Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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It is forbidden that i can tell about production issues. Actually i don't know well. But i can say, hot toys had the best to do for Indiana Jones, and did best in order to satisfied to Lucas Film. I believe we can see best quality of Indiana Jones

I dunno... this sounds pretty good to me. He's right, he can't talk about production issues, but by stating - emphasising even - that 'HT want the best and did their best' suggests to me that there was discussion about the quality of the sculpt and that a revision was asked for. If this didn't happen, Kim would have most likely just left it at "I can't talk about it".
What concerns me is the pointed mention of having to satisfy Lucasfilm. Obviously, we all know Lucasfilm was gonna have some say in the final product (as well they should) but I can't help but be reminded of the SSC Mace Windu (and Bespin Luke for that matter) head sculpt debacle.

...And don't get me started on the Great Indiana Jones Stormflap Button Controversy. :thud: :wink1:

The Lucas camp is know to toss accuracy to the side from time to time when it comes to licensing products. Let's hope this isn't one of those times.
I'm starting to regret pre-ordering this figure- after seeing Jack Sparrow, I'd rather spend the money to pick up another Jack... I ordered with toys2 and I lose 10% of my money if I cancel my pre-order so Hot Toys better get their ass in gear and make it the best damn Indy on the market haha
I saw a pic of a Han Solo a while back, but can't recall an Indy sculpt?

Here ya go:

The 2004 looked all right from this angle:


and in this shot:


I see more of Harry in this old sculpt than his new one.
I'm starting to regret pre-ordering this figure- after seeing Jack Sparrow, I'd rather spend the money to pick up another Jack... I ordered with toys2 and I lose 10% of my money if I cancel my pre-order so Hot Toys better get their ass in gear and make it the best damn Indy on the market haha

Don't waste time on regrets 'til you see the next official pic :wink1:

Here ya go:

Ah, thanks. So AK has been around the Harrison Ford block a couple of times now, I'm surprised he botched his first attempt at HT.
Don't waste time on regrets 'til you see the next official pic :wink1:

Ah, thanks. So AK has been around the Harrison Ford block a couple of times now, I'm surprised he botched his first attempt at HT.

Agreed- I shouldn't jump to conclusions yet because I do have a lot of faith in Hot Toys, but I just hope that they unleash this baby and shut up all the dissenters like myself :lol
I hope your right. I didnt order this because of the sculpt. I dont have all the other criticisms that I ve heard others state like his outfit,gun holster, gloves etc. Those were all stupid arguments IMO. Except for how shiny the jacket is( which can be easily fixed) I really liked everything he came with. In fact I love it. Its just that damn sculpt! Im less forgiving when it comes to the likeness. To me thats where most of my money is going , having an incredible figure with an amazing sculpt of the character. Actually this is why I didnt really collect HT a few yrs back. I honestly didnt think they were all that. IMO HT has come a long way these past 3 yrs or so. Especially in the sculpt and paint dept.
To my mind, all this Indy business has spoilt the party altogether where HT are concerned.

We're scrutinising everything to the nth degree. Stuff we would have cooed over is now being jumped on because some tiny thing seems off. We just can't accept things as a whole anymore and it's just wrong. A load of work goes into every figure and Indy has made us look too closely and no figure, even stuff of HT calibre, can really hold up to it.

If Indy is revised I hope everyone will be satisfied and HT can rest easy, and we can go back to appreciating what we have.

With the exception of this figure, I'd say their attention to detail is a good as it's always been. We're over-analysing everything now, seeing things we otherwise wouldn't have noticed and finding fault with things we would have previously accepted.

Had Indy not gone so wrong we wouldn't have had anything to say about anything else.

We're over-analysing everything now, seeing things we otherwise wouldn't have noticed and finding fault with things we would have previously accepted.

I don't think so. Thor looks amazing, Odin looks amazing, Alice looks good minus her slightly weird face, hell even Barney Ross was a better figure than Indy appears to be. Even if Hot Toys didn't mess up Indy's face (which they did - painfully) they still have a weird-looking and wrong-coloured gun belt, shoes that look out-of-the-box, and a hat - perhaps the most iconic thing after his face - with the wrong pinch! I mean how can you justify these observations as us being nit-picky? They're obvious and they're wrong! Indy is not a complicated figure like some of the others that Hot Toys is releasing this year. If anyone is to blame its all you customizers with your amazing customs! You've made the rest of us gauge belt colour and shoes!

granted, if the face was even barely passable then I would likely buy the figure and replace the gunbelt, paint the shoes, and try and live with the hat. So there is something to be said, for me anyway, about the sculpt being the lynchpin of the figure.

Had Indy not gone so wrong we wouldn't have had anything to say about anything else.

And you're right, if they did it right the first time we wouldn't need to complain :D
SkyISscrape: The point I was making with the first part you quoted is that, as Indy is so bad, it's making us look more closely, perhaps too closely, at the other figures. We're noticing more flaws now because we go looking for them more than we did before Indy.

Nothing is going to be absolutely perfect, and neither might it have been on screen. Most of what we see on screen we don't get to see as closely as we can with a figure.

We were blown away by previous DX figures and thus our expectations were raised. Indy dashed them and we go looking for the bad points in every figure we see. If it carries on this way then no figure will ever be good enough.

We need to start being more accepting again, and if we don't like it then quite a few of us have the know how to make it the way we want it.

Just saw the Bruce Lee DX on display @ my local comic store. I gotta say the whole background display got me super psyched for Indiana! Can't wait for mo' pics!
It must be great to see them first hand.

The thing that gets me is that we're passing judgement on blown up photos. The discrepancies that show up in them will barely be noticeable on a 1/6 head. We're talking fractions of millimetres. I am of course referring to sculpts in general and not the Indy one.

It takes talent greater than mine to sculpt something realistic at that scale.

I hope they have the revised version on display at the Tokyo show. Plus, I still hope they have the Star Wars licence.

DUDE! sick avatar...

"What's the biggest, waimea?"

"ridden? - mcawha..."

"Bells beach australia..."

"Whoa... no way bells is bigger than waimea bro..."
Sorry for the Troll, fricken board of waiting for pics of this...

Yes I just got my DX04 and it does make me see what the potential for Indy is... and also that my Detolf will have to transform yet AGAIN to fit Indy
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