Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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To my mind, all this Indy business has spoilt the party altogether where HT are concerned.

We're scrutinising everything to the nth degree. Stuff we would have cooed over is now being jumped on because some tiny thing seems off. We just can't accept things as a whole anymore and it's just wrong. A load of work goes into every figure and Indy has made us look too closely and no figure, even stuff of HT calibre, can really hold up to it.

If Indy is revised I hope everyone will be satisfied and HT can rest easy, and we can go back to appreciating what we have.



I agree. Go check out the Superman thread. That thing looks amazing adb people are whining sooo bad. Its not 100% Reeves but its damn close. Im not the biggest Superman fan but I have love and respect for the original film and Im seriously considering that purchase. Same thing here people talking about the color of his gunbelt...really? Unless its purple or something whatever. Dont get me wrong Im not taking up for this figure when it comes to the sculpt its a huge disappointment
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I think comparing the HT reeve superman to the HT indy is totally an apples to oranges comparison.
-I think that the Reeve superman is passible for sure. Does it look exactly like the posted comparison pics of Reeve? no it doesn't, and that may or may not be a photographic oddity. The HT Indy on the other hand is a far worse likeness which is exacerbated by the fact that Indy seems to have the bigger draw of the two. There are many versions of superman ( whether involving Reeve or not), but there is only one Indiana Jones and they screwed it up royally.

-It is also worth noting that characters like Indy, and Jack Sparrow, etc. are the characters that probably bring in the most new HT customers. They are stand alone characters that appeal to a broad market, and are not part of a series necessarily. I mean have you ever heard any one say that Indiana Jones isn't awesome? A particular movie maybe, but most people love Indy. So this is a BIG release for HT for sure.

- Why are people still bumping this thread w/o updated pics? I dunno. I am doing one of my casual stops to see if there are updated pics, and then I read back a bit and find people complaining that other people are still complaining about HT Indy. That in itself is more irritating than those who complaining in the first place.

- I guess what it boils down to is 1) how big an Indy fan are you and 2) how much money do you think a good representation of the character should cost.

If you are even close to a hard boiled Indy Fan than this figure should not be good enough for you. period. Especially considering what HT is capable of and considering what a big release this is for them.
If $250 is not a big deal for you to shell out and/or you are just a casual indy fan who wants an Indy on their shelves then I can see why these people may say it is passable. These people seem to be at least acknowledging the fact that the likeness is off, but can deal with it.

Then there are those who seem outraged that people are upset with this likeness. These people are either the type that are skipping work and family-time to pray to the gods that are Hot Toys, or can't distinguish the difference between Harrison Ford and a hole in the ground, or they have never seen an Indy movie but have been told they are neato so this figure is very pleasing I am sure.

The only thing that can be said definitively is this: If HT changes the figure then the people that have been complaining about this figure spent their time well, and were right: it wasn't good enough. To get a company like HT to retool a figure like this after releasing the proto pics would be a big deal and a huge win for HT fans everywhere, regardless of whether or not they have interest in this particular figure because it means the customer still matters.
I think comparing the HT reeve superman to the HT indy is totally an apples to oranges comparison.
-I think that the Reeve superman is passible for sure. Does it look exactly like the posted comparison pics of Reeve? no it doesn't, and that may or may not be a photographic oddity. The HT Indy on the other hand is a far worse likeness which is exacerbated by the fact that Indy seems to have the bigger draw of the two. There are many versions of superman ( whether involving Reeve or not), but there is only one Indiana Jones and they screwed it up royally.

-It is also worth noting that characters like Indy, and Jack Sparrow, etc. are the characters that probably bring in the most new HT customers. They are stand alone characters that appeal to a broad market, and are not part of a series necessarily. I mean have you ever heard any one say that Indiana Jones isn't awesome? A particular movie maybe, but most people love Indy. So this is a BIG release for HT for sure.

- Why are people still bumping this thread w/o updated pics? I dunno. I am doing one of my casual stops to see if there are updated pics, and then I read back a bit and find people complaining that other people are still complaining about HT Indy. That in itself is more irritating than those who complaining in the first place.

- I guess what it boils down to is 1) how big an Indy fan are you and 2) how much money do you think a good representation of the character should cost.

If you are even close to a hard boiled Indy Fan than this figure should not be good enough for you. period. Especially considering what HT is capable of and considering what a big release this is for them.
If $250 is not a big deal for you to shell out and/or you are just a casual indy fan who wants an Indy on their shelves then I can see why these people may say it is passable. These people seem to be at least acknowledging the fact that the likeness is off, but can deal with it.

Then there are those who seem outraged that people are upset with this likeness. These people are either the type that are skipping work and family-time to pray to the gods that are Hot Toys, or can't distinguish the difference between Harrison Ford and a hole in the ground, or they have never seen an Indy movie but have been told they are neato so this figure is very pleasing I am sure.

The only thing that can be said definitively is this: If HT changes the figure then the people that have been complaining about this figure spent their time well, and were right: it wasn't good enough. To get a company like HT to retool a figure like this after releasing the proto pics would be a big deal and a huge win for HT fans everywhere, regardless of whether or not they have interest in this particular figure because it means the customer still matters.

Whoa! Thats alot of words! I wasnt comparing them and I was joking about the bumping the thread thing. And I agree thew likeness is completely depressing and I will not get it unless there is some serious changes to that sculpt.:( Im not sure if Id say Indy is the bigger draw of the two either and Im a waaaay bigger Indy fan than Iam a Superman fan. Im not even that big into Supes really but I like the mythos and that figure in particular.
Maybe he would've looked better if the fedora and head was one sculpt. For $250 they surely could include an extra sculpt, look at DX Joker? And he was nowhere near that expensive and had arguably the same amount of extras!
Im still in the same boat with the fact that I LOVE the DX Indy. Aside from the hat needing to rest a little lower on his head, Im very happy with what I see. And I have him pre-ordered anxiously awaiting to have him in my grubby little mitts! And for me thats all that matters!
So basically this entire thread is about the in-accuracies of the figure, but i'm curious as to the amount of people with concerns who still have the figure ordered.
Ya know there is literally no Indiana Jones figures I like. None. IMO all the Sideshow figures suck and dont look like Ford. I go through this every now and again, I go back and look at all the old Indy figs I remember coming out through Sideshow and for some reason hope I see something in them now that I didnt see then. I dont have any Indy figs and I want to like at least one of the ones that are out especially that I see them for something somewhat affordable. The only one that I actually think is worth picking up is Henry Jones from Medicom.:lol He actually looks a lot like Sean Connery.It could benefit from better paint apps but thats it. But I cant bring myself to have him and no Indy. Damn you Hot Toys you were my only hope! Now lets see a kick ass Indy for the ages!! *crickets chirping* Oh nevermind.....
Actually, the SSC Henry is better. Well, the HS and gear are better. I had to put them on a TT and hijack Indy's lower legs before I was happy.

The Medicom one is nice, but is more like 1/7th, and if you want 1/7th then get the Kotobukiya one!

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