Super Freak
You just can't take a bad photo of this figure can you! 

Got this a few weeks ago just not that impressed with it its just sitting in the box.
IMHO, it's one of the best figures HT has released so far. Except for the ugly cape, I think it's perfect.
Here is mine with my modded stock cape:
So basically I had the original cape which is fine but a pain to futz so I then invested in Tony's cape which was excellent and then one day farting about on eBay I seen that a seller from Italy was doing his own custom cape for the DX09.
I basically bought one along with the fellow freak Chev, as the more merrier I say and that was back in September, well today the cape arrived and it has impressed me.
It is not of the same quality of Tony's cape but it isn't far from it but it does match the suit colour better in my opinion.
The only two small nit-picks are that there a a few threads loose (easily cut off) and it seems to easily get finger marks on it.
Anyway here it is (not the best weather conditions here in Scotland today). Not properly futzed just thrown on. I will look at it more later -
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Looks interesting mate, do you have a linky? I have tried the obvious and all I seem to get is people trying to sell way overpriced DX09 figures, and other separates as parts.
Not a big '89 fan? Because that is literally the only way I can see someone not being thrilled with it.
IMHO, it's one of the best figures HT has released so far. Except for the ugly cape, I think it's perfect.
Here is mine with my modded stock cape:
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Looks interesting mate, do you have a linky? I have tried the obvious and all I seem to get is people trying to sell way overpriced DX09 figures, and other separates as parts.
Sidious, that cape looks awesome. Hope mine arrives soon.