Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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Have no idea why some folks(*cough*superman*cough) insist on staying on this thread dissing when they could be out there looking at free webcam porn.

Because I want Hot Toys to get the sculpt right the next time, if there will be a next time. Obviously the photographers of the sculpt are listening to me since they are covering the exact areas that are wrong with the sculpt now for almost every new shot coming out. This drastically makes it look better because our imaginations fill in the black shadows of the face with what Indy is supposed to look like. What amazes me is how simple a fix this would have been for Arnie had he been given the chance to get back to working on it.
This may or may not have been mentioned already, but has anyone else noticed something wrong with Indy's left nostril? If only someone would post a photo manip that corrected this, then we could be sure if that were truly the problem with this sculpt...

You got it all wrong- the upper whisker on the left side of upper lip is way too long- HF's is shorter!!!
I really don't think the photographers give a ____ about your drawrings. There were plenty of great pics prior to your spamming. Pestering us about it isn't going to make Hot Toys change anything.
Because I want Hot Toys to get the sculpt right the next time, if there will be a next time. Obviously the photographers of the sculpt are listening to me since they are covering the exact areas that are wrong with the sculpt now for almost every new shot coming out. This drastically makes it look better because our imaginations fill in the black shadows of the face with what Indy is supposed to look like. What amazes me is how simple a fix this would have been for Arnie had he been given the chance to get back to working on it.

Now you've done it:
I really don't think the photographers give a ____ about your drawrings. There were plenty of great pics prior to your spamming. Pestering us about it isn't going to make Hot Toys change anything.

I beg to differ. The proof is in the pudding. It is no accident that the collar is raised to meet the jawline, and that the shadow is so dark it covers the left side of the face in this and the two other pictures "bplus73" posted. The eyeliner look is still there, however take away what is wrong with the sculpt and it is perfect.

I beg to differ. The proof is in the pudding. It is no accident that the collar is raised to meet the jawline, and that the shadow is so dark it covers the left side of the face in this and the two other pictures "bplus73" posted. The eyeliner look is still there, however take away what is wrong with the sculpt and it is perfect.


Yeah, nevermind all of OMG's pics which showcase it quite well in spite of its flaws.
After sifting through pages of this thread, I am going to keep my PO. It is not perfect, but I think it is good enough to keep my pre-order. I see enough of Indy in the figure to keep it. Not a perfect HF, but enough of a representation of Indy. I have the SS Indy as well. It is not perfect either, but it was cheaper.
I have this on PO and already have the SS and Medicom Indys. IMO, this looks to be the best of the bunch. Is it perfect? No, none of them are, but IMO it's the best 1/6 Indy available.
those who complain are certainly not angry with those who like the sculpture of the face. They are angry with HT, for how treated as a myth of the cinema and childhood. That said I find it silly to do everything to justify the purchase, given that everyone does what he wants. It 'clear that consumers adopt strategies to push the manufacturer to produce better and at affordable price. But if we buy everything uncritically, at any price, then the manufacturer will stop worrying about the quality. The only weapon we have is the protest together. Foolish to attack one another. I think it might be okay to say that in all these months HT could do more than announce a thousand other initiatives. The insistence of many of us in the protest is due to the huge disappointment seeing a beautiful sparrow a perfect superman while Indy... I believe that HT should get a clear signal of discontent as with all other producers when they make a misstep. Too bad Indiana!
Yeah dude, you're right, it's all because of you.

Only the last 3 pics by metalsad were influenced by the flaws pointed out. OMG's took many shots from different angles and the best shot that came out of OMG was the one that hides the left side of the face. I take zero credit for the picture that fixes the nose or the jaw, that was another poster in this thread that created those. Overall it does have a 70% likeness which to some of you ranges from great to good enough. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things for this figure unless Hot Toys fixes the sculpt and sends the fixed one out for free to every buyer. That is not going to happen since it is close enough and does look good from certain angles as the new pics show. Plus I have praised every other aspect of this figure which makes for good parts. I also like the dynamic poses that have been shown, there are some really good photographers and artists doing these shots. Great job guys.

those who complain are certainly not angry with those who like the sculpture of the face. They are angry with HT, for how treated as a myth of the cinema and childhood. That said I find it silly to do everything to justify the purchase, given that everyone does what he wants. It 'clear that consumers adopt strategies to push the manufacturer to produce better and at affordable price. But if we buy everything uncritically, at any price, then the manufacturer will stop worrying about the quality. The only weapon we have is the protest together. Foolish to attack one another. I think it might be okay to say that in all these months HT could do more than announce a thousand other initiatives. The insistence of many of us in the protest is due to the huge disappointment seeing a beautiful sparrow a perfect superman while Indy... I believe that HT should get a clear signal of discontent as with all other producers when they make a misstep. Too bad Indiana!

Precisely. I keep posting that I am glad there are those who are happy with the sculpt. For those keeping it even though they see the sculpt is off, that is fine too because I think there are enough of us who have canceled and mentioned how we did not like that no attempt was made to fix the sculpt after months and months of everyone pointing out the flaws that we've made a difference for future sculpts. I have high hopes the next TOD Indy sculpt will have a perfect jaw and nose.
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Well, based on the ebay prices so far, I think I may be ordering this figure after all...

map room outfit = 36

which is great!

but...if I go with HT parts...

shoes = 35
bag = 35
body = 60
shirt = not up yet but probably another 20-25

that's $186-$191 already... and I didn't even figure out the price of bits like the JACKET if I want that or the GUN or... and that price on the Arab stuff is way low of course.

I know I could save a lot by getting a Dragon body instead but its always good to have one of the HT bodies around.
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those who complain are certainly not angry with those who like the sculpture of the face. They are angry with HT, for how treated as a myth of the cinema and childhood. That said I find it silly to do everything to justify the purchase, given that everyone does what he wants. It 'clear that consumers adopt strategies to push the manufacturer to produce better and at affordable price. But if we buy everything uncritically, at any price, then the manufacturer will stop worrying about the quality. The only weapon we have is the protest together. Foolish to attack one another. I think it might be okay to say that in all these months HT could do more than announce a thousand other initiatives. The insistence of many of us in the protest is due to the huge disappointment seeing a beautiful sparrow a perfect superman while Indy... I believe that HT should get a clear signal of discontent as with all other producers when they make a misstep. Too bad Indiana!

those who complain are certainly not angry with those who like the sculpture of the face. They are angry with HT, for how treated as a myth of the cinema and childhood. That said I find it silly to do everything to justify the purchase, given that everyone does what he wants. It 'clear that consumers adopt strategies to push the manufacturer to produce better and at affordable price. But if we buy everything uncritically, at any price, then the manufacturer will stop worrying about the quality. The only weapon we have is the protest together. Foolish to attack one another. I think it might be okay to say that in all these months HT could do more than announce a thousand other initiatives. The insistence of many of us in the protest is due to the huge disappointment seeing a beautiful sparrow a perfect superman while Indy... I believe that HT should get a clear signal of discontent as with all other producers when they make a misstep. Too bad Indiana!
- No bu NAGA!



Great post tho :clap
I think you are over analyzing and reading FAR to much into the pics. :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

I beg to differ. The proof is in the pudding. It is no accident that the collar is raised to meet the jawline, and that the shadow is so dark it covers the left side of the face in this and the two other pictures "bplus73" posted. The eyeliner look is still there, however take away what is wrong with the sculpt and it is perfect.

I have this on PO and already have the SS and Medicom Indys. IMO, this looks to be the best of the bunch. Is it perfect? No, none of them are, but IMO it's the best 1/6 Indy available.

Thank you- says it all!
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