Mags wins for best Batman photos and posing
All your Batman shots have been incredibly impressive. Second to NONE!
Why thank you King! I'll have to try another pose some day...
Also imo, second to vodoun, MalFan and now Rorywan.


Mags wins for best Batman photos and posing
All your Batman shots have been incredibly impressive. Second to NONE!
Why thank you King! I'll have to try another pose some day...
Also imo, second to vodoun, MalFan and now Rorywan.
You can't watch a Warner Brothers movie without your Warner Brothers ball cap!
Why thank you King! I'll have to try another pose some day...
Also imo, second to vodoun, MalFan and now Rorywan.
Can US retailers start shipping this already!?!?!?!
I still say the base should have no logo at all. The DX Batman stands have a museum display quality and the small, metal name plate adds a touch of class, logos seem contrasting on them, they work on basic stands like Sideshow and HT MMS but not these.
Had to give it that premium look yesterday. Yellow should draw your eyes to the figure.
These were my first Batman figures of any kind, though based on comics, I viewed them like Adam West show figures because of the colors. I didn't have this Batman though.
So have we all decided? Is this the best 1/6th scale figure of all time?
I think it probably is.
I still think Sparrow is the better overall figure... even though Batman is supremely cooler and I'd get rid of Jack way before I'd even consider parting with Batman.
I will say this, the sculpt work on the cowl and face plates deserve a lot of praise. With Bale Bat figures, it seems like HT takes a close enough approach, but this figure shows a strong attention to detail and some amazing work on effects like making it look like the cowl is over a full head beneath. I am really blown away by how they gae the face plates that rough texture like Keaton, you can see it particularly in the Batwing sequence.