I don't save pics much that other people take but I'm saving the one above.
....The seller is all sold out I'm afraid buddy. I could email them via eBay to see if the are doing another run for you?
Excellent pic and futzing! I see you took the wire out. That what I did. IMO that's the only way to go.
Brilliant photo & set up Ian - looks like the promo pic of Keaton!!![]()
Awesome buddy. Yeah doing the mod to the original cape is the way to go but I left mine stock and bought Tony's cape and another from Italy. If I had a spare cape I may do that mod one day.
That would be mega-helpful, if it's not too much trouble. I like the stock cape for what it represents, I have a Tony v1 cape, but I would also like another option if possible.
Thank you.![]()
I quite like that cape too, Sidious. Would be interested in one depending On the price if that seller makes more.
Yes, I removed the wire and the inner layer. The downside is the grey color inside but the way the cape hangs now makes up for it.
I'll wait for HT's Batman Returns to see if the cape is improved and can be used with 89 Batman.
Yes, I removed the wire and the inner layer. The downside is the grey color inside but the way the cape hangs now makes up for it.
I'll wait for HT's Batman Returns to see if the cape is improved and can be used with 89 Batman.
I have a feeling the Returns cape will be mire of the the same. But like you, I'm anticipating its reveal in hopes that they make a better cape.
What the hell is it with these companies anyway? Why can't they make a decent cape? Its so easy. I make my own capes and its dirt cheap to buy a length of fabric and cut it out, so I know they can do it for even cheaper by buying fabric in bulk. All the HT capes with the exception of the Keaton cape are crap. And even the Keaton cape had to be modded to hang naturally.. I hear EBs cape for their BB figure sucks too. What the hell.
Anyway, about the gray inner part of the cape- it sucks.Many people have tried different things and none are universally accepted as "the way" to darken it. Personally, I used black magic marker.
I believe Coco did too. I went over it about three times and it looks about as good as I think I'm going to get it. I did this several months ago and it doesn't rub off on the suit or anything. Others have tried dye, shoe polish(?), and watered down acrylic. Magic marker was the fastest and easiest I figured so I tried it.
I works for me.
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That Italian cape looks fine. Less dark and shiny than Toney Mei's and it seems to hang about the same way.
I don't have many hopes as for Batman Return's cape but seeing how fast HT's improves and how far this figure is pushed back...
I might try the marker. Thanks for the tip!
I dont like to post other's pic's but saw this was on FB 1/6 repubic a week or 2 a go and stealing the idea for a batcave display.
I had my sister print me out some of the joker pic's but was unable to shrink some of pics down so small and print for the smaller monitors
I just want thank who ever for the idea not sure if is a forum member here or not ,but A BIG THANK'S for the inspiration hope mine turns out half as good. I also found this pic yesterday may need to print some time.
Here's my thoughts about HT Keaton figure. Amazing likeness of Keaton, in general I just love it. But Batman's pers feels very fragile when moving or at least so I think. Also today I was to trying to change the pose (I don't do that often) and as I just touched the figure, the middle wing in the right gauntlet arm armor fell off. It's ok I will use glue to put it back in. The face part is extremely hard to remove. It seems like it has glue in the back instead of a small magnet. I'm afraid to use force to remove it.
FInally I tried to put him in the batmobile seat and it seemed almost impossible with this cape. Maybe with the canopy removed it would be much easier. I guess that the boots must be removed also?
For maybe 30 seconds I was looking at that thinking, "uhh, what did you photoshop/change"?
That Italian cape looks fine. Less dark and shiny than Toney Mei's and it seems to hang about the same way.
I don't have many hopes as for Batman Return's cape but seeing how fast HT's improves and how far this figure is pushed back...
I might try the marker. Thanks for the tip!
I dont like to post other's pic's but saw this was on FB 1/6 repubic a week or 2 a go and stealing the idea for a batcave display.