Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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The eyes looks so deep in the face... I don't have any DX figure, Jack Sparrow will be my first one. So I'm worring about if every DX figure with PERS should look like that?

Thanks for sharing these with us OMG! :) You know what? Yes...The figure is not as good as it could have been. The likeness is off and the jacket looks weird (looks way too big, especially the collar).

Despite these issues, I actually like these two images. And I do see some Indy in there. Not sure if I'm happy about the price, but still...I do like it better than the proto.
Have to admit I need to see it in the flesh before I decide what side of the fence I go. At the moment it looks OK to me, some pics and angles look better than others, and a few pics do actually look not so good... but here's hoping.

I guess I'm a casual Indy fan, LOVED the first movie and the rest are OK.

I know its a big bone of contention, but I've spoken to paint app artists in the trade and folks I know who work on prestigious 1/1 scale sculpts and all agree that for some uncanny reason Mr Ford is hard to nail. The only one I've been convinced by so far is the KOTCS Medi version (I know I'm gonna get whipped for that one), but believe it or not quite a few folks (who's judgment I respect) agree.
I do want this as I still don't have a Raiders era figure, and I'm just praying it'll look better in hand. I find these things usually do.

Totally agree, but so is Christopher Reeve and the new figure pretty much nails him (well, 98%).

There have only ever been two decent sculpts of a young Ford - Trevor's Indy and, believe it or not, a cheap Hasbro 3 3/4 figure from ten years go (the first 'vintage' Han Solo). But I still think Yulli could nail the character if she was allowed to. I reckon this is like the V.1 Joker and we'll get a TOD tux version with a decent Yulli sculpt thrown in. They left it because they know they're going to do another one.
Still looks horrible imo

The sculpt looks nothing like Ford and the jacket is :yuck
Waited for pics for months. sat through a lot of hearsay and belly achin. These pics convinced me i didn't just burn cash. If you don't see Ford in this, you ain't lookin

I see a lot of Ford here and there but something just wrong. Paint job looks good tho. The material that use on the jacket had me worry.











Is not really that bad but for this price tag I regret getting it.
Re: Hot Toys Indiana Jones In Hand Pics

got a feeling when people get this in hand and pose it up properly there will be alot of humble pie being chocked on
WOW, that's totally it Josh, you nailed it! With that adjustment it looks like a great representation of a 1/6 RAIDERS Jones to me. It looks like HT had the same problem SS had with their Belloq...TOO MUCH JAW! :lol

THis is exactly where the sculpt needed retouching. It shouldn't have been too hard to do. FIx the nose, fix the jaw..

Oh yea great same pics posted over and over again. Thanks guys. Looks better with the hat on. Thanks for the great pics OMG
Long awaited OMG pics are here, and they just show in high definition how off the sculpt is :dunno

Great photography OMG but even that cannot save the likeness
It's David Beckham! It was bothering me looking at the pics, and then I suddenly realised.

Ford is sort of in there somewhere, the same as there's a labrador somewhere in the lineage of the stray mongrel that hangs around at the end of my street.
Jacket looks big but is the opposite, plus the muscle body = articulation sucks big time! :panic::panic::panic: and the material ...... Medicom nightmare.

Indy lack the WOW factor for me when open up a HT figure, specially an overprice DX.
Long awaited OMG pics are here, and they just show in high definition how off the sculpt is :dunno

Great photography OMG but even that cannot save the likeness

100% agreed. I think its easier to see now that the jaw needed refinement and the nose is way way off. My pic above shows what is needed.
So many people have already had their say but now the pics are out there. You don't like it then you should stop posting and go hit up another thread. Personally I think it looks awesome! And yes BEST 1/6 JONES EVER! Sculpt, paint, clothing.. You name it. Move along naysayers!
Long awaited OMG pics are here, and they just show in high definition how off the sculpt is :dunno

Great photography OMG but even that cannot save the likeness

100% agreed. I think its easier to see now that the jaw needed refinement and the nose is way way off. My pics below show what is needed to make it look right.


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