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Harrison Ford is just a bastard.
As Grand Moff Tarkin once elegantly put it....
"This Bickering is Pointless!"
Question for those that have him in-hand: How are the PERS? Do they move fine? No concerns of it breaking like the DX01 or 02?
I wasn't aware there were problems with the DX02. I've seen many Jokers with crossed eyes, but no Batmen.
Well maybe I am ignorant to it because I checked out of this thread until production pics started showing up. From what I've observed there has been a lot more "it's not great but I can live with it" than "OMG it's awesome!"
I have this on PO and already have the SS and Medicom Indys. IMO, this looks to be the best of the bunch. Is it perfect? No, none of them are, but IMO it's the best 1/6 Indy available.
I kind of wish I had kept my PO after seeing some of the pics...I just canceled because admittedly it isn't as good as it could have been and with batman begins and supes shipping I figured I would save some pennies. It's still the best 1/6th Indy to date IMO but I'm hoping all of this negativity will lead to a better 2.0 I can pick up without the hesitation.
Oh, and I just love that if you don't bash the sculpt or say "it's okay, could be better but I can live with it" that apparently means you're "praising" the sculpt.How rich.
I think it
I can't belive how crazy this thread has gotten since I last saw it... If you really don't believe something is worth the price, then the best thing you can do is to not buy it, that sends a very clear message to the manufacturer. But people are already paying $100 for the headsculpt on ebay. Just because you see something a particular way, doesn't mean that everyone agrees with your way of seeing things.I've made my mind up (as have many others) so no amount of argument is ever going to change our opinions on that. People are buying this because they believe it's a great likeness to Indy and very much worth collecting. Sideshow starts shipping this on the 17th and no amount of rhetoric and hyperbole in this thread is going to change that.
He looks bloody amazing in these photos, so now I know for a fact that he's going to look 10X better when I get him and set him up the way I want. Can't wait to see him in his desert garb...
Well, I don't think it rocks, it's not one of Hot Toys' best efforts (especially lately) but because I find it acceptable and am happy to keep my order I might as well be saying "OMG! It's perfect! Best sculpt ever!" to some on here. And that's pretty pathetic, really. Wait, oops... I suppose it's "juvenile" of me to point that out.![]()