Yup, we all have our own views... I love doing reviews with my kids, and they have a blast doing them too. And I think our videos can be a beneficial thing for many other collectors too, and especially parents of collectors. Getting to hear what a kid thinks about such and such toys, which comics are or aren't appropriate for kids, getting involved in the hobby... All of that stuff, to me, is important, especially since we all sometimes forget that most of this stuff was originally intended for their age group in the first place. It might be nice to hear what they have to say about it now and then.
And just seeing a kid get excited about this stuff, as opposed to being plopped down in front of a Halo game? If I didn't have kids, I would love seeing that. I would love knowing that there is still some of the new generation that is as excited about this stuff as I was when I was a kid.
As for "posting my kids online"... I take great comfort in the fact that my son is entering his teenage years and still wants to do reviews of toys and comics with his Dad. The fact that my son WANTS to be seen with his father online? That he isn't embarrassed of me? He could be off wanting to do his own thing... Getting a cell phone, joining Facebook, etc. But nope. He just wants to do geeky reviews with me. I'll take that. I'll take every minute he is willing to give me... And if one of the things he likes doing is reviewing stuff, then heck yeah I'm doing it with him.
As for you questioning me again on why I posted this video online, I already answered that so I don't really know why you are addressing it again there?

The video gives him something to look back on. Nothing changes that. Posting it was to share the joy with others that knew about the whole deal too and to maybe give a nudge to other Dads to try the same. I am still failing to see the harm here that you seem to be viewing? Posting it doesn't diminish our experience... It is sharing it with others in hopes of spreading it.
Again, like you said- views are views. I have to say though that your initial reply in this thread came across a bit like "calling me out". Maybe not intended on your end (that is the internet), but reading it back again, it sure does seem like it.