Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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Re: New photos HT Indy

:lol :lol :lol :lol

you were kidding... right...


Not gonna happen...

It's going to be so funny when all the naysayers get their Indy and will love this figure... it's the same knee-jerk reaction I saw for IB Landa, Wolverine, Blade, Beat-It MJ, Mark IV, and every other HT release...

I don't recall any of them getting this much negative reaction. This really is a piece of turd. Looks nothing Rick O'Connell.
Re: New photos HT Indy

I don't recall the Mark IV getting hated.

Plenty of people criticized the likeness a lot...



I don't recall any of them getting this much negative reaction. This really is a piece of turd. Looks nothing Rick O'Connell.

:lol Ok that was funny...

They did get a lot of heat regarding the likeness, I just think in the case of Indy it's more of a "Sky is falling" over-reaction and lemming syndrome... constantly fed by a few characters here in order to either:

A) Profit from it, by offering re-paints and "accurate" accesories
B) Antagonizing to keep their board "persona" relevant...

All I'm saying is, that, of course the figure can be and will be improved, I agree that the price tag is also a bit too much... BUT, people are beating a dead horse IMO...
Wait for updated pics, or the release... I'm sure by now HT already got the message, constantly bashing every picture just make people look like jerks IMO...
I dunno. I see it the opposite way. Too many HT fanboys who were quick to call people apologists for forgiving the issues with Sideshow's $90 Indy have turned into hypocritical apologists themselves, but on a grander scale, given this figures issues are far more serious and the price is nearly three times as much.
I actually find the issues between the two figures fairly relative. The Sideshow figure is kind of a dud right out of the box, but at $90 (or less) it's obviously more forgivable. A better sculpt by Trevor, yes, but with that monstrous caked-on factory paint it's rendered moot unless you spend another $30-$50 on a good custom paint job.

The issues with the Hot Toys figure are well-documented, known and noted. But they're also being overblown, most likely because of the price (again... relativity). I await the tweaked sculpt (which even as stands I still say is the 2nd best Indy 1:6 sculpt yet) and see how they solve the hat fixture. Those are my two main nitpicks. And at the risk of being called a "HT fanboy" I dare say they've earned the benefit of the doubt when it comes to putting out the best, most detailed 1:6 products in the market... and even fixing things after the prototype stage.

There is an overwhelming amount of irrational blather in this thread from multiple sources. An excellent example of why I've ignored this site for a while now.

It's as if I escaped the island from Lord of The Flies and returned a few months later... you guys are even more uncivilized and whacked out now. :lol
I actually find the issues between the two figures fairly relative. The Sideshow figure is kind of a dud right out of the box, but at $90 (or less) it's obviously more forgivable. A better sculpt by Trevor, yes, but with that monstrous caked-on factory paint it's rendered moot unless you spend another $30-$50 on a good custom paint job.

The issues with the Hot Toys figure are well-documented, known and noted. But they're also being overblown, most likely because of the price (again... relativity). I await the tweaked sculpt (which even as stands I still say is the 2nd best Indy 1:6 sculpt yet) and see how they solve the hat fixture. Those are my two main nitpicks. And at the risk of being called a "HT fanboy" I dare say they've earned the benefit of the doubt when it comes to putting out the best, most detailed 1:6 products in the market... and even fixing things after the prototype stage.

There is an overwhelming amount of irrational blather in this thread from multiple sources. An excellent example of why I've ignored this site for a while now.

It's as if I escaped the island from Lord of The Flies and returned a few months later... you guys are even more uncivilized and whacked out now. :lol

Maybe we should send Agent05 a PM asking him to come in and give his 2 pesos. :huh:lol
Has he been on here at all recently? I'm pretty sure this site ran him away a year or so ago. :lol
Has he been on here at all recently? I'm pretty sure this site ran him away a year or so ago. :lol

He was back for a bit (had that Neo w/middle finger avatar to replace the Nolte one). People think we're insane with the amount of scrutiny, they have NO IDEA! :lol
Re: New photos HT Indy

Plenty of people criticized the likeness a lot...

It caught some. I don't know if I'd say a lot. The thing I would say with any Iron Man figure while getting RDJ sculpt right which they have with the last two (the mark IV after tweaking it) is that people mostly buy these figures to get the armor.
He was back for a bit (had that Neo w/middle finger avatar to replace the Nolte one). People think we're insane with the amount of scrutiny, they have NO IDEA! :lol

Oh yeah. He definitely goes over all things Indy with more than a fine-toothed comb. You should see some of his input on the 1:1 ARK project some of us at the RPF have been researching for a while. Nothing is ever perfect or accurate enough. :lol Dude does know his stuff, though. I'll give him that.
I actually find the issues between the two figures fairly relative. The Sideshow figure is kind of a dud right out of the box, but at $90 (or less) it's obviously more forgivable. A better sculpt by Trevor, yes, but with that monstrous caked-on factory paint it's rendered moot unless you spend another $30-$50 on a good custom paint job.

The issues with the Hot Toys figure are well-documented, known and noted. But they're also being overblown, most likely because of the price (again... relativity). I await the tweaked sculpt (which even as stands I still say is the 2nd best Indy 1:6 sculpt yet) and see how they solve the hat fixture. Those are my two main nitpicks. And at the risk of being called a "HT fanboy" I dare say they've earned the benefit of the doubt when it comes to putting out the best, most detailed 1:6 products in the market... and even fixing things after the prototype stage.

There is an overwhelming amount of irrational blather in this thread from multiple sources. An excellent example of why I've ignored this site for a while now.

It's as if I escaped the island from Lord of The Flies and returned a few months later... you guys are even more uncivilized and whacked out now. :lol

I agree it's relative, but I think the ratio between price and quality was closer with Sideshow than it is with HT. Yes HT's is a better figure than Sideshow's, but not nearly 3 times better, as the price dictates.

HT's outfit is not much more accurate to the real thing than Sideshow's was. Meaning perfectionists out there are going to still want a Sovereign Studios set to make it just right. So on top of $235, you still have to shell out for a new jacket, belt, holster, man bag, whip. Is that really THAT much better than Sideshow's? The only thing you'd save on is a new paint job and a new body.
Oh yeah. He definitely goes over all things Indy with more than a fine-toothed comb. You should see some of his input on the 1:1 ARK project some of us at the RPF have been researching for a while. Nothing is ever perfect or accurate enough. :lol Dude does know his stuff, though. I'll give him that.

:lecture:lecture:lecture No doubt. And at this pricepoint, most deserving of his critique.
I'm in the wait and see camp as well. In fact, odds are I won't be buying this at all. Not confident they will make any changes, and despite the fact that I'm just a casual 1:6 collector, likeness drives my purchases rather than the tons of accessories.

The hat looks better further down on his head, and it improves his overall look. But it's still not Ford and certainly not $235-$250 to me. I really hope HT improves this, but I'll just wait and see.
I just think in the case of Indy it's more of a "Sky is falling" over-reaction and lemming syndrome... constantly fed by a few characters here in order to either:

A) Profit from it, by offering re-paints and "accurate" accesories

wow... considering I am one of the very few that offer "accurate" accessories I imagine that obnoxious remark was fired directly at me... much appreciated... however your assumption is way off the mark... I think the heated criticism is more a result of Indy collectors being quite passionate about the missed possibility that could have been produced by a heavy hitter like HT... a year ago the mere suggestion that HT would make an Indy was like a dream come true for avid figure collectors and Indy fans... so there was such great anticipation in light of their other recent products.. I mean how on earth would HT fumble this of all licenses... so of course the reveal was a huge let down... if it wasn't there would not be over 140 pages of continual discussion over this... if it wasn't important the discussion would have stopped a loooong time ago... but obviously this is important.. ( in police work we call something that freakin obvious a "clue"...)... but anyhoo... just needed to chime in here to make sure my "persona" was still relevant...
I don't think HT has "fumbled" this just yet at all. And I'm as much of an INDY guy as anyone.

At worst, it's just another in a long line of punts the license has suffered (including from Sideshow as well. BTW, where's my god damned 1:1 Indy bust???). But even so it still promises to be the best 1:6 Indy we've ever had right out of the box (with of course its premium price tag).

I'm not calling this one yet. But some of you have definitely made up your minds 100%.
Mike, I wouldn't take offense mate. You've provided some very cool items to a lot of Guys ( myself included ) who wanted to improve their figures , but didn't have the skills. It was done for the love of the character - not for any personal gain.
HT Indy is still on my list, but i may change my mind.
Yeah, its probably not fumbled just yet. We know they tweak things but right now they're acting like Leon Lett in the Super Bowl and time is Steve Tasker about to catch him. :lol
What's funny is that the Medicom Indy was $150 and it's immeasurably inferior to this (yes, even the sculpt).

And I'm going on the record right now and saying that even if Hot Toys doesn't change a thing from the initial prototype shown (which they almost surely will, but still...) I won't be anymore disappointed with this figure than I was when I opened my Sideshow Indy. It will look better right out of the box. No question.

IMHO, the only rational argument those completely hating this figure have in their quiver is the premium price tag. But considering the $200 Daft Punk and $300 Luke figures from Medicom much, much worse travesties of over-value have been thrust upon this hobby lately. To say nothing of the prices of some of Sideshow's products, what with their ongoing (and tragically unnecessary) love affair with polystone.

In the end, I still say it's all relative. And that even includes the money. I'll buy this figure as-is for $219 and be every bit as happy as I am with some of my other recent purchases.
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