Super Freak
Looks perfect to me 

This thing fixed yet?
The grand irony of all this, is that if this figure was posted in the customs forum, and being sold for $700, people would be foaming at the mouth for it.
But because it's Hot Toys, people are nit-picking it to death.
Indy will blow everyone away. We'll see the revised HS and it'll be like the second coming. There'll be trumpets, cherubs, archangels, the whole bit![]()
'Figure will be improved' is what I'm holding onto right nowI'm not saying HT should necessarily be putting more effort into a DX release over their regular releases, but it does seem to me that where HT might get away with releasing a sub-par Wolvie and Dastan, they'd be very concerned that DX Indy turn out a winner.
Not only is this an iconic character and a DX to boot, it's also Arnie's Big Debut. They'll be giving him every chance to hit this out of the park, not just for his fans, but for their investment in securing his services in the first place. I hope.
Arnie has since proved his worth by doing for HT what he's always been good at, which is Bruce Lee. We don't know what has been going on behind the scenes, but, maybe Arnie was given Indy as a side project while they negotiated with Enterbay over him doing Bruce Lee.
Indy falls by the wayside and two immaculate Bruces turn up, makes you think.....
I meant 2 figures as opposed to heads. Still, HT seem much more keen on shouting about future releases than they do Indy. Maybe we'll see something at the SDCC (or has that been and gone), you never know. If the original prototype is shown there then that's what is coming out.
The grand irony of all this, is that if this figure was posted in the customs forum, and being sold for $700, people would be foaming at the mouth for it.
But because it's Hot Toys, people are nit-picking it to death.
If the custom was being produced by AKim or ArnieK there might be some nitpicking
Arnie Kim has a truckload of experience and has all the resources to hand that come with being on the HT team. People rightly expect a decent HS of Indy from him, but they haven't seen this yet.
Customs are always going to be more kindly received as they're most often produced by a one-man-show, and nobody wants to diss some artist who's doing the best they can and no doubt seeking to improve their craft. But yeh, I kind of agree that some of the customs I have seen are nowhere near worthy of their price tag, yet folks'll pay the money for even a mediocre rendition of a character they dig but has been ignored by the companies.
I wish I'd never discovered customs. Serang is bringing out what looks like a kickass W. Churchill and I just picked up one of Feng's Einstein sculpts. I didn't have the coin for Rainman's Dude or Xeno's 'Dexter' (uh, sorry, 'Miami Serial Killer').
Indy will blow everyone away. We'll see the revised HS and it'll be like the second coming. There'll be trumpets, cherubs, archangels, the whole bit![]()
And then we'll discuss that jacket....
People are a little more forgiving with customs, like Lejuan said. We recognize that it's not a professional creating it, and we expect a bit of the artist's hand to show through. And usually the customs are of figures that are not available through any other means. So it's either that or nothing.
All this is beginning to dampen my enthusiasm for the hatted one altogether, and I wish it wouldn't because I still have yet to finish my latest repaint.
I need something positive before I completely lose my mojo!