Hot Toys DX09 - BATMAN - Batman (Michael Keaton) - Specs & Pics

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I'm with you 100% on this James!!! You're video was great. I filmed my son's reaction to optimus prime's death in the 86 movie, and am so glad I caught it on camera. Your reviews together are top notch too! Keep up the great work!
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Since you asked... Here is what I see as "calling out".

Stating this in this thread in reference to me implies that this is what I am doing. I am not "sharing my life online". We do toy/ comic reviews online. I posted a video of my son seeing Batman for the first time that I have referred to MULTIPLE times in said videos. That is it. I am not posting their first potties, them eating breakfast, bedtime stories, etc etc etc. Right off the bat, you take what I did to an extreme, regardless of what you intended in your statement.

Again- An implication that this is what I did. We shared this for 11 years. Talking about it, looking at videos, checking out cards & magazines, etc. We watched the movie with no camera on us "interview style". The only time the camera was on was for those brief bits you saw... Probably 5 minutes total. Your statement is implying we had no intimacy in this experience and it was simply a interview camera setup. Which couldn't be further from the truth.

Again- Stated in a response towards what I did with my son, this implies that I am in this group. You have no idea how much or little enjoyment we got from this, nor how much having the brief 5 minute video of it affected that (it had none btw). Yet you felt the need to throw this in as almost a judgement that it had a detrimental effect on our experience.

And yet again... Responding to the video with this comes across that we just shared this online and not in our hearts. Far, far from it. Sharing it online (I won't state those reasons a third time) in no way takes it from our hearts. That is just silly.

I did like the bit about "No offense Sallah" though... Kinda hard not too when your whole post is basically saying "you did this as a need for attention and can't possibly have enjoyed the experience since you shared it online". Yeah... None taken! :dunno

And even yet again, you state "I am just commenting on people's need to post everything online"... When you are saying all this to a guy that posted a video of his kid seeing Batman for the first time, this comes across as saying that is what I am doing in life. Which I am not. If you have a stance against that, fine. I too think it gets out of hand with many people... I don't believe I am anywhere close to that in what I did though and didn't warrant the soapbox moment from ya.


We all have our own opinions James. And we are entitled to them. Mine is that posting pics and video's of our children online in a totally anonymous medium is not a good thing. I put out a general opinion of mine which reached out far beyond commenting on your post (facebook junkies etc), of course your original video did spark the thoughts behind my post. In the post above you have personalised it all towards you, that was never my intention, but neither can I effect you reading and reacting to my post in any manner you seem appropriate.

As a father of two, I personally think it is wrong to post pics and videos of our children online. Unless it is specifically aimed at other family members. It is more dangerous and intrusive than many think.
Thats my opinion. Everyone is free to do whatever they wish. We form our own views based on experience and the world around us. This is mine.

I believe Difabio feels similarly, but perhaps he can expand his comment above..

Now if you want to continue the conversation further, than PM me.. Honestly.
This is the Batman DX toy thread, and I'm sure many others have zero interest in this conversation?
And I still think you seem like a cool guy and your videos are very sweet.
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Anyone know where can I get a custom cape to replace the HT one? I examined the material HT used and it's the same material they used for John Connor's jacket, T-800 jacket/belt/pants which deteriorates over time.

I'm afraid the cape will share the same fate. :(
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Anyone know where can I get a custom cape to replace the HT one? I examined the material HT used and it's the same material they used for John Connor's jacket, T-800 jacket/belt/pants which deteriorates over time.

I'm afraid the cape will share the same fate. :(

Contact Tony Meis on this forum. Check out custom interest thread. His custom cape thread should be on the first page.
I see it as sort of an online hobby photo album really.

It's not like Sallah is documenting his kids 24/7 and posting them up everywhere for all to see. No, he's making these great little Batman collection reviews that his kids seem to enjoy partaking in. If they didn't like it, I doubt they'd want to be on camera.

The only personal, personal moment that was shared was his son's reaction to finally seeing Batman for the first time. Not getting his wisdom teeth pulled, or surgery, birthdays, holidays a school outing, you know REALLY personal stuff. It's relevant because they do these great, in-depth toy reviews and have bought it up on occasion. It's BATMAN.

They'll be able to look back on youtube and say, "yeah, we did that, that was special". I never thought it was doing it for the sake of doing it for everyone to see, but sharing it for those that would be interested. The reviews are great for archiving and educating people that are interested in these lines first and foremost. I see no problem with it. There will probably be a day where they'll be like, "the hell with this, we're looking for girls" and that's it. Why not make the most of it while you can? They can see how you set up lighting, taking pics, learning how to use the camera, communication, you know, all that good stuff.

Now personally, I'd never post my family or anything online. I don't even have a facebook. But those reviews, the reaction to seeing a movie you're excited about seeing for the first time? I see no harm in it, I think that's great.

I'm with you 100% on this James!!! You're video was great. I filmed my son's reaction to options primes death in the 86 movie, and am so glad I caught it on camera. Your reviews together are top notch too! Keep up the great work!

Thanks guys... I appreciate the support! :hi5:

We all have our own opinions James. And we are entitled to them. Mine is that posting pics and video's of our children online in a totally anonymous medium is not a good thing. I put out a general opinion of mine which reached out far beyond commenting on your post (facebook junkies etc), of course your original video did spark the thoughts behind my post. In the post above you have personalised it all towards you, that was never my intention, but neither can I effect you reading and reacting to my post in any manner you seem appropriate.

As a father of two, I personally think it is wrong to post pics and videos of our children online. Unless it is specifically aimed at other family members. It is more dangerous and intrusive than many think.
Thats my opinion. Everyone is free to do whatever they wish. We form our own views based on experience and the world around us. This is mine.

I believe Difabio feels similarly, but perhaps he can expand his comment above..

Now if you want to continue the conversation further, than PM me.. Honestly.
This is the Batman DX toy thread, and I'm sure many others have zero interest in this conversation?
And I still think you seem like a cool guy and your videos are very sweet.

We do indeed all have our own opinions. I personally feel like children can enter the public eye if done in the right way... Can this be taken to extremes? Yes. Some of those beauty pageant shows are a great example of this. But done in the right way with the proper limits and boundaries, with a parent actively there the whole time? Sure. My son enjoys this and wants to do these reviews; It is a healthy hobby and one that he has expressed interest in pursuing on his own when he is old enough. I am there to support him and do it with him now though, making sure those boundaries of contact are in place. Simply put- If we all told our children "no, you have to stay away from the public", we would have no child actors, child athletes, young scholars in the public eye, etc. And as stated, those can go to an extreme... but the opposite is also true, where a child who has a passion can do wonderful things with the right support behind them.

Of course, this thread isn't the place to get into all of that. I agree. When I posted that Batman 1989 video in this Batman 1989 figure thread, I did it only because I thought there might be some fellow fans here my age that might get something out of it... I never dreamed it would be taken into an essay on how parents should or should not have their children interact with society, as this obviously isn't the place for that. I take responsibility for engaging in that portion of the conversation though, and for those that had to sit through all that, I apologize. No need for private messaging, as I feel I have said all I can on this whole thing.

And with that...

My mum found my old collection of TOPPS series 1 and 2 collectors cards, still in plastic sleeves and folder! Lol. I was so **** even as a kid about this collecting game! Lol.

They're all complete and mint too.

Also found the 'micro machine' style vehicles, Batmobile, Joker van and Batwing. Still mint on card!!!
My mum found my old collection of TOPPS series 1 and 2 collectors cards, still in plastic sleeves and folder! Lol. I was so **** even as a kid about this collecting game! Lol.

They're all complete and mint too.

Also found the 'micro machine' style vehicles, Batmobile, Joker van and Batwing. Still mint on card!!!

Nice, that's a great set to own. I've also got a complete set of all the Topps Batman cards from the Keaton films and the Fleer sets for the Kilmer one (I don't own one single Clooney card :lol). Buying packs of those Batman cards (with free gum!) from the local deli/candy shop was my first experience with "serious" collecting as a kid. I hated getting repeats of cards I already owned.
My mum found my old collection of TOPPS series 1 and 2 collectors cards, still in plastic sleeves and folder! Lol. I was so **** even as a kid about this collecting game! Lol.

They're all complete and mint too.

Also found the 'micro machine' style vehicles, Batmobile, Joker van and Batwing. Still mint on card!!!

I had the whole set of cards too! Had the same micro machines also. Internet fist bump.:hi5:

The marketing for this movie was pretty insane. Batman everything was everywhere!
Yup! No futz required whatsoever...



Here is a video I did on the original release awhile back-


DEFINITELY recommend getting one!
