For all those on this eternal thread who are dismayed/horrified by this figure, for those that abhor it, hate it, are disappointed by it, or merely unsure about it, then the answer is simple:
The rest of us are very happy to have the closest 1/6th Indy yet produced with loads of great accessories and are not concerned that it isn't actually a miniaturised living, breathing, Indiana Jones. It's a sculpt, an artwork and on top of that it's a TOY! Something to pose and put on a shelf!
It's not cheap, but then not much is in the latter part of 2011. You get what you pay for and let's face it $200 is a reasonable dinner with a decent bottle of wine! When someone can produce a better Harrison Ford sculpt I will be happy. I have one premium format Han Solo and four 1/6th and this is the best Ford sculpt BY FAR!
I am sick of the moaning, just accept that a lot of people have put an awful lot of work into this and all you armchair critics can do is despise....if you don't like it then don't buy it! SIMPLE!
And I have watched the video above and am even more stoked. It' s an excellent piece. So there!