Maybe its the figures you just happen to be looking for. You have to read the sellers description to know if its new or otherwise. Check everyday. Ive lucked out with many deals from the commerce section. In fact, if im looking for an older figure I usually always go through the boards. If Im really on the hunt for something I usually check every listing because what youre looking for may not always be in the title. As for seeing ebay prices, well, just watch and see if they even sell it. Some people have silly prices in their head and if they are selling as much as ebay then I see no point in buying from them. You should check everyday because if something nice goes up for a good price then it wont last long.
I actually look for displayed pieces, much cheaper. Of course it depends on the person Im buying from and what kind of shape its in. Always check the persons feedback score. It will tell you how much they've sold and whether they got a positive or a negative, buyers also get to leave ashort comment on the transaction itself.
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