Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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OR I might wait and see if the price drops or a sale at GoHastings in like March.

I bet that there will be some great sales in the not too distant future. The only way I can see this figure sky rocketing in price is if people want to take advantage of all the great goodies it comes with, certainly not for the head.

Then again, who knows how many people actually preordered this. If Hot Toys produced these based on store orders and there's not many orders there might not be as many Indiana Jones figures as people think. Who knows.

I wouldn't worry though there's probably more Indiana Jones figures on the horizon. Perhaps some great ones. This figure will be yesterdays news one day. Either this negative reaction to the figure has turned Hot Toys completely off the idea of Indiana Jones or perhaps it has inspired them to churn out a great one. A version this one SHOULD have been.
I feel the exact opposite.

The seams are all noticeable and toy like. It's not just the hair, look at the neck. It's like Hot Toys didn't even try to make the head blend with the figure's neck. Compare that to their latest Reeve Superman which looks like it doesn't have a ball jointed head at all.

Then those eyes. They're so dark and lifeless, like a doll's. I don't know about texture, it seems okay as well as the paint. They're fine I guess. That doesn't mean jack though if the paint and texture is on an ugly, sub-par headsculpt. I really can't believe they green lit this sculpt with minimal changes (if any). That mouth is hideous and the proportions, horrible. Looking back at the spec pics, I almost prefer what how it used to look even though there isn't much change that I can see.

Those are fair points. I represent the collector that hasn't followed this stuff for that long. I pop into this thread and see the playing field as a fairly neutral party. I look at the group of 4 shot of existing 12 inch Indys and this one and I see the HT as the most attractive when posed the right way. The whipping action post could almost pass for a real person that looks sort of like Indy in a really good costume. I couldn't say that about previous 12 inch versions. I also don't know HTs other stuff and had/have no expectations based on how good or bad previous releases look. So does this look like Harrison Ford? No way. Does it pass for a guy that looks like Harrison Ford dressed like Indy? I think it does. Still not sure I'm a buyer though but I am watching some eBay auctions and would snipe something in the 175 range.

Collectibles companies must hate dealing with the human face. Its pretty hard to mess up a robot, alien, ringwraith, mangled zombie facial expression.
This fig is indeed sold out with some wholesalers just FYI. The guy I typically order HT figs from said he can't get it.

I'm pretty certain that doing a sculpt of a human face is much harder than anything like Iron Man or Preds.
Based on what I've seen Harrison Ford has got to be one of the hardest faces to get right. There are problems with all the sculpts from one-off sculpts, to SS, to Pfs and this one. But, the HT is the closest capture in my opinion. As a matter of fact, all the other sculpts of Indy I've seen on this thread don't even hold a candle to the HT sculpt.
I bet that there will be some great sales in the not too distant future.

I agree with this 100%.

Anybody who is on the fence would do well to wait, IMO. I imagine HT produced a ton of these. No doubt there will be lots available between customizers who just want parts, pre-order hype junkies, folks who really hate it in-hand, and the usual "I need to buy new Batman please take this ____ off my hands' threads.
I bet that there will be some great sales in the not too distant future. The only way I can see this figure sky rocketing in price is if people want to take advantage of all the great goodies it comes with, certainly not for the head.

Then again, who knows how many people actually preordered this. If Hot Toys produced these based on store orders and there's not many orders there might not be as many Indiana Jones figures as people think. Who knows.

I wouldn't worry though there's probably more Indiana Jones figures on the horizon. Perhaps some great ones. This figure will be yesterdays news one day. Either this negative reaction to the figure has turned Hot Toys completely off the idea of Indiana Jones or perhaps it has inspired them to churn out a great one. A version this one SHOULD have been.

If a lot of retailers end up breaking this figure down for parts, then it is likely that this figure will see its value increase one day simply because there will be so few left pristine in box. Plus I imagine few have been made to begin with.

I would imagine with the backlash early on that retailers were cautious with over-ordering. And HT probably was cautious with supply.

This fig is indeed sold out with some wholesalers just FYI. The guy I typically order HT figs from said he can't get it.

This would support my point. I don't think its selling out because its so popular, I think its selling out because there are so few.
I hope you'll get a chance at some point to get him- with all you get you can probably part him out, make good cash and keep what you need.

By the time I do the price breakdown for all the bits I want, map room gear and staff, plus the extra body, it might be more economical just to get the whole fig after all.

I really don't need the pedestal as I got that with SS Belloq, but almost everything else I could use for my bash and a Map Room Indy. So I may very well get this...but not really for its intended purpose.
I don't really see people saying it's just the photography that's throwing off the sculpt. The sculpt is flawed. It's just differing opinions of how flawed.

You said something earlier about the flaws looking worse in-hand. I would say that every figure I've ever bought looks better in-hand. So I would guess that anyone looking at these pics and still satisfied with the figure will be satisfied when they get it.

Mate, everytime someone posts a bad pic, certain fanboys here cry "it's the lighting, it's a crap pic, it's the flash" they are the same people who have been saying "it's the proto" "it's not the new sculpt" "wait for OMG's pics "wait for inhand pics" etc etc...

And regarding the figure looking worse inhand, I was refering to the excellent photo's by OMG and TIN in the last few pages which make the figure look it's very best. Their pics almost always show the figures in a stylized pumped up way.

Can I make a request to anyone standing up for this sculpt? Can you post or repost, 1 pic that you think makes the sculpt look great?
Then at least we can have a point of reference?

If a lot of retailers end up breaking this figure down for parts, then it is likely that this figure will see its value increase one day simply because there will be so few left pristine in box. Plus I imagine few have been made to begin with.

I would imagine with the backlash early on that retailers were cautious with over-ordering. And HT probably was cautious with supply.

Yep. Best thing to do now is watch ebay and see how some of the auctions go.
This fig is indeed sold out with some wholesalers just FYI. The guy I typically order HT figs from said he can't get it.

I'm pretty certain that doing a sculpt of a human face is much harder than anything like Iron Man or Preds.
Based on what I've seen Harrison Ford has got to be one of the hardest faces to get right. There are problems with all the sculpts from one-off sculpts, to SS, to Pfs and this one. But, the HT is the closest capture in my opinion. As a matter of fact, all the other sculpts of Indy I've seen on this thread don't even hold a candle to the HT sculpt.

Legendary that Ford is the hardest face to do..look at the 100 Hasbro efforts, SS, etc....
everyone used to say it was because Lucasfilm/Ford wouldn't grant perfect likeness rights- if that were true that would be interesting...doubt it though!!:rotfl
I don't really get you people...

Sure, that sculpt is subpar, buT....

-If this sells well (and in spite of what I've read, I'm sure it will), we'll get a TOD Indy.
-Now, the outfit, the accessories are numerous and great, and HT quality

-So why not getting this and upgrade it with the stellar HT TOD sculpt that will be released later? Ebay will sell it and we'll finally get the ultimate ROTLA Indy we've always wanted!!

'cause I don't see them making a new ROTLA soon, especially if sales aren't satisfactory. At best, we'll get TOD and no more...
At best, we'll get TOD and no more...

I think that's being very optimistic. Love to see it happen though, but I'm not going to spend $250 in the hopes that a year from now HT will make the sculpt I like.

Hell, a ToD Indy would come with everything you need anyway for a ROTLA version, so why even bother with this one if you think the next IS coming and WILL be better.

If HT does anything else from Indy's world, I hope they do Mola Ram.
Hot Toys will most likely do a Temple of Doom or a Last Crusades Indy and hopefully, it won't be a DX!

Also, lets hope Arnie Kim won't touch the sculpt...they should let Yulli do it, she is absolutely an amazing artist!
Mate, everytime someone posts a bad pic, certain fanboys here cry "it's the lighting, it's a crap pic, it's the flash" they are the same people who have been saying "it's the proto" "it's not the new sculpt" "wait for OMG's pics "wait for inhand pics" etc etc...

And regarding the figure looking worse inhand, I was refering to the excellent photo's by OMG and TIN in the last few pages which make the figure look it's very best. Their pics almost always show the figures in a stylized pumped up way.

Well maybe I am ignorant to it because I checked out of this thread until production pics started showing up. From what I've observed there has been a lot more "it's not great but I can live with it" than "OMG it's awesome."

I fully admit that I want to like this figure but I don't think it's blinded me. In fact I have wondered since the beginning why Arnie Kim has been regarded so highly for his previous Indy when I never thought that one was especially great.

For me it was the recent jacket-less pics that got me from I Dunno to I'm On Board. It evokes Raiders Indy for me, even with the so-so head.

I would rate this about the same as Wolverine. I know who it is, I see it from some angles better than others, but it's not anywhere near the voodoo-like creepy-real sculpts they have produced. I'm okay with that considering most Harrison Ford sculpts suck. IMO Trevor's Raiders PF head is the high water mark and even his 1/6 Raiders head doesn't compare, though a nice effort.

I don't get caught up in which figures "deserve" what. I don't think HT has any agenda outside of making the best figures they can. If it's a swing-and-miss it doesn't stir any anger in me. Not directing that at you, Rory, just the general :panic: that crops up whenever something starts generating negative buzz around here. And yes, I acknowledge that the hi-five and fist-pump supporters can be just as annoying. :lol Internetz. What can you do? :dunno




From toys daily.

LOL.. All these pics get rid of the left nostril being off to make the image look better. Heavy shadow on the left side of the face needed.. :clap And the top pic completely hides the left side of the jaw with shadow which is also what I and others pointed out was off.
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And again for those of you who need a refresher.

This is the regular sculpt unaltered. Left nostril is not at all like Harrison Ford, and jaw is too wide.

Fixed by drawing in correct nostril and smoothing out the jawline.

This pic removes exactly what is wrong with heavy black shadow, and guess what, problem fixed, it looks like Ford. Congrats. Get this figure home, open the box in daylight and you think...hmm, something is just not right, it doesn't look like him anymore.

But oh wait, it really looks like this
Hot Toys will most likely do a Temple of Doom or a Last Crusades Indy and hopefully, it won't be a DX!

Also, lets hope Arnie Kim won't touch the sculpt...they should let Yulli do it, she is absolutely an amazing artist!

I would love to see Yulli attempt this and I can't believe they won't do another one and exploit all the research they did for this one.

Is this the same Arnie Kim sculpt that he did years and years ago? I think it was displayed at SDCC around the time EB GoD v.1 was announced. I thought it was overrated then and (from memory) this reminds me of it.
So the problem with this sculpt is that pictures have been taken with flash? Therefore, if you look at this Indy in the dark, it is a perfect likeness of Harrison Ford.

Problem solved. :rock
And again for those of you who need a refresher.

This is the regular sculpt unaltered. Left nostril is not at all like Harrison Ford, and jaw is too wide.

Fixed by drawing in correct nostril and smoothing out the jawline.

I'm a big fan of that manip done by small_studios. I can overlook the nostril but the jawline clearly makes a difference. I think he may have shrunken the lips too.

I still hope someone will give this a try on their sculpt. Hell, if I end up getting this figure for parts maybe I'll donate my sculpt for the surgery.
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