Super Freak
For some reason I see Jeff Goldblum in the sculpt
Major Eaton: What exactly is a headpiece to the Staff of Ra?
Indiana (as played by Jeff Goldblum): Welllllll.. uhhhhhhhh.. the staff is just a stick. I don't know, about this big. Nobody really knows for sure howwwwwwww... uhhhhhhhhh.. high. And it's...
[turns blackboard to blank side]
Indiana: it's, uhhhhhh... it's capped with an elaborate headpiece in the shape of the... well uhhhhhh... in the shape of the sun with a crystal in the center. And what you did was, you would uhhhhhhhh.. well take the staff to a special room in Tanis, a map room with a miniature of the city all laid out on the floor the whole thing, little windows and little streets and every detail ANDDDDDD.. if you put the staff in a *ahem* in a certain place at a certain time of day, the sun shone uhhhhhhh... welllllll... through here and made uhhhhhh... made a little beam that came down on the floor here... and gave you the exact location of the Wellllllllllll... of the uhhhhhhhhhh... of the Souls. Yeah, ghosts, spooky things. Spooky, spooky uhhhhhhhh... *ahem* ghosts.