, but many are not in the same level as the sculptors and tailors working at HT and Sideshow. If they were that good, they probably would be working at HT or SS. Some are magnificent, true. Especially some of the painters on this board. Like you said, some here have graduated to actual freelancers for the company.

But to answer your question as to why be more forgiving to a customizer: it depends on their individual level. Forgive me that I'm not so familiar with the customizers on this board, so I'm just going to generalize. If the customizer is indeed at the HT/SS level, then yes, I think people would be picky. But if they consistently work at a level that's below HT/SS, then it's expected from that individual and thus people are more forgiving to the faults.

And so, since Hot Toys has consistently been above and beyond everyone's expectations, especially in the last year or so, we are going to criticize the hell out of them if they fall below their own level of brilliance.
All this is beginning to dampen my enthusiasm for the hatted one altogether, and I wish it wouldn't because I still have yet to finish my latest repaint.

I need something positive before I completely lose my mojo!

All this is beginning to dampen my enthusiasm for the hatted one altogether, and I wish it wouldn't because I still have yet to finish my latest repaint.

I need something positive before I completely lose my mojo!


Watch Crystal Skull to cheer you of the four!!!!!! :nana:
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