Hot Toys DX09 - BATMAN - Batman (Michael Keaton) - Specs & Pics

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I think... maybe... because it's... so c-c-cold... in Norway... this time.... of Winter. :lol


The cinematography of the '89 movie is my favorite in all of the Batman movies. The visuals are my favorite aspect of it, the suit, the batmobile, the lighting, I love it all, it's a shame the suit and cinematography changed so much in Returns.

I could not agree more with this.

And as usual Sean, great pics, love the tilted batarang throw one.
Another great set MaulFan.

What does this look like from the side or back? I find that when the cape is back over both shoulders there is so much cape back there that it just looks ridiculously piled up in back...
Incredible photos, Maulfan!

One nitpick I have is that he can't hold the spear gun like this,



I've tried and achieved nearly every pose from the film, except this and of course the arms folded look from the production shots. I think if the arms were thinner and not so bulky, it could work. I wouldn't have been against exposed elbow joints.

Still perfect though.
That is really disappointing to here, as that is one of two poses I was most likely to leave him in. I hate when Hot Toys advertises poses the figure can't actually make :gah:
I will never forget when this movie came out, all the Batman hype. I remember my local theater decorated itself like the batcave. This piece was a must buy.
Mags, king of custom poses, we salute you. :clap

MaulFan, what camera do you use for your photos, the Hubble Space Telescope :panic:

Your lense must be really long :panic:
Mags, king of custom poses, we salute you. :clap

MaulFan, what camera do you use for your photos, the Hubble Space Telescope :panic:

Your lense must be really long :panic:

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Maulfan needs to change his name to 'MaulFan, God Emperor of Sideshow Freaks Photo Taking!'

Maglor will be 'Maglorious Poses that you may Steal.'
Alright... so, how exactly are the rods suppose to go into a cape that is sewn shut??

I know this had been addressed briefly, but how many of you had capes that were not stitched shut?

And those that were stitched shut, how did you open the stitch?

And great posing there Maglor!!

Alright... so, how exactly are the rods suppose to go into a cape that is sewn shut??

I know this had been addressed briefly, but how many of you had capes that were not stitched shut?

And those that were stitched shut, how did you open the stitch?

And great posing there Maglor!!


Mine wasn't stitched all the way, but the hole was still too small. What I did was cut a small piece along stitching with scissors, so that the plastic rods would fit.

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